Kendo UI for Angular
v16.8.027 August 2024
Bug Fixes
- charts: zoom selection is aborted while dragging
- chip: add missing CSS class to the more actions element
- dateinputs: cannot enter date with kb when readonly is toggled
- dateinputs: steps and formatPlaceholder cannot be updated programmatically
- scheduler: recurrence until date is a day later
- textarea: control not reset using OnPush
- toolbar: overflowing items not set correctly
- treelist: icons in template trigger the expanded/collapsed state
- grid, treelist: add placeholders for string and numeric filters
Supported Themes
- @progress/kendo-theme-bootstrap: ^8.2.1
- @progress/kendo-theme-default: ^8.2.1
- @progress/kendo-theme-fluent: ^8.2.1
- @progress/kendo-theme-material: ^8.2.1
Current Devv16.8.0-develop.623 August 2024
Bug Fixes
- charts: zoom selection is aborted while dragging
- chip: add missing CSS class to the more actions element
- dateinputs: cannot enter date with kb when readonly is toggled
- dateinputs: steps and formatPlaceholder cannot be updated programmatically
- scheduler: recurrence until date is a day later
- textarea: control not reset using OnPush
- toolbar: overflowing items not set correctly
- treelist: icons in template trigger the expanded/collapsed state
- grid, treelist: add placeholders for string and numeric filters
Supported Themes
- @progress/kendo-theme-bootstrap: ^8.2.1
- @progress/kendo-theme-default: ^8.2.1
- @progress/kendo-theme-fluent: ^8.2.1
- @progress/kendo-theme-material: ^8.2.1
v16.7.114 August 2024
Bug Fixes
- dateinput: spinners update only the first segment
- daterange: throws error when popup is closed
- dropdowns: throw ng0100 errors in Angular 18
- multiselect: clicking on white space doesn't open the popup
- multiselect: nested valueField throws error when valuePrimitive is enabled
- textbox: unnecessary empty title attribute
Supported Themes
- @progress/kendo-theme-bootstrap: ^8.2.1
- @progress/kendo-theme-default: ^8.2.1
- @progress/kendo-theme-fluent: ^8.2.1
- @progress/kendo-theme-material: ^8.2.1
v16.7.08 August 2024
Bug Fixes
- chartwizard: all series option missing
- chartwizard: expansion panels are not expanded
- chartwizard: incorrect data tab rendering
- chartwizard: kendoChartWizardGridBinding injects grid
- chartwizard: scatter chart configuration
- chartwizard: selecting single column cells causes error
- chartwizard: add label format control
Supported Themes
- @progress/kendo-theme-bootstrap: ^8.2.1
- @progress/kendo-theme-default: ^8.2.1
- @progress/kendo-theme-fluent: ^8.2.1
- @progress/kendo-theme-material: ^8.2.1
v16.6.27 August 2024
Page Templates and Building Blocks
- Page Templates and Building blocks are now available as an add-on to Kendo UI for Angular. Check them out here -
Supported Themes
- @progress/kendo-theme-bootstrap: ^8.2.1
- @progress/kendo-theme-default: ^8.2.1
- @progress/kendo-theme-fluent: ^8.2.1
- @progress/kendo-theme-material: ^8.2.1
v16.6.16 August 2024
Bug Fixes
- chartwizard: peer dependencies missing charts
- grid, treelist: internal directive affects tables outside of the component
- menu: throws ng0100 error after clicking an item
- treeview: checkbox remains focused after interaction
Supported Themes
- @progress/kendo-theme-bootstrap: ^8.2.1
- @progress/kendo-theme-default: ^8.2.1
- @progress/kendo-theme-fluent: ^8.2.1
- @progress/kendo-theme-material: ^8.2.1
v16.6.05 August 2024
Page Templates and Building Blocks
- Page Templates and Building blocks are now available as an add-on to Kendo UI for Angular. Check them out here -
Bug Fixes
- editor: bump prosemirror-model to 1.22.2
- pivotgrid: scrolling header tables scroll the page
- chart-wizard: add chart wizard
- dateinput, datepicker, datetimepicker: add autoCorrectParts option
- migrate all packages to standalone
- pivotgrid: add virtual scrolling
Supported Themes
- @progress/kendo-theme-bootstrap: ^8.2.1
- @progress/kendo-theme-default: ^8.2.1
- @progress/kendo-theme-fluent: ^8.2.1
- @progress/kendo-theme-material: ^8.2.1
v16.5.024 July 2024
Bug Fixes
- calendar: range selection disappears on calendar mouse out
- dropdowntree: filter input focus lost when clearing input
- dropdowntree: persists applied filter after popup close
- editor: cannot insert table from the overflow tool dialog
- editor: error thrown when opening insert table tool popup
- grid: incorrect footer cells when group column is present
- menu: throws NG100 error when hovering in Angular 18
- charts: add keyboard navigation and RTL support for Sankey diagram
Supported Themes
- @progress/kendo-theme-bootstrap: ^8.2.1
- @progress/kendo-theme-default: ^8.2.1
- @progress/kendo-theme-fluent: ^8.2.1
- @progress/kendo-theme-material: ^8.2.1
v16.4.010 July 2024
Bug Fixes
- calendar: range selection doesn't navigate to month view
- charts: run-time error in Sankey Chart
- dropdownbutton, splitbutton: typo in list items tabindex attribute
- dropdownbutton, splitbutton: unnecessary aria-haspopup attribute
- dropdowns: kendo-searchbar tag causes incorrect rendering
- dropdowntree: filter input loses focus
- multiselect, multiselecttree: nvda doesn't announce selected tags
- multiselect: clicking on a chip doesn't open the popup
- scheduler: selection highlights ongoing events
- some custom attributes overwritten by default ones
- splitter: inconsistent behavior when resizing panes with no size set
- splitter: incorrect keyboard navigation in rtl
