kendo-list-font-family | var( --kendo-font-family, inherit ) | var(--kendo-font-family, inherit) | Default: var( --kendo-font-family, inherit ) Computed: var(--kendo-font-family, inherit) |
Description: The font family of the List components.
kendo-list-font-size | null | null | Default: null Computed: null |
Description: The font size of the List component, if no size is set.
kendo-list-line-height | null | null | Default: null Computed: null |
Description: The line height of the List component, if no size is set.
kendo-list-header-padding-x | null | null | Default: null Computed: null |
Description: The horizontal padding of the List header, if no size is set.
kendo-list-header-padding-y | null | null | Default: null Computed: null |
Description: The vertical padding of the List header, if no size is set.
kendo-list-header-border-width | 0 0 1px | (0 0 1px) | Default: 0 0 1px Computed: (0 0 1px) |
Description: The border width of the List header.
kendo-list-header-font-size | null | null | Default: null Computed: null |
Description: The font size of the List header, if no size is set.
kendo-list-header-line-height | null | null | Default: null Computed: null |
Description: The line height of the List header, if no size is set.
kendo-list-header-font-weight | var( --kendo-font-weight-bold, normal ) | var(--kendo-font-weight-bold, normal) | Default: var( --kendo-font-weight-bold, normal ) Computed: var(--kendo-font-weight-bold, normal) |
Description: The font weight of the List header.
kendo-list-filter-padding | k-spacing(2) | var(--kendo-spacing-2, 0.5rem) | Default: k-spacing(2) Computed: var(--kendo-spacing-2, 0.5rem) |
Description: The padding of the the List filter input.
kendo-list-item-padding-x | null | null | Default: null Computed: null |
Description: The horizontal padding of the List items, when no size is set.
kendo-list-item-padding-y | null | null | Default: null Computed: null |
Description: The vertical padding of the List items, when no size is set.
kendo-list-item-font-size | null | null | Default: null Computed: null |
Description: The font size of the List items, if no size is set.
kendo-list-item-line-height | null | null | Default: null Computed: null |
Description: The line height of the List items, if no size is set.
kendo-list-group-item-padding-x | null | null | Default: null Computed: null |
Description: The horizontal padding of the List group items, when no size is set.
kendo-list-group-item-padding-y | null | null | Default: null Computed: null |
Description: The vertical padding of the List group items, when no size is set.
kendo-list-group-item-border-width | 1px 0 0 | (1px 0 0) | Default: 1px 0 0 Computed: (1px 0 0) |
Description: The border width of the List group items.
kendo-list-group-item-font-size | null | null | Default: null Computed: null |
Description: The font size of the List group items, if no size is set.
kendo-list-group-item-line-height | null | null | Default: null Computed: null |
Description: The line height of the List group items, if no size is set.
kendo-list-group-item-font-weight | var( --kendo-font-weight-bold, normal ) | var(--kendo-font-weight-bold, normal) | Default: var( --kendo-font-weight-bold, normal ) Computed: var(--kendo-font-weight-bold, normal) |
Description: The font weight of a List group item.
kendo-list-sizes | sm: | "font-size":"var(--kendo-font-size, inherit)","line-height":"var(--kendo-line-height, normal)","header-padding-x":"var(--kendo-spacing-2, 0.5rem)","header-padding-y":"var(--kendo-spacing-0\\.5, 0.125rem)","header-font-size":null,"header-line-height":null,"item-padding-x":"var(--kendo-spacing-2, 0.5rem)","item-padding-y":"var(--kendo-spacing-0\\.5, 0.125rem)","item-font-size":null,"item-line-height":null,"group-item-padding-x":"var(--kendo-spacing-2, 0.5rem)","group-item-padding-y":"var(--kendo-spacing-0\\.5, 0.125rem)","group-item-font-size":null,"group-item-line-height":null | md: | "font-size":"var(--kendo-font-size, inherit)","line-height":"var(--kendo-line-height, normal)","header-padding-x":"var(--kendo-spacing-2, 0.5rem)","header-padding-y":"var(--kendo-spacing-1, 0.25rem)","header-font-size":null,"header-line-height":null,"item-padding-x":"var(--kendo-spacing-2, 0.5rem)","item-padding-y":"var(--kendo-spacing-1, 0.25rem)","item-font-size":null,"item-line-height":null,"group-item-padding-x":"var(--kendo-spacing-2, 0.5rem)","group-item-padding-y":"var(--kendo-spacing-1, 0.25rem)","group-item-font-size":null,"group-item-line-height":null | lg: | "font-size":"var(--kendo-font-size-lg, inherit)","line-height":"var(--kendo-line-height-lg, normal)","header-padding-x":"var(--kendo-spacing-2, 0.5rem)","header-padding-y":"var(--kendo-spacing-1\\.5, 0.375rem)","header-font-size":null,"header-line-height":null,"item-padding-x":"var(--kendo-spacing-2, 0.5rem)","item-padding-y":"var(--kendo-spacing-2, 0.5rem)","item-font-size":null,"item-line-height":null,"group-item-padding-x":"var(--kendo-spacing-2, 0.5rem)","group-item-padding-y":"var(--kendo-spacing-1\\.5, 0.375rem)","group-item-font-size":null,"group-item-line-height":null |
