Justify Self

The Telerik and Kendo UI Flex-Grid Utilities enable you to control the position, alignment, and size of the grid and the flex items.

Justify Self

The Telerik and Kendo UI Justify Self Utilities are CSS utility classes that enable you to control how an item will be aligned along the main axis.

Utility ClassCSS Property
.k-justify-self-last-baselinejustify-self: last baseline;
.k-justify-self-autojustify-self: auto;
.k-justify-self-normaljustify-self: normal;
.k-justify-self-stretchjustify-self: stretch;
.k-justify-self-centerjustify-self: center;
.k-justify-self-startjustify-self: start;
.k-justify-self-endjustify-self: end;
.k-justify-self-selft-startjustify-self: self-start;
.k-justify-self-self-endjustify-self: self-end;
.k-justify-self-baselinejustify-self: baseline;
.k-justify-self-first-baselinejustify-self: first baseline;


Use the k-justify-self-stretch utility to stretch the item so that it fills the alignment container along the main axis.


Use the k-justify-self-center utility to center the item within the alignment container along the main axis.


Use the k-justify-self-start utility to align the item to the start of the container along the main axis.


Use the k-justify-self-end utility to align the item to the end of the container along the main axis.
