Outline Style

The Telerik and Kendo UI Border Utilities enable you to change the border settings of an element.

Outline Style

The Telerik and Kendo UI Outline Style Utilities are a collection of CSS classes that enable you to control the outline style of an element.

Utility ClassCSS Property
.k-outline-noneoutline-style: none;
.k-outline-solidoutline-style: solid;
.k-outline-dashedoutline-style: dashed;
.k-outline-dottedoutline-style: dotted;
.k-outline-doubleoutline-style: double;
.k-outline-hiddenoutline-style: hidden;

Applying an Outline Style

Use the k-outline-{style} to apply different outline styles to an element.

Applying No Outline Style

Use the k-outline-none to remove all outline styles from an element.