- splitter: pane size not persisted on expand
- splitter: splitter with multiple panes throws SSR error
- textarea: throws SSR error
- timepicker: label is not associated
- togglebuttontabstop: focus not managed properly in some scenarios
- maskedtextbox: allow setting custom aria-placeholder attribute
Supported Themes
- @progress/kendo-theme-bootstrap: ^8.0.1
- @progress/kendo-theme-default: ^8.0.1
- @progress/kendo-theme-fluent: ^8.0.1
- @progress/kendo-theme-material: ^8.0.1
v16.3.020 June 2024
Bug Fixes
- calendar: min-width is applied to calendar table
- dateinputs: clear button not visible with initial value
- dateinputs: unsupported character in code breaks production build
- dateinputs: respect dynamically updated input options
- datepicker: component not properly destroyed if the actionsheet is not closed
- datepickers: clear button does not clear value properly
- draganddrop: dragging results in text selection
- dropdowntree: esc does not close the popup if filter is enabled
- editor: focus method does not scroll component into view
- grid: all footer cells are rendered when using virtual columns
- label, floatinglabel: aria-labelledby added unnecessarily on native input elements
- scheduler: handle missing resources in kendoSchedulerSlotSelectable
- scheduler: moving series renders recurring events incorrectly
- slider: focus remains on incremend/decrement buttons after click
- stepper: focusable step initially missing visual indicator
- charts: drop dependency on HammerJS
- dropdownlist, dropdowntrees: spacebar opens the popup
- grid: enable sticky columns alongside column virtualization
- upload, fileselect: enhance a11y and kb navigation
Supported Themes
- @progress/kendo-theme-bootstrap: ^8.0.1
- @progress/kendo-theme-default: ^8.0.1
- @progress/kendo-theme-fluent: ^8.0.1
- @progress/kendo-theme-material: ^8.0.1
v16.2.05 June 2024
Bug Fixes
- calendar: changes activeRangeEnd when selecting same date
- contextmenu: appendTo not applied for all popups
- dateinputs, scheduler: some peer dependencies are not explicitly listed
- dateinputs: weekDaysFormat is not updated dynamically
- dialog, window: opening using routing throws error
- dropdowns: itemDisabled not working with virtual and grouped data
- dropdowntree: filtering causes expression changed after checked error
- gantt, listview: some peer dependencies are not explicitly listed
- multiselect, multiselecttree: nvda/jaws disable arrow keys
- multiselecttree: filtering causes issues with arrow shortcuts
- pdfviewer: some peer dependencies are not explicitly listed
- schedueler: slotClass is not applied to month view
- spreadsheet: incorrect focus when opening color tools dialogs
- menu: add appendTo property
Supported Themes
- @progress/kendo-theme-bootstrap: ^8.0.1
- @progress/kendo-theme-default: ^8.0.1
- @progress/kendo-theme-fluent: ^8.0.1
- @progress/kendo-theme-material: ^8.0.1
v16.1.023 May 2024
Bug Fixes
- checkbox: missing k-invalid class
- dropdowns, spreadsheet: add missing peer dependencies
- radiobutton: missing k-invalid class
- splitbutton: pressing Enter with JAWS on the toggle button doesn’t open the list
- splitbutton: the label of the toggle button label is not read in NVDA
- splitbutton, dropdownbutton: update aria-haspopup to true, update list and list items roles
- tabstopdirective: focus not returned to toggle button if popup was opened by it
- add support for Angular 18
- dropdownbutton, splitbutton: allow setting alt attribute on item images
Supported Themes
- @progress/kendo-theme-bootstrap: ^8.0.1
- @progress/kendo-theme-default: ^8.0.1
- @progress/kendo-theme-fluent: ^8.0.1
- @progress/kendo-theme-material: ^8.0.1
v16.0.014 May 2024
Bug Fixes
- appbar: incorrect spacer classes
- buttons: deprecate kendo-button and span[kendoButton]
- chip: unnecessary wrapper rendered when there are no actions
- conversational-ui: chat user name not rendered
- dateinputs, dropdowns, inputs: error when calling method in custom validator
- dropdowntrees: no data template displayed
- grid: header cursor is pointer when sortable is false
- grid: table has wrong role in non-scrollable grids
- pager: add missing class
- pager: remove unnecessary page size chooser class
- pdfviewer: avoid pdfjs vulnerability
- scheduler: missing CreateFormGroupArgs properties
- slider: missing drag handle class
- svgicon: set ChangeDetectionStrategy to OnPush
- tabstrip: scroll buttons not toggled when tabs are added or removed
- tabstrip: unnecessary aria-expanded attribute on tabpanels
- timeline: accessing DOM APIs trigger JS errors in SSR build
- timepicker, datetimepicker: "now" button not part of tab sequence
- toolbar: replace span[kendoButton] with button in buttongroup tool
- treelist: table has wrong role in non-scrollable treelist
- calendar: add range selection
- charts: add Sankey chart
- dateinput: add clearButton
- timeline: introduce component
- scheduler: Remove event argument from CreateFormGroupArgs
- timeline: adds @progress/kendo-angular-intl as peer dependency
- Angular 13 and 14 are no longer supported
- charts: adds @progress/kendo-angular-icons as peer dependency
- Starting with Kendo Themes v8.0.0, the new Color System is enabled by default, which introduces a new way of implementing and customizing the colors. For more details, please refer to the Migration Guide which can be found in the Progress Design System Docs.
