
Kendo UI for Vue

Vue RadioButton

  • Build modern Vue forms with this easily styled and customized radio button component.
  • Part of the Kendo UI for Vue library along with 100+ professionally-designed components.
  • Includes support, documentation, demos, virtual classrooms, learning resources and more!
  • Overview

    The Kendo UI for Vue RadioButton goes beyond the HTML radio input by providing a customizable and richly styled component. This component is perfect for modern apps as it automatically applies that application’s theme, can be localized, and is accessible.

    See the Vue RadioButton Overview demo

  • Disabled RadioButton

    Use the Vue RadioButton to only show information simply by setting the “disabled” property to “true”.

    See the Vue Disabled RadioButton demo

    Vue Disabled RadioButton
  • Labels

    The Vue RadioButton can be associated with a HTML label element just like a regular input element, ensuring that the component can follow best practices for adding input elements to your Vue application.

    See the Vue RadioButton Labels demo

    Vue RadioButton Labels
Next Steps

Get Started with Kendo UI for Vue

Kendo UI for Vue - Kendoka