
The Telerik and Kendo UI Typography Utilities allow you to control the styles applied to text.

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Font Weight

The Telerik and Kendo UI Font Weight Utilities are CSS utility classes that enable you to control the font weight.

Utility ClassCSS Property
.k-font-thinfont-weight: 100;
.k-font-extralightfont-weight: 200;
.k-font-lightfont-weight: 300;
.k-font-normalfont-weight: 400;
.k-font-mediumfont-weight: 500;
.k-font-semiboldfont-weight: 600;
.k-font-boldfont-weight: 700;
.k-font-extraboldfont-weight: 800;
.k-font-blackfont-weight: 900;


Use the k-font-{size} utility to set the font weight.

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