Kendo UI for Vue
The Vue TileLayout component is great for organizing information into dashboard-like views. It displays and aligns a collection of tiles into columns and rows. The tiles can contain static information from other Kendo UI components and are highly customizable. The TileLayout also allows end-users to rearrange and resize any of the tiles while giving the developer full control over the flow of the component during these events.
You can choose to allow or prevent users from reordering tiles using drag-and-drop operations. If you choose to allow them to drag and reorder tiles, Kendo UI for Vue TileLayout component will automatically reorder the rest of the tiles with autoflow. Additionally, you can programmatically reorder tiles.
You can choose to allow or prevent users from resizing tiles. If you choose to allow them to resize tiles, Kendo UI for Vue TileLayout component will automatically reorder the rest of the tiles with autoflow. Additionally, you can programmatically resize tiles.
The Vue TileLayout provides properties that make it convenient to format and configure various aspects of the component. These include:
The Vue TileLayout will automatically arrange items using an algorithm similar to the CSS grid-auto-flow property. It defaults to column, but you can change it to others such as row and dense.