| Computed: (sm: (font-size: var(--kendo-font-size, inherit), line-height: var(--kendo-line-height, normal), header-padding-x: var(--kendo-spacing-2, 0.5rem), header-padding-y: var(--kendo-spacing-0\.5, 0.125rem), header-font-size: null, header-line-height: null, item-padding-x: var(--kendo-spacing-2, 0.5rem), item-padding-y: var(--kendo-spacing-0\.5, 0.125rem), item-font-size: null, item-line-height: null, group-item-padding-x: var(--kendo-spacing-2, 0.5rem), group-item-padding-y: var(--kendo-spacing-0\.5, 0.125rem), group-item-font-size: null, group-item-line-height: null), md: (font-size: var(--kendo-font-size, inherit), line-height: var(--kendo-line-height, normal), header-padding-x: var(--kendo-spacing-2, 0.5rem), header-padding-y: var(--kendo-spacing-1, 0.25rem), header-font-size: null, header-line-height: null, item-padding-x: var(--kendo-spacing-2, 0.5rem), item-padding-y: var(--kendo-spacing-1, 0.25rem), item-font-size: null, item-line-height: null, group-item-padding-x: var(--kendo-spacing-2, 0.5rem), group-item-padding-y: var(--kendo-spacing-1, 0.25rem), group-item-font-size: null, group-item-line-height: null), lg: (font-size: var(--kendo-font-size-lg, inherit), line-height: var(--kendo-line-height-lg, normal), header-padding-x: var(--kendo-spacing-2, 0.5rem), header-padding-y: var(--kendo-spacing-1\.5, 0.375rem), header-font-size: null, header-line-height: null, item-padding-x: var(--kendo-spacing-2, 0.5rem), item-padding-y: var(--kendo-spacing-2, 0.5rem), item-font-size: null, item-line-height: null, group-item-padding-x: var(--kendo-spacing-2, 0.5rem), group-item-padding-y: var(--kendo-spacing-1\.5, 0.375rem), group-item-font-size: null, group-item-line-height: null)) |
Description: The map with the sizes of the List.
kendo-list-bg | $kendo-component-bg | var(--kendo-color-surface-alt, #ffffff) | Default: $kendo-component-bg Computed: var(--kendo-color-surface-alt, #ffffff) |
Description: The background color of the List component.
kendo-list-text | $kendo-component-text | var(--kendo-color-on-app-surface, #3d3d3d) | Default: $kendo-component-text Computed: var(--kendo-color-on-app-surface, #3d3d3d) |
Description: The text color of the List component.
kendo-list-border | $kendo-component-border | var(--kendo-color-border, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.08)) | Default: $kendo-component-border Computed: var(--kendo-color-border, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.08)) |
Description: The border color of the List component.
kendo-list-header-bg | null | null | Default: null Computed: null |
Description: The background color of the List header.
kendo-list-header-text | null | null | Default: null Computed: null |
Description: The text color of the List header.
kendo-list-header-border | inherit | inherit | Default: inherit Computed: inherit |
Description: The border color of the List header.
kendo-list-header-shadow | k-elevation(2) | var(--kendo-elevation-2, 0 4px 6px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.06), 0 4px 16px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12)) | Default: k-elevation(2) Computed: var(--kendo-elevation-2, 0 4px 6px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.06), 0 4px 16px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12)) |
Description: The box shadow of the List header.
kendo-list-item-bg | null | null | Default: null Computed: null |
Description: The background color of the List items.
kendo-list-item-text | null | null | Default: null Computed: null |
Description: The text color of the List items.
kendo-list-item-hover-bg | $kendo-hover-bg | var(--kendo-color-base-hover, #ebebeb) | Default: $kendo-hover-bg Computed: var(--kendo-color-base-hover, #ebebeb) |
Description: The background color of the hovered List items.
kendo-list-item-hover-text | $kendo-hover-text | var(--kendo-color-on-app-surface, #3d3d3d) | Default: $kendo-hover-text Computed: var(--kendo-color-on-app-surface, #3d3d3d) |
Description: The text color of the hovered List items.
kendo-list-item-focus-bg | null | null | Default: null Computed: null |
Description: The background color of the focused List items.
kendo-list-item-focus-text | null | null | Default: null Computed: null |
Description: The text color of the focused List items.
kendo-list-item-focus-shadow | inset 0 0 0 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, .12) | (inset 0 0 0 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12)) | Default: inset 0 0 0 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, .12) Computed: (inset 0 0 0 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12)) |
Description: The box shadow of the focused List items.
kendo-list-item-selected-bg | $kendo-selected-bg | var(--kendo-color-primary, #ff6358) | Default: $kendo-selected-bg Computed: var(--kendo-color-primary, #ff6358) |
Description: The background color of the selected List items.
kendo-list-item-selected-text | $kendo-selected-text | var(--kendo-color-on-primary, #ffffff) | Default: $kendo-selected-text Computed: var(--kendo-color-on-primary, #ffffff) |
Description: The text color of the selected List items.
kendo-list-group-item-bg | null | null | Default: null Computed: null |
Description: The background color of the List group items.
kendo-list-group-item-text | null | null | Default: null Computed: null |
Description: The text color of the List group items.
kendo-list-group-item-border | inherit | inherit | Default: inherit Computed: inherit |
Description: The border color of the List group items.
kendo-list-group-item-shadow | null | null | Default: null Computed: null |
Description: The base shadow of the List group items.
kendo-list-option-label-text | $kendo-subtle-text | var(--kendo-color-subtle, #666666) | Default: $kendo-subtle-text Computed: var(--kendo-color-subtle, #666666) |
Description: The color of the 'Option Label' text.