
Kendo UI for Angular

Angular ListBox

  • Give your users a familiar way to select items from one list and move them to another.
  • Part of the Kendo UI for Angular library along with 110+ professionally-designed components.
  • Includes support, documentation, demos, virtual classrooms, Visual Studio Code Extensions and more!
ListBox Header
  • Move Items Between Lists

    The Angular ListBox is a common way to select, reorder, and move items. Combined multiple ListBox components to move items between lists with drag and drop or buttons. This is a common way to allow users to create a new list of items from an already existing list.

    See the Angular ListBox component


  • Toolbar

    The Angular ListBox includes a toolbar that allows you to move items up and down in a list, move them from one list to another, or delete them. You can add or remove items from this toolbar or delete them altogether.

    See the Angular ListBox Toolbar demo

  • Data Binding

    Just like all other components in Kendo UI for Angular, the ListBox is very flexible when it comes to data binding. Use the data-binding directive or bind data manually to local or remote sources.

    See the Angular ListBox Data Binding demo


    Data 0Binding
  • Item Template

    Rather than show items as plain text, use templates to adding images, layout, colors, and anything else you can imagine.

    See the Angular ListBox Item Template demo

    ListBox Item Templates
  • Globalization

    For applications that require support for multiple cultures, the Angular ListBox component has built-in support for updating internal messages to a different language and can be used in a right-to-left setup by setting a single attribute. 

    Learn more about the Angular ListBox Globalization  

    Listbox globalization

All Kendo UI for Angular Components

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Kendo UI for Angular - Kendoka