Supported Themes
- @progress/kendo-theme-bootstrap: ^8.0.1
- @progress/kendo-theme-default: ^8.0.1
- @progress/kendo-theme-fluent: ^8.0.1
- @progress/kendo-theme-material: ^8.0.1
v14.2.19 May 2024
14.2.1 (2024-05-09)
Bug Fixes
- tabstrip: fix(tabstrip): incorrect hostbinding attribute name
Supported Themes
- @progress/kendo-theme-bootstrap: ^7.0.2
- @progress/kendo-theme-default: ^7.0.2
- @progress/kendo-theme-fluent: ^7.0.2
- @progress/kendo-theme-material: ^7.0.2
v15.5.018 April 2024
Bug Fixes
- autocomplete, dropdownlist: incorrect aria-activedescendent
- combobox: has incorrect aria-activedescendent
- editor: image resizing not working
- listbox: transferTo and transferFrom tools are swapped
- map: remove redundant wrapper element
- pdfviewer: pageChange emits current and previous page incorrectly
- pdfviewer: print preview page content scaled down
- pdfviewer: toolbar buttons lack explicit type
- scheduler: providing IntlService creates a separate instance
- timepicker,datetimepicker: closing popup throws attribute error
- add radiobutton component
- add checkbox component
- appbar: add primary themeColor
- dateinput, datepicker, datetimepicker, timepicker: add inputAttributes option
- dateinputs: set required attribute on focusable element
- dropdowns: set required attribute on focusable element
- inputs: set required attribute on focusable element
- multiselect, autocomplete, combobox, multicolumncombobox: add inputAttributes option
- textarea, numerictextbox, maskedtextbox: add inputAttributes option
- textbox: add inputAttributes option
- upload: set required attribute on input
Supported Themes
- @progress/kendo-theme-bootstrap: ^7.2.1
- @progress/kendo-theme-default: ^7.2.1
- @progress/kendo-theme-fluent: ^7.2.1
- @progress/kendo-theme-material: ^7.2.1
v15.4.03 April 2024
Bug Fixes
- calendar: wrong week selection
- grid: horizontal scroll position is reset with virtual scrolling
- grid: wrong behavior when changing the sticky option dynamically
- icons: redundant icon content and classes updates
- spreadsheet: active sheet change event is not exported
- textbox: export InputType
- timepicker: incorrect tab navigation sequence
- watermark: banner renders incorrectly
- calendar, multiviewcalendar: add header and footer templates
- calendar, multiviewcalendar: add weekDaysFormat option
- datepicker, datetimepicker: add header and footer calendar templates
- datepicker, datetimepicker: add weekDaysFormat option
- dropdowns, buttons, dateinputs: allow including toggle button in the tab sequence
- rating: added item index to templates
Supported Themes
- @progress/kendo-theme-bootstrap: ^7.2.0
- @progress/kendo-theme-default: ^7.2.0
- @progress/kendo-theme-fluent: ^7.2.0
- @progress/kendo-theme-material: ^7.2.0
v15.3.020 March 2024
15.3.0 (2024-03-20)
Bug Fixes
- calendar: focused date is out of range
- grid: scrollTo method behavior discrepancies based on other settings
- multiselecttree: open, close, closed events don't emit in zone
- tabstrip: incorrect hostbinding attribute name
- grid: add expandAll and collapseAll methods for virtual grouping
- grid: add scrollToItem method
- grid: allow setting the table cells role attribute
- treelist: allow setting the table cells role attribute
- pivotgrid: add count aggregate
Supported Themes
- @progress/kendo-theme-bootstrap: ^7.2.0
- @progress/kendo-theme-default: ^7.2.0
- @progress/kendo-theme-fluent: ^7.2.0
- @progress/kendo-theme-material: ^7.2.0
v15.2.013 March 2024
15.2.0 (2024-03-13)
Bug Fixes
- datepicker, datetimepicker: throws expressionChangedAfterViewChecked
- datetimepicker: programmatically reset min and max
- dropdowntree: value does not get updated programmatically
- editor: does not apply overflow correctly when first rendered
- gantt: disabled FormControl is not visible in the editing dialog
- grid: pasted clipboard data is trimmed
- scheduler: 'show full day' doesn't render all events in timeline
- scheduler: reactiveEditing directive doesn't recognize the disabled state
- scheduler: year view start range
- dateinputs: allow value to be nullable
- pivotgrid: add cell templates
- rating: introduce component
- scheduler: allow hiding the all day slot
Supported Themes
- @progress/kendo-theme-bootstrap: ^7.2.0
- @progress/kendo-theme-default: ^7.2.0
- @progress/kendo-theme-fluent: ^7.2.0
- @progress/kendo-theme-material: ^7.2.0
v15.1.022 February 2024
15.1.0 (2024-02-22)
Bug Fixes
- charts: 100% stacked bar is rendered as separate stacks
- draganddrop: onDragEnter emits multiple consecutive times
- dropdownlist: arrow does not render when loading
- dropdowntrees: no data is displayed when filtering
- filter: editors lose focus with two-way binding
- formcontrols: add k-readonly class to readonly component wrappers
- grid, treelist: editing directive throws error with route guards
- grid: click toggles last column in column chooser
- grid: interacting with navigable grid breaks focus and selection in non-navigable ones
- listbox: clicking on a focusable element causes an error
- maskedtextbox: reset mask not persisted when resetting the value through form
- maskedtextbox: unnecessary valueChange emitted; cursor jumps to end
- maskedtextbox: value is not updated when control is patched with undefined
- scheduler: calendar in kendoSchedulerToolbarNavigation is empty
- scheduler: recurrence editor radio buttons aren't checkable
- scheduler: some labels are empty in the recurrence editor
- textbox: kendoTextBoxSuffix/PrefixTemplate disappears
- calendar: add showOtherMonthDays option
- listbox: add noDataText message
- listview: add bordered option
