

React Filter

  • Utilize an intuitive interface to build out complex filter descriptions.
  • Part of the KendoReact library along with 120+ professionally-designed components.
  • Includes support, documentation, demos, virtual classrooms, learning resources and more!
Filter Header
  • Help Users to Build Complex Data Queries

    The React Filter component provides an intuitive interface to build out complex filter descriptions. The component can tie into any existing data model and provide an ever-expanding list of parameters to be used as a part of the filter expression. Each filter parameter can be removed as easily as it was added, by simply clicking the delete action item. The underlying filter expression can be exported and used for your own data collection or can be applied to any data store bound to data bound KendoReact UI components and have them automatically filter their data sets.

    See React Filter Overview demo

    React Filter - Overview, KendoReact UI Library
  • Globalization

    As the KendoReact Filter component has many built-in messages, it can be important to ensure that these messages are localized properly. This is why every message contained within the UI component can be overridden to fit in to your user's desired language.

    See React Filter Globalization demo

    React Filter - Globalization, KendoReact UI Library

All KendoReact Components

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