Kendo UI for Vue
The Kendo UI for Vue LinearGauge shows values on a linear scale, usually represented as one or several bars along with tick lines and labels to provide users with additional context. This gauge can be rendered in both horizontal and vertical modes.
To tell a great visual story, you can set multiple ranges and set a unique color for each range, allowing the rendered bars to dynamically change color depending on their value.
Values on the LinearGauge can be displayed along the scale in various shapes. This is usually a triangle but can be virtually anything. These pointers can be part of a collection, allowing for multiple pointers to be displayed on a single Linear Gauge.
While vertical is default, you can also display the Vue LinearGauge in horizontal mode.
Customize the Vue LinearGauge to match the context of your app and its data with configuration options for labels, ticks, ranges, and everything else related to the scale.
Thanks to built-in methods, you can export the LinearGauge to various formats, including images, PDF and SVG files.
All the Kendo UI for Vue gauges supports right-to-left rendering, message localization, and automatic local symbology and formatting. This ensures that they can fit into any globalization scenario.