Popularized by mobile applications, the React Drawer component has become a staple as a navigational component for desktop and responsive web applications alike. The KendoReact Drawer component offers a navigation that can be permanently displayed, shown and hidden on command, and offers various styles for presenting navigation items.
The KendoReact Drawer component offers several display modes. This includes controlling if the React Drawer pushes content to the side as it expands or if it is displayed as an overlay on top of the content. Developers can also control whether navigation items are displayed with text and icons or just icons via the compact mini view.
Thanks to its position property, the KendoReact Drawer can be specified to be rendered in any position in relation to the page content.
Depending on your specific requirements, you can have both left and right drawers simultaneously, boosting your application's UI and making it more compact and user-friendly.
As the component will often be used for navigation, the KendoReact Drawer component can easily integrate into any router library and be passed the appropriate routes for each Drawer item.
The KendoReact Drawer enables developers to customize the content of each of its items by utilizing a custom renderer.
By default, the React Drawer component will be rendered on the left-hand side, but for applications that require right-to-left display, the Drawer can easily be rendered on the right-hand side.