- treeview: add uncheckCollapsedChildren property
Supported Themes
- @progress/kendo-theme-bootstrap: ^7.2.0
- @progress/kendo-theme-default: ^7.2.0
- @progress/kendo-theme-fluent: ^7.2.0
- @progress/kendo-theme-material: ^7.2.0
v15.0.12 February 2024
15.0.1 (2024-02-02)
Bug Fixes
- editor: update link in error message
- grid: clipboard actions ignore first column cells
Supported Themes
- @progress/kendo-theme-bootstrap: ^7.2.0
- @progress/kendo-theme-default: ^7.2.0
- @progress/kendo-theme-fluent: ^7.2.0
- @progress/kendo-theme-material: ^7.2.0
v15.0.030 January 2024
15.0.0 (2024-01-30)
Bug Fixes
- charts: legend title not visible in dark theme
- dateinputs: clicking on placeholder does not select first segment
- dialog: titlebar close button does not have explicit type
- pdfviewer: using special characters in search causes error
- scheduler: agenda view doesn't render arrows for mid tasks
- scheduler: agenda view renders all day events incorrectly
- scheduler: cannot navigate to all events after creating an event
- scheduler: cannot translate messages of datepickers
- scheduler: isAllDay not respected for events longer than 24 hours
- signature: component cannot be disabled through form control
- spreadsheet: destroying and recreating the component triggers error
- charts: add accessible description to the title
- charts: add ariaContent for series labels
- charts: add more trendline types
- charts: control legend display
- conversational-ui: introduce AIPrompt component
- dateintpus: make DateInputCustomFormatPlaceholder fields optional
- grid: add clipboard support
- numerictextbox, maskedtextbox, autocomplete, combobox, multiselect, multicolumncombobox: add inputfocus and inputblur events
- numerictextbox, maskedtextbox, autocomplete, combobox, multiselect, multicolumncombobox: add prefix and suffix templates
- panelbar: add itemClick event
- scheduler: add numberOfDays option to timeline view
- scheduler: add numberOfMonths option to timeline month view
- scheduler: add numberOfWeeks option to timeline week view
- scheduler: add year view
- conversational-ui: Adds @progress/kendo-angular-layout,
@progress/kendo-angular-icons and @progress/kendo-angular-inputs as peer dependencies
- scheduler: Adds @progress/kendo-angular-tooltip as a peer dependency
Supported Themes
- @progress/kendo-theme-bootstrap: ^7.2.0
- @progress/kendo-theme-default: ^7.2.0
- @progress/kendo-theme-fluent: ^7.2.0
- @progress/kendo-theme-material: ^7.2.0
v14.3.020 December 2023
14.3.0 (2023-12-20)
Bug Fixes
- conversational-ui: wrong attachments arrow button in rtl
- editor: missing insert table hint custom message
- grid: group footer rendered in wrong virtual column
- grid: row reordering triggers multiple selection
- icons: add kendo-svgicon selector
- icons: themeColor cannot be updated dynamically
- multiselecttree: item cannot be removed when loading on demand
- pdfviewer: bump @progress/kendo-pdfviewer-common version
- pdfviewer: some documents are rotated by 45 degrees
- spreadsheet: opened dialog has no content
- spreadsheet: rename action behaves inconsistently when hidden sheets are present
- spreadsheet: sheets not moved properly after hiding
- spreadsheet: wrong format tab title when configured through menuItems
- switch: setting onLabel/offLabel to empty string displays default label text
- spreadsheet: add cell context menus
- spreadsheet: add column and row headers context menus
- spreadsheet: add formula list max height option
- spreadsheet: add sheet hide and unhide menu options
- textbox: support input type password
Supported Themes
- @progress/kendo-theme-bootstrap: ^7.0.2
- @progress/kendo-theme-default: ^7.0.2
- @progress/kendo-theme-fluent: ^7.0.2
- @progress/kendo-theme-material: ^7.0.2
v14.2.029 November 2023
14.2.0 (2023-11-29)
Bug Fixes
- breadcrumb: resizing triggers error
- dateinputs: formatsettings do not allow all types
- dateinputs: locale does not update dynamically
- dateinputs: up/down key moves diagonally
- dropdownbutton, splitbutton: disabled item triggers itemClick event
- filter: remove errors when changing filters programmatically
- funnelchart: null exception when using tooltip format
- grid: pressing home/end on focused pager cause scroll
- maskedtextbox: export MaskingService
- multiselecttree: reseting dataItems in reactive forms
- pivotgrid: throws error when row/column axes are not present
- scheduler: multi week view doesn't render events in last day
- treeview: load more button cannot be localized
- dialog: add actions spacer settings
- scheduler: add major-time header template for the timeline view
- scheduler: add minor-time header template for the timeline view
- schematics: add angular 17 standalone support for grid, scheduler and chart
- schematics: handle ng add with angular@17
- spreadsheet: add align tools messages
- spreadsheet: add error handling
- spreadsheet: add increase and decrease decimal tools
- spreadsheet: add increase and decrease font size tools
- spreadsheet: add insert link tool
- spreadsheet: add merge tools messages
- spreadsheet: add vertical and horizontal align tools
Supported Themes
- @progress/kendo-theme-bootstrap: ^7.0.2
- @progress/kendo-theme-default: ^7.0.2
- @progress/kendo-theme-fluent: ^7.0.2
- @progress/kendo-theme-material: ^7.0.2
v14.1.08 November 2023
14.1.0 (2023-11-08)
Bug Fixes
- breadcrumb: resizing triggers error
- buttongroup: does not toggle focus class on disabled button
- buttongroup: incorrect focus set with shift+tab
- chiplist: incorrect keyboard navigation
- contextmenu: uses fixed position
