

React Tooltip

  • Easily add a popup with information that appears on a hover or click.
  • Part of the KendoReact library along with 100+ professionally-designed components.
  • Includes support, documentation, demos, virtual classrooms, learning resources and more!
Tooltip Header
  • Build Great UX with a Customizable Tooltip

    The KendoReact Tooltip provides a popup with information that is related to a particular UI element. The React Tooltip can be displayed when hovering over or clicking on an element.

    See the React Tooltip Overview demo

    Tooltip - Overview
  • Anchor Elements

    To ensure that any HTML element can show additional information, the KendoReact Tooltip allows the component to be displayed and anchored to any HTML element on a page.

    See the React Tooltip Anchor Elements demo

    React Tooltip - Anchor Elements, KendoReact UI Library
  • Positioning

    By default, the KendoReact Tooltip determines its position automatically by understanding the available space around the component when it displays on a page. To take control over where and how the React Tooltip displays, one can simply use the position property.

    See the React Tooltip Positioning demo

    React Tooltip - Positioning, KendoReact UI Library
  • Multiple Tooltips Configuration

    The KendoReact Tooltip is not limited to being displayed in one area of the same page. In fact, the KendoReact Tooltip can be used multiple times throughout a single React component, ensuring that any element that needs additional information can utilize a Tooltip.

    See the React Tooltips Multiple Configurations demo

    React Tooltip - Multiple Tooltips, KendoReact UI Library
  • Custom Rendering

    Out of the box, the KendoReact Tooltip has built-in styling that fits with the current theme that has been applied to the KendoReact UI components. For further customization with the look and feel, the KendoReact Tooltip has the ability for templates to be used to customize the content, look and feel of the Tooltip.

    See the React Tooltip Custom Rendering demo

    React Tooltip - Custom Rendering, KendoReact UI Library
  • Support for SVG Elements

    You can use the React Tooltip to create tooltips for SVG elements. This comes in handy when you have SVG graphics (for example, charts or maps) rendered on the page.

    See the React Tooltip Support for SVG elements demo

    React Tooltip SVG Element Support
  • Controlled and Uncontrolled Modes

    The KendoReact Tooltip supports both controlled mode, where the React Tooltip maintains its own state, and uncontrolled mode, where the state is maintained outside of the KendoReact Tooltip.

    See the React Tooltip Controlled and Uncontrolled Modes demo

  • Integration with KendoReact Components & Third-Party Components

    Since it is a very flexible component, the KendoReact Tooltip can easily be integrated into other KendoReact UI components, including components such as the KendoReact Data Grid or KendoReact Charts - as well as any other components or HTML elements in your React app.

    React Tooltip - Integration with KendoReact Components, KendoReact UI Library

All KendoReact Components

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