

React Timeline

  • Display a collection of events in a chronological order with the KendoReact Timeline UI component.
  • Part of the KendoReact library along with 100+ professionally-designed components.
  • Includes support, documentation, demos, virtual classrooms, learning resources and more!
React Timeline Header
  • Easily Showcase a Set of Events in a Chronological Order

    The KendoReact Timeline component enables you to display events in chronological order, making it suitable for showcasing company history or visualizing significant milestones. The component offers a horizontal and a vertical mode in which the events can be collapsed for a neat and structured view.  

    See the React Timeline Overview demo 


    TimeLine Overview
  • Layout

    With the KendoReact Timeline component, you have the possibility to render events either on one or on both sides of the axis. 

    See the React Timeline Layout demo 

    Timeline layout
  • Orientation

    The KendoReact Timeline component supports both a vertical and a horizontal mode. In the horizontal node, you have the flexibility to enable or disable scrolling. The vertical mode enables you to have collapsible events. 

    See the React Timeline Horizontal mode demo

    TimeLine Horizontal mode
  • Keyboard Navigation

    Enhance accessibility and productivity through keyboard-only navigation. The Timeline component includes keyboard navigation support, enabling users to navigate and interact with its items efficiently using only the keyboard. 

    See the React Timeline Keyboard Navigation demo 


    keyboard navigation
  • Events

    The KendoReact Timeline component exposes the following events to easily handle different actions: 

    • OnActionClick – triggered when a card action is clicked 

    • OnChange – triggered when a card is toggled 

    See the React Timeline Events demo 


All KendoReact Components

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