- datepicker, datetimepicker: missing form label
- datetimepicker: input field not clearing on form reset
- default remove SVG icon overrides custom one
- dropdownbutton: incorrect itemClick event order
- dropdowns: does not open on click when wrapped in label
- dropdowns: enabling a disabled control doesn't update state
- dropdowns: formcontrol does not update on blur
- filter: change filter fields dynamically
- filter: displays incorrect editor
- filter: error when removing filter group
- gantt: incorrect timeline slot calculations with different locales
- grid: cell text editor does not appear correctly in Fluent theme
- multicolumncombobox: headers don't scroll when scrolling table content
- progressbar: incorrect percent format for certain max values
- rangeslider: width not decreasing upon resizing
- scheduler: only first row has k-middle-row class
- slider: drag handle positioned incorrectly in RTL mode
- slider: width not decreasing upon resizing
- splitbutton: incorrect itemClick event order
- splitbutton: main button not blurred when opening popup
- splitter: resize next icon incorrect styling
- timepicker: typing with initially loaded value not working
- treelist,gantt: wrong edit events data
- treelist: cell text editor does not appear correctly in Fluent theme
- treelist: incorrect colspan when nested group has multiple children
- treeview: checkbox renders an empty label
- Angular v17 support
- chart: add reloadTheme method
- grid: enable column menu template navigation
- pivotgrid: add chip menu reordering items
- splitter: add splitbarWidth option
- spreadsheet: add merge tool
Supported Themes
- @progress/kendo-theme-bootstrap: ^7.0.2
- @progress/kendo-theme-default: ^7.0.2
- @progress/kendo-theme-fluent: ^7.0.2
- @progress/kendo-theme-material: ^7.0.2
v14.0.117 October 2023
14.0.1 (2023-10-17)
Bug Fixes
- add missing angular/forms dependency
- icons: bump kendo-svg-icons dependency
- spreadsheet: missing excel export dependencies
- utils: drag leave event emits incorrectly
Supported Themes
- @progress/kendo-theme-bootstrap: ^7.0.1
- @progress/kendo-theme-default: ^7.0.1
- @progress/kendo-theme-fluent: ^7.0.1
- @progress/kendo-theme-material: ^7.0.1
v14.0.010 October 2023
14.0.0 (2023-10-10)
Bug Fixes
- charts: add index to SeriesPoint
- charts: incorrect trendline property definition in Series interface
- dateinputs: adaptive mode buttons submit form
- dropdowns: loading spinner changes component height
- editor: csp compliance errors
- icons: add new classes
- multiselect: select complex data with null value
- multiselecttree: doesn't remove correct itmes
- multiselecttree: incorrect items removed using tagMapper
- numerictextbox: add missing k-button-md class to spinners
- pdfviewer: internal component selectors are too generic
- tilelayout: reorder does not work when detection strategy is onpush
- treelist: export RowReorderService
- treelist: update icons rendering
- treeview: incorrect checkbox wrapper class
- charts: add trendline series
- dateinputs: add allowCaretMode option
- dateinputs: add autoFill option
- dateinputs: add autoSwitchParts and autoSwitchKeys options
- dateinputs: add enableMouseWheel option
- gantt: add current time marker
- map: add support for SVG icons
- spreadsheet: introduce Spreadsheet component
- map: The @progress/kendo-angular-map package adds a new peer
dependency on @progress/kendo-angular-icons
- dateinputs: The @progress/kendo-angular-dateinputs package adds
a new dependency on @progress/kendo-dateinputs-common
- dateinputs: remove obsolete and hidden autoCorrect public input property
- dateinputs: "HH:mm aa" format results in “hour:minute AM/PM” placeholder instead of “hour:minute AM”
- dateinputs: nearest segment, instead of the first: is selected on click inside the input
if the cursor is not over a particular segment instead
- dateinputs: selection is no longer persisted when value is changed dynamically
Supported Themes
- @progress/kendo-theme-bootstrap: ^7.0.1
- @progress/kendo-theme-default: ^7.0.1
- @progress/kendo-theme-fluent: ^7.0.1
- @progress/kendo-theme-material: ^7.0.1
v13.5.012 September 2023
13.5.0 (2023-09-12)
- dropdownlist, dropdowntree: click event propagation is stopped
- fileselect: focus and blur events not emitted correctly
- grid, treelist: sizing classes omitted in PDF export
- scheduler: start and end apply timezone
- tilelayout: update reorder logic to support relative component position
- timepicker: range validation with same minute min and max
- upload: clear and upload action buttons not working via keyboard
- upload: focus and blur events not emitted correctly
- add license validation watermark
- schematics: angular@16 support and simplified options
Supported Themes
- @progress/kendo-theme-bootstrap: ^6.7.0
- @progress/kendo-theme-default: ^6.7.0
- @progress/kendo-theme-fluent: ^6.7.0
- @progress/kendo-theme-material: ^6.7.0
v13.4.029 August 2023
13.4.0 (2023-08-29)
Bug Fixes
- charts: update kendo-charts to v1.31
- dateinput: dateinputcustomformatplaceholder interface is missing millisecond
- draganddrop: incorrect cursor style
- dropdowns: accessibility for grouped items
- filter: update keyboard navigation
- grid: column menu a11y compliance
- grid: expand not working without kendoGridExpandGroupBy callback
- grid: wrong prev and next pager buttons rendering
- grid: header and footer styles not respected when a column is sticky
- grid: scrolling issue with virtual columns and column menu
- grid: unexpected scrolling when hiding or locking a column
- grid: update @progress/kendo-drawing to 1.17.6
- scheduler: timeline errors using empty resources data array
- treelist: filter-cell-operators does not expose the column input
- breadcrumb: add size option
- charts: pyramid chart
- dropdowns: add showStickyHeader option
Supported Themes
- @progress/kendo-theme-bootstrap: ^6.7.0
- @progress/kendo-theme-default: ^6.7.0
- @progress/kendo-theme-fluent: ^6.7.0
- @progress/kendo-theme-material: ^6.7.0
v13.3.016 August 2023
13.3.0 (2023-08-16)
Bug Fixes
- actionsheet: csp compliance
- dateinputs: csp compliance
- dropdowns: add missing k-button-icon class
- dropdowns: csp compliance
- dropdowntree: popup closes on item click
- expansionpanel: incorrect wrapper aria-controls
- grid, treelist: column sort status duplication in JAWS
- pdfviewer: add PDFViewerTool export
- popup: menu popup repositioning in RTL mode
- textarea: overflowing content canot be scrolled
- upload: cannot upload empty file when chunk is enabled
- datepicker: add parentViewButtonTitle custom message
- datetimepicker: add parentViewButtonTitle custom message
Supported Themes
- @progress/kendo-theme-bootstrap: ^6.6.0
- @progress/kendo-theme-default: ^6.6.0
- @progress/kendo-theme-fluent: ^6.6.0
- @progress/kendo-theme-material: ^6.6.0
v13.2.12 August 2023
Bug Fixes
- chip: incorrect close icon size
- datepicker, datetimepicker, timepicker: destroying the component on mousedown throws
- draganddrop: onDrag event emitted when threshold is not reached
- draganddrop: onDrop event emitted inconsistently
- dropdownbutton, splitbutton: popup does not close when leaving viewport
- editor: update common package version
- filter: the default filter field is null
- grid: aria-rowindex rendered on wrong elements
- grid: column dragging indicators cause error in firefox
- grid: incorrect aria-owns attribute with locked and spanned columns
- grid: incorrect kb navigation with dynamically locked column
- grid: incorrect keyboard navigation with detail template and filtering enabled
- grid: redundant aria-owns with spanned and no locked columns
- listview: closeItem and editItem methods don't work in a subscription
- pdfviewer: canvas is empty on iOS devices
- pdfviewer: file select error event not emitted
- pdfviewer: iPad Pro not detected on Safari
- pdfviewer: text overlay misaligned
- scheduler: offsetPositionsFirst message for recurrence editor not read
- tabstrip: tab close button submits a form
- treelist: aria-rowindex rendered on wrong elements
- treelist: column reorder indicators cause error in firefox
- treelist: incorrect aria-owns attribute with locked and spanned columns
- treelist: redundant aria-owns with spanned and no locked columns
- treelist: typo in pdf component subscription
- treeview: child node checkboxes do not respect the size property
Supported Themes
- @progress/kendo-theme-bootstrap: ^6.6.0
- @progress/kendo-theme-default: ^6.6.0
- @progress/kendo-theme-fluent: ^6.6.0
- @progress/kendo-theme-material: ^6.6.0
v13.2.018 July 2023
13.2.0 (2023-07-18)
Bug Fixes
- charts: breadcrumb is not reset when setting drilldownLevel
- dropdownlist, dropdowntree: click event propagates
- filter: fix whitespace alignment for the expression operators
- gantt: header dates disregard locale
- listview: ng add does not install the package
- scheduler: date picker popup does not open in Safari on click
- scheduler: empty resources cause error
- switch: comply with latest a11y spec
- gantt: introduce timeline headers date formatting
- switch: add SwitchFocusEvent and SwitchBlurEvent
- treeview: conditional checkboxes rendering
Supported Themes
- @progress/kendo-theme-bootstrap: ^6.6.0
- @progress/kendo-theme-default: ^6.6.0
- @progress/kendo-theme-fluent: ^6.6.0
- @progress/kendo-theme-material: ^6.6.0
v13.1.028 June 2023
13.1.0 (2023-06-28)
Bug Fixes
- button: add ButtonComponent export
- dropdowns: adaptive mode buttons submit form
- dropdowns: adaptive mode close button submits form
- grid: filter-cell-operators not setting aria-label properly
- pdfviewer: passed zoom not reflected in zoomlevel chooser combobox
- scheduler: load more icon in month view not rendered properly
- tabstrip: identical tab ids
- treelist: memory leak in internal service
- icons: fallback to font icon when svg icon is not set
- pdfviewer: enhance document quality
Supported Themes
- @progress/kendo-theme-bootstrap: ^6.4.0
- @progress/kendo-theme-default: ^6.4.0
- @progress/kendo-theme-fluent: ^6.4.0
- @progress/kendo-theme-material: ^6.4.0
v13.0.313 June 2023
Bug Fixes
- charts: update imports from @angular/core
- grid: new records ignored when reordering rows
- grid: selection aggregates not calculated properly on shift click
- pdfviewer: ng add imports PdfviewerModule instead of PDFViewerModule
- pivotgrid: improve headers a11y
- scheduler: timeline slot template has incorrect date
Supported Themes
- @progress/kendo-theme-bootstrap: ^6.4.0
- @progress/kendo-theme-default: ^6.4.0
- @progress/kendo-theme-fluent: ^6.4.0
- @progress/kendo-theme-material: ^6.4.0
v13.0.27 June 2023
Bug Fixes
- pdfviewer: bump @progress/kendo-pdfviewer-common to v.0.1.3
Supported Themes
- @progress/kendo-theme-bootstrap: ^6.4.0
- @progress/kendo-theme-default: ^6.4.0
- @progress/kendo-theme-fluent: ^6.4.0
- @progress/kendo-theme-material: ^6.4.0
v13.0.16 June 2023
Bug Fixes
- stepper: does not render svg icon
Supported Themes
- @progress/kendo-theme-bootstrap: ^6.4.0
- @progress/kendo-theme-default: ^6.4.0
- @progress/kendo-theme-fluent: ^6.4.0
- @progress/kendo-theme-material: ^6.4.0
v13.0.06 June 2023
13.0.0 (2023-06-06)
Bug Fixes
- dateinputs: aria-controls aria-activedescendent not set
- dateinputs: close icon in actionsheet is focusable
- daterange: keyboard navigation improvements
- datetimepicker: wrong aria-haspopup attribute value
- datetimepicker: input is not focused after closing actionsheet
- draganddrop: container dragStart event is emitted twice
- draganddrop: container drop events emit incorrect drag target argument
- draganddrop: cursor style overridden
- draganddrop: dropDisabled value not respected
- draganddrop: update drag target cursor styling
- editor: pasting plain text does not work
- editor: toolbar tools state not updated properly
- editor font color not applied to the underline decoration
- grid: filter row navigation error with async data
- grid: resolve a11y issues
- label: clicking on a label associated with an upload opens it twice
- menu: add support for custom svg icon fields
- pivotgrid: chip menu not toggled with keyboard with svg
- scheduler: pdf export directive does not provide initial svg icon
- scheduler: wrong direction for svg arrow icons
- sortable: uses incorrect element with kendoDraggable attribute
- tabstrip: uses .k-content instead of .k-tabstrip-content
- tooltip: expose showAfter input in tooltip settings
- treelist: header does not gain focus on click with enabled sorting
- treelist: resolve a11y issues
- grid, treelist: add svg icons support for column reorder hint
- actionsheet: add titleId input property
- charts: add Drilldown support
- grid: introduce column menu tabbed interface
- grid: enhance SelectionEvent to allow range selection across different pages
- grid: introduce cell selection aggregates
- grid: introduce selection starting item option
- label: introduce labelCssClass and labelCssStyle options
- pdfviewer: introduce PDFViewer component
- treelist: add rows reordering
- icons svg has replaced font as the default icon type - see more details
- grid: @progress/kendo-angular-layout added as a peer dependency
- treelist: @progress/kendo-angular-utils added as a peer dependency
- charts: Adds peer dependency on @progress/kendo-angular-navigation
- draganddrop: DragTargetIdFn callback now accepts a DragTargetIdArgs object
- draganddrop: DragTargetDataFn callback now accepts a DragTargetDataArgs object
- draganddrop: drag event is renamed to onDrag
- draganddrop: drop event is renamed to onDrop
- draganddrop: dragEnd event is renamed to onDragEnd
- draganddrop: dragReady event is renamed to onDragReady
- draganddrop: dragStart event is renamed to onDragStart
- draganddrop: press event is renamed to onPress
- draganddrop: release event is renamed to onRelease
- draganddrop: dragOver event is renamed to onDragOver
- draganddrop: dragLeave event is renamed to onDragLeave
- draganddrop: dragEnter event is renamed to onDragEnter
Supported Themes
- @progress/kendo-theme-bootstrap: ^6.4.0
- @progress/kendo-theme-default: ^6.4.0
- @progress/kendo-theme-fluent: ^6.4.0
- @progress/kendo-theme-material: ^6.4.0
v12.1.017 May 2023
12.1.0 (2023-05-17)
- calendar: all titles are read
- calendar: aria-hidden is set on th
- datetimepicker: focus is not trapped in popup
- draganddrop: target initiates drag when handle selector is set but element is missing
- timepicker: focus is not trapped in popup
- treeview: accessibility errors when filterable
- treelist: add toolbar kb navigation
- treelist: pager a11y
- treelist: pager kb navigation
- treelist: toolbar a11y
- treelist: treelist a11y
Supported Themes
- @progress/kendo-theme-bootstrap: ^6.3.0
- @progress/kendo-theme-default: ^6.3.0
- @progress/kendo-theme-fluent: ^6.3.0
- @progress/kendo-theme-material: ^6.3.0
v12.0.14 May 2023
- listbox: kb navigation does not respect newly added items
- listbox: toolbar button click triggers form submit
- mark as compatible with Angular v.16
- pivotgrid: focus is not wrapped in the chipmenu
- pivotgrid: some configurator kb navigation shortcuts work on mac only
Supported Themes
- @progress/kendo-theme-bootstrap: ^6.3.0
- @progress/kendo-theme-default: ^6.3.0
- @progress/kendo-theme-fluent: ^6.3.0
- @progress/kendo-theme-material: ^6.3.0
v12.0.025 April 2023
Bug Fixes
- bottomnavigation: remove redundant aria-selected attribute
- breadcrumb, bottomnavigation: item svg icons not rendered
- breadcrumb: adjust a11y on items
- editor: possible xss attack on paste
- grid: cursor flickers during row reorder
- multiselecttree: arrow up skips focusing first item in adaptive mode
- scheduler: misaligned events
- scrollview: add role and aria-label attributes to pager buttons
- slider: remove redundant role on increase / decrease buttons
- tabstrip: closable SVGIcon not rendered
- toolbar: add aria-pressed on buttons in buttongroup
- autocomplete: adaptive mode
- combobox: adaptive mode
- dialog: update action layout options
- dropdownlist: adaptive mode
- dropdowntree: adaptive mode
- grid: add rows reordering
- multicolumncombobox: adaptive mode
- multiselect: adaptive mode
- utils: add DragTargetContainer and DropTargetContainer directives
- draganddrop: add DragTargetContainer and DropTargetContainer directives
- draganddrop: add dragData property
- draganddrop: provide a configuration for rendering default hint
- draganddrop: add mode option
- dialog: deprecated "normal" action layout option. Use the new "start" option instead.
- grid: @progress/kendo-angular-utils added as a peer dependency
- draganddrop: the allowedDragTargets option and AllowedTargetFn of the DropTarget directive are removed
- draganddrop: the normalizedEvent and hostElement arguments of the DragTarget events are deprecated. Please use the dragEvent and dragTarget options instead.
- draganddrop: the hintTemplate option of the DragTarget directive is now hint
- draganddrop: the link option of the DragTarget directive is now dragTargetId
- draganddrop: all DropTarget directive events now emit a unified event type DropTargetEvent
Supported Themes
- @progress/kendo-theme-bootstrap: ^6.3.0
- @progress/kendo-theme-default: ^6.3.0
- @progress/kendo-theme-fluent: ^6.3.0
- @progress/kendo-theme-material: ^6.3.0
v11.6.05 April 2023
- listbox: add rtl mode
Supported Themes
- @progress/kendo-theme-bootstrap: ^6.2.0
- @progress/kendo-theme-default: ^6.2.0
- @progress/kendo-theme-fluent: ^6.2.0
- @progress/kendo-theme-material: ^6.2.0
v11.5.05 April 2023
Bug Fixes
- actionsheet: elements with negative tabindex are focusable
- avatar: svg icons not rendered
- charts: do not scroll document on selection change
- charts: enable series highlight and tooltips with selection overlay
- colorpallete: change aria-activedescendant when focusing a cell
- common: add kendo-common dependency
- datetimepicker: isOpen returns undefined
- datetimepicker: kendo-virtualization has tabindex=-1
- datetimepicker: missing aria-label on kendo-timelist
- datetimepicker: missing aria-label on kendo-timelist
- floatingactionbutton: fix item roving tabindex
- grid, treelist, pager: update text color in page select element in material theme
- grid, treelist: invalid styling applied to textbox
- grid: footers misplaced when shown conditionally
- listbox: missing export of CustomMessagesComponent
- map: do not scroll document on zoom in FF
- pivotgrid: configurator checkboxes cause axe errors
- popup: changing position is not animated with script optimizations
- scheduler: .k-nav-curren submits form
- scheduler: accessibility errors
- signature: escape key doesnt always close signature popup
- signature: form is submitted when signature buttons are pressed
- textarea: horizontal resize does not work
- toolbar: emit close event when closing overflow popup with escape
- treelist: k-treelist-tbody-tr-expanded e2e rule fails
- treeview: load more button keeps spinning
- avatar: introduce imageAlt l10n message
- conversational-ui: introduce avatarAlt option
- listbox: add localization
- stock-chart: add navigator position option
Supported Themes
- @progress/kendo-theme-bootstrap: ^6.2.0
- @progress/kendo-theme-default: ^6.2.0
- @progress/kendo-theme-fluent: ^6.2.0
- @progress/kendo-theme-material: ^6.2.0
v11.4.015 March 2023
Bug Fixes
- actionsheet: triggerItemClick is triggered when using template
- dateinputs: inline styles violate CSP
- dateinputs: resize sensor not handled properly
- dateinputs: wrong import path
- datepicker: actionsheet closes when close event is prevented
- datepicker: actionsheet does not open from bottom
- daterange: selection in adaptive to work on accept
- datetimepicker: adjust behavior and rendering
- docs: revert chart overview articles
- editor: error when clicking tools after first row
- editor: textarea in the view source dialog does not expand properly
- gantt: missing space between the form fields in popup edit form
- gantt: popup edit form inputs do not get focused when their label is clicked
- grid: a11y compliance
- imports
- remove remove duplicate styles for actions
- upload: add type button to upload button
- actionsheet: add optional parameter to toggle method
- chiplist: add keyboard navigation and navigable option
- datepicker: enable adaptive mode
- daterange: enable adaptive mode
- datetimepicker: enable adaptive mode
- grid: add header grouping KB navigation shortcut
- grid: add kb shortcut for reordering columns
- grid: introduce kendoGridToolbarFocusable directive
- listbox: a11y compliance
- listbox: add keyboard navigation
- scrollview: a11y compliance
- timepicker: enable adaptive mode
- timepicker: handle resize sensor to close adaptive
- timepicker: open actionsheet on input click
Supported Themes
- @progress/kendo-theme-bootstrap: ^6.2.0
- @progress/kendo-theme-default: ^6.0.2
- @progress/kendo-theme-fluent: ^6.2.0
- @progress/kendo-theme-material: ^6.2.0
v11.3.01 March 2023
Bug Fixes
- buttongroup: incorrect focus behavior in Safari
- colorpalette: selected state is not persisted
- colorpicker: cannot tab between rgb inputs when opacity is false
- colorpicker: trap focus when gradient view is active
- draganddrop: dropping throws error
- drawer: should not render html element when no icon is provided
- dropdownbutton: open and close events are fired with toggle method
- dropdowns: improve a11y compliance
- menu, contextmenu: improve a11y compliance
- signature: error on maximize/minimize click
- signature: export signature with same dimensions when using popup
- signature: expression changed error when reading theme colors
- signature: focus minimize button on dialog open
- signature: move first tab stop to image
- splitbutton: open and close events are fired with toggle method
- splitter: wrong aria-orientation on splitbar element
- conversational-ui: a11y compliance
Supported Themes
- @progress/kendo-theme-bootstrap: ^6.0.2
- @progress/kendo-theme-default: ^6.0.2
- @progress/kendo-theme-fluent: ^6.0.2
- @progress/kendo-theme-material: ^6.0.2
v11.2.015 February 2023
Bug Fixes
- actionsheet: update HeaderTemplate rendering
- buttongroup: kendo-button content is not detected
- colorpicker: custom css properties are not set
- editor: adapt to ProseMirror transform breaking change
- editor: error when setting the same value in form
- editor: required form control not invalided when empty
- filter: format is not applied for new FilterExpressions
- filter: throws error after updating value dynamically
- grid, treelist, gantt: wrong k-table-alt-row class applied
- grid: clicking a partially visible row in a navigable grid does not select it
- grid: ColumnListComponent is not exported from the package (#318)
- icons: a11y compliance
- notification: a11y compliance
- scheduler: mismatched day of the week in month view
- splitbutton, dropdownbutton: icons are rendered twice in popup
- splitbutton, dropdownbutton: svg icons not rendered in list items
- toolbar: tools text not updated asynchronously
- toolbar: tools text not updated dynamically
- treelist: allow Enter to focus cell children in expandable columns
- actionsheet: add animation support
- actionsheet: introduce ActionSheetTemplate
- actionsheet: introduce cssClass option
- bottomnavigation: a11y compliance
- breadcrumb: a11y compliance
- gantt: add tooltipAriaLabel option, improved a11y compliance
- sortable: a11y compliance
- upload: a11y compliance
Supported Themes
- @progress/kendo-theme-bootstrap: ^6.0.2
- @progress/kendo-theme-default: ^6.0.2
- @progress/kendo-theme-fluent: ^6.0.2
- @progress/kendo-theme-material: ^6.0.2