
Kendo UI for Angular

Angular FileSelect

  • Easily manage files on the server, provide a file dop zone, allow users to select files and much more.
  • Part of the Kendo UI for Angular library along with 110+ professionally-designed components.
  • Includes support, documentation, demos, virtual classrooms, Visual Studio Code Extensions and more!
  • Select, Manage, and Store Files

    The Kendo UI for Angular FileSelect component provides a mechanism to manage and store local user files in the server. FileSelect builds on the functionality of Kendo UI for Angular Upload to offer you more control over the selected user files, when and how to upload them.

    See Angular FileSelect Overview demo.

    Kendo UI for Angular FileSelect - Overview
  • Forms Support

    The Kendo UI for Angular FileSelect component can be used in both template-driven and reactive forms.

    See Angular FileSelect Forms Support demo.

    Kendo UI for Angular FileSelect - Forms Support
  • Model Binding

    With Kendo UI for Angular FileSelect, you can bind the value of the component to the model in order to render an initial set of files in the Angular FileSelect.

    See Angular FileSelect Model Binding demo.

  • Disabled FileSelect

    When you need to prevent users from adding files, the Kendo UI for Angular FileSelect component can be disabled with a single configuration option.

    See Angular FileSelect Disabled FileSelect demo.

    Kendo UI for Angular FileSelect - Disabled FileSelect
  • File Restrictions

    You can restrict the files users are allowed to add to the Kendo UI for Angular FileSelect component by defining rules about the accepted minimum and maximum file size and file types and extensions.

    See Angular FileSelect File Restrictions demo.

  • External Dropzone

    The Kendo UI for Angular FileSelect component offers an external dropzone area where users can drag and drop files from their file systems to the Angular FileSelect. When this feature is enabled, the Angular FileSelect showcases a clearly defined area that lets the user know they can upload files by simply dragging and dropping them.

    See Angular FileSelect External Dropzone demo.

    Kendo UI for Angular FileSelect - External DropZone
  • Templates

    Leverage standard Angular templates to fully customize the upload experience and style the list of files selected by users.

    See Angular FileSelect Templates demo.

    Kendo UI for Angular FileSelect - Templates
  • Keyboard Support

    Interacting with the Kendo UI for Angular FileSelect can be done solely through keyboard navigation thanks to several built-in keyboard shortcuts for initiating the file selection dialog and more actions.

    See Angular FileSelect Keyboard Support demo.

  • Accessibility

    The Kendo UI for Angular FileSelect component is fully accessible, providing support for Section 508 and WAI-ARIA standards and is rated AA with WCAG 2.0.


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