
Kendo UI for Angular

Angular PDF Export

  • Customize and export PDF files from HTML. Can be used on its own or integrated with other Angular components.
  • Part of the Kendo UI for Angular library along with 110+ professionally-designed components.
  • Includes support, documentation, demos, virtual classrooms, Visual Studio Code Extensions and more!
PDF Viewer
  • Create and Save PDF Files

    Kendo UI for Angular PDF Export allows you to export an entire HTML page or a section of it as a PDF file on the client side. The Angular PDF Export component comes with several features to customize the exported file, including scale the content to better fit on the page, customize the paper size, change the page orientation, work with templates and more.

    See Angular PDF Export Overview demo.

    Kendo UI for Angular PDF Processing - Overview
  • Styling Content

    By default, the Kendo UI for Angular PDF Export component will export the content of an HTML page exactly as it is displayed. To change the style of the exported content, the Angular PDF Export component allows you to apply custom CSS to the PDF output.

    See Angular PDF Export Styling Content demo.

  • Leverage hyperlinks to enable quick access to a website or a bookmark inside the PDF document. The Kendo UI for Angular PDF Export component will generate clickable links inside the PDF file.

    See Angular PDF Export Hyperlinks demo.

    Kendo UI for Angular PDF Export - Hyperlinks
  • Multi-Page Content

    With the Kendo UI for Angular PDF Export component, creating multi-page content is a breeze. Configuration options include automatic page breaks, preventing page breaks in elements, manually inserting page breaks and the ability to provide templates for the exported content.

    See Angular PDF Export Multi-Page Content demo.

    Kendo UI for Angular PDF Export - Multi-Page Content
  • Repeated Table Headers

    The Kendo UI for Angular PDF Export component can create repeatable headers that will be included on every exported page.

    See Angular PDF Export Repeated Table Headers demo.

    Kendo UI for Angular PDF Export - Repeated Table Headers
  • Image Resolution

    The Kendo UI for Angular PDF Export component allows you to adjust the original resolution of images in the output file to improve the performance and minimize export errors.

    See Angular PDF Export Image Resolution demo.

  • Hidden Content

    The Kendo UI for Angular PDF Processing library can generate content in a PDF file which is otherwise not visible to the user in the source document.

    See Angular PDF Export Hidden Content demo.

  • Base64 Strings

    Thanks to the integration with the Kendo UI for Angular Drawing library, any PDF generated by the Kendo UI for Angular PDF Processing library can be used to create a Base64 string.

  • Kendo UI for Angular Component Integration

    The Kendo UI for Angular PDF Processing component is integrated into several Kendo UI for Angular components, allowing for the export of several components to be handled with a single button click.

    See Angular PDF Export UI Component Integration demo.

All Kendo UI for Angular Components

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