
The Newsletter section is a powerful marketing tool for collecting data, establishing direct contact with potential customers, and growing an audience.
Image of Newsletter


The Newsletter UI section is universally used for many types of websites and applications due to its various advantages. The subscription form within the Subscribe section offers users a convenient way to further engage with a certain person or business by accepting to receive related content. Depending on the case, this could be news, updates, articles, freebies, or exclusive offers, discounts, and promo codes. The Newsletter UI section aims to attract potential customers or audience by offering exclusive content, to collect more data about the subscribers, and to create brand awareness and engagement.  

The perfect Newsletter UI section is highly customizable and includes just the fields that collect relevant information, such as email address (mandatory), name, phone number, or interests and preferences. It must serve multiple purposes at the same time: to build customer trust, to collect relevant information for the business’ needs, to boost the conversion rates, to establish natural and meaningful relationships with the audience.

Key Principles

  • Compliance with privacy laws—the subscription form usually includes a checkbox or message that highlights that the user has agreed to subscribe.
  • Simplicity—the subscription form must include the least possible number of required fields to avoid annoying and overwhelming users.
  • Messaging—the titles and subtitles within the subscription form must be short and concise and emphasize the benefits of subscription.

Newsletter Variants

The Telerik and Kendo UI Newsletter offers design variants showcased in our demos, each tailored to enhance your application development by covering different usage scenarios.

Newsletter 1

demo preview image

Newsletter 3

demo preview image

Newsletter 4

demo preview image

UI Components Documentation

For product-specific information, refer to the corresponding Telerik and Kendo UI documentation: