
Kendo UI for Vue

Vue ExpansionPanel

  • Organize content on small screens in your Vue app in no time by adding an expandable and collapsible UI element with built-in animations.
  • Part of the Kendo UI for Vue library along with 100+ professionally-designed components.
  • Includes support, documentation, demos, virtual classrooms, learning resources and more!
  • A Fundamental Content Organizer

    The Vue ExpansionPanel organizes any content into a UI element consisting of a title bar and expandable/collapsible content. The content can be as simple as text or as complex as another Vue component, such as the data grid. This fundamental UI layout tool supports complex content, animations, custom icons, and much more.

    See the Vue ExpansionPanel demo

    ExpansionPanel Overview
  • Animations

    The Vue ExpansionPanel allows you to animate user interactions by adding expand and collapse animations. Developers have full control over this behavior, e.g., you can set the duration of the animation or disable it altogether.

    See the Vue ExpansionPanel Animations demo

  • Custom Icons

    The Vue ExpansionPanel includes arrow ions to indicate expand and collapse actions, but you can replace them with icons of your choice. Use icons from the Kendo UI for Vue Icons collections, Font Awesome, or the library of your choice.

    See the Vue ExpansionPanel Custom Icons demo

  • Accessibility

    The Vue ExpansionPanel is accessible by screen readers. It is compliant with Section 508 and provides full WAI-ARIA support, following its accessibility best practices.

    See the Vue ExpansionPanel Accessibility demo


  • Keyboard Navigation

    For optimal usability and accessibility, users can expand or collapse the Vue ExpansionPanel component using the mouse as well as keyboard shortcuts.

    See the Vue ExpansionPanel Keyboard Navigation demo


    Keyboard Navigation
Next Steps

Get Started with Kendo UI for Vue

Kendo UI for Vue - Kendoka