Kendo UI for Vue
The Vue ListBox is a common way to select, reorder, and move items. Combine multiple ListBox components to move items between lists with drag and drop and/or toolbar buttons. This is a common way to help users move items between two or more lists.
The Vue ListBox allows users to select single or multiple items. This option is enabled by default, but it can be disabled.
The Vue ListBox allows users to move items from one list to another or reorder them via drag-and-drop interactions. You can choose to only allow this method of interaction or offer a toolbar as well.
The Vue ListBox doesn't need to be a boring plain text list. You can set item templates to control the formatting and layout of each item.
The Vue ListBox allows for any number of lists to be displayed and associated with each other through toolbars and drag and drop. This is particularly useful for tracking multi-step processes.
Like all other Kendo UI components, the Vue ListBox supports the globalization process. The component messages are organized for easy translation and the component will adapt to locales with the correct formatting and symbology.