UI for ASP.NET Core
The ASP.NET Core Window component is used to display content in an HTML window. By default, it can be moved, resized and closed. You can customize its actions, display it in an iframe., define its content as static HTML or load it dynamically.
Check out the ASP.NET Core Window Demo
The Telerik ASP.NET Core Window component allows you to have content appear in a movable, or modal window which can be maximized, restored and closed.
See the ASP.NET Core Window demo on Customizing Actions
The position of the Window component can be adjusted by using its API. Usually, it is preferred to center the control and open the Window upon button click. The movement of the window can be constrained inside a container element.
The Telerik Core Window component provides a way to browse external pages by setting a single property. This allows users to browse additional, external content while remaining within your application.
UI for ASP.NET Core comes with a complete server side API. With simple API calls designed to feel natural in server-side languages, you can configure all features of the Date and Time Pickers. Since the server wrappers output the JavaScript, you also have full access to the client-side API for maximum control in the browser.
You can place other HTML components inside the Window, such as Forms to provide an intuitive way for users to provide input and submit it to the server.
Check out the documentation article on Window Forms Integration
Add a window that can be used as a modal, be interacted with through maximizing or minimizing, anywhere in your application through a HTML-like syntax thanks to the Window Tag Helper.
The Telerik UI for ASP.NET Core Window component has several built-in themes and swatches you can chose from. Explore the Default (our own styling), Material (based on the Material Design guidelines), Bootstrap (which looks like the Bootstrap styling to integrate better) and Fluent (based on Microsoft Fluent UI) themes and choose the swatch that meets your design requirements.
If neither of the available themes and swatches satisfies your needs, you can easily customize them with a few lines of CSS or create new themes by using the Progress SASS ThemeBuilder application.