
Kendo UI for Vue

Vue BottomNavigation

  • The Kendo UI for Vue BottomNavigation component gives users a convenient iPhone-style way to navigate apps on small screens.
  • Part of the Kendo UI for Vue library along with 100+ professionally-designed components.
  • Includes support, documentation, demos, virtual classrooms, learning resources and more!
The BottomNavigation component showing action buttons and status icons
  • Add a Bottom Menu Designed for Touch Screens

    The Vue BottomNavigation component is perfect for adding a convenient way for users to navigate between primary screens on touch devices. Typically used in responsive applications and Progressive Web Applications, bottom navigation places three to five items, consisting of text and an optional image, across the bottom of the screen where they are easily accessible.

    See the Vue BottomNavigation demo

    Bottom Navigation - Overview
  • Content Types

    The Vue BottomNavigation component can display its item as text, icons, or a mix of both. If you are using a mix, you can specify that the text be rendered above or below the icon.

    See the Vue BottomNavigation Content Types demo

    Bottom Navigation - Content Type
  • Positioning

    Positioning HTML elements can be tricky, but the Vue BottomNavigation component can be easily positioned through a single configuration option. Choose if the menu should be fixed and always remain at the bottom of the viewport or sticky and only remain at the bottom of the viewport after a certain position has been scrolled past.

    See the Vue BottomNavigation Positioning demo

    BottomNavigation - Positioning
  • Appearance

    Configuring the appearance of the Vue Bottom Navigation component is a breeze. Options like filling in each item with a solid color or just rendering an outline, as well as appearance options associated with success, warning, error, and primary and more common scenarios let you make the React Bottom Navigation component fit any design requirements.

    See the Vue BottomNavigation Appearance demo

    Bottom Navigation - Appearance
  • Routing

    The Vue BottomNavigation component's primary purpose is navigating between app screens. To make this as easy as possible, it can integrate with any routing library.

    See the Vue BottomNavigation Routing demo

  • Custom Rendering

    The Vue BottomNavigation menu is professionally styled by default but you can override or modify its styles to make it your own. You just need to use the item property. You can make customizations as simple as style and color or you can add other Kendo UI for Vue components. 

    See the Vue BottomNaviagtion Custom Rendering demo

    Bottom Navigation Custom Rendering
Next Steps

Get Started with Kendo UI for Vue

Kendo UI for Vue - Kendoka