Sass Variables
The Telerik and Kendo UI Chip enables you to configure and customize its appearance through the available Sass variables.
Variable | Default Value | Computed Value | Value |
kendo-chip-border-width | 1px | 1px | Default: 1px Computed: 1px |
Description: The width of the border around the Chip. | |||
kendo-chip-spacing | k-spacing(1) | var(--kendo-spacing-1, 0.25rem) | Default: k-spacing(1) Computed: var(--kendo-spacing-1, 0.25rem) |
Description: The spacing between the text and the icons of the Chip. | |||
kendo-chip-padding-x | k-spacing(1) | var(--kendo-spacing-1, 0.25rem) | Default: k-spacing(1) Computed: var(--kendo-spacing-1, 0.25rem) |
Description: The horizontal padding of the Chip. | |||
kendo-chip-sm-padding-x | k-spacing(1) | var(--kendo-spacing-1, 0.25rem) | Default: k-spacing(1) Computed: var(--kendo-spacing-1, 0.25rem) |
Description: The horizontal padding of the small Chip. | |||
kendo-chip-md-padding-x | $kendo-chip-padding-x | var(--kendo-spacing-1, 0.25rem) | Default: $kendo-chip-padding-x Computed: var(--kendo-spacing-1, 0.25rem) |
Description: The horizontal padding of the medium Chip. | |||
kendo-chip-lg-padding-x | k-spacing(1) | var(--kendo-spacing-1, 0.25rem) | Default: k-spacing(1) Computed: var(--kendo-spacing-1, 0.25rem) |
Description: The horizontal padding of the large Chip. | |||
kendo-chip-padding-y | k-spacing(1) | var(--kendo-spacing-1, 0.25rem) | Default: k-spacing(1) Computed: var(--kendo-spacing-1, 0.25rem) |
Description: The vertical padding of the Chip. | |||
kendo-chip-sm-padding-y | k-spacing(0.5) | var(--kendo-spacing-0\.5, 0.125rem) | Default: k-spacing(0.5) Computed: var(--kendo-spacing-0\.5, 0.125rem) |
Description: The vertical padding of the small Chip. | |||
kendo-chip-md-padding-y | $kendo-chip-padding-y | var(--kendo-spacing-1, 0.25rem) | Default: $kendo-chip-padding-y Computed: var(--kendo-spacing-1, 0.25rem) |
Description: The vertical padding of the medium Chip. | |||
kendo-chip-lg-padding-y | k-spacing(1.5) | var(--kendo-spacing-1\.5, 0.375rem) | Default: k-spacing(1.5) Computed: var(--kendo-spacing-1\.5, 0.375rem) |
Description: The vertical padding of the large Chip. | |||
kendo-chip-font-size | var( --kendo-font-size, inherit ) | var(--kendo-font-size, inherit) | Default: var( --kendo-font-size, inherit ) Computed: var(--kendo-font-size, inherit) |
Description: The font size of the Chip. | |||
kendo-chip-sm-font-size | var( --kendo-font-size, inherit ) | var(--kendo-font-size, inherit) | Default: var( --kendo-font-size, inherit ) Computed: var(--kendo-font-size, inherit) |
Description: The font size of the small Chip. | |||
kendo-chip-md-font-size | $kendo-chip-font-size | var(--kendo-font-size, inherit) | Default: $kendo-chip-font-size Computed: var(--kendo-font-size, inherit) |
Description: The font size of the medium Chip. | |||
kendo-chip-lg-font-size | var( --kendo-font-size, inherit ) | var(--kendo-font-size, inherit) | Default: var( --kendo-font-size, inherit ) Computed: var(--kendo-font-size, inherit) |
Description: The font size of the large Chip. | |||
kendo-chip-line-height | 1 | 1 | Default: 1 Computed: 1 |
Description: The Chip's line height that is related to the $kendo-font-size. | |||
kendo-chip-sm-line-height | $kendo-chip-line-height | 1 | Default: $kendo-chip-line-height Computed: 1 |
Description: The small Chip's line height that is related to the $kendo-font-size. | |||
kendo-chip-md-line-height | $kendo-chip-line-height | 1 | Default: $kendo-chip-line-height Computed: 1 |
Description: The medium Chip's line height that is related to the $kendo-font-size. | |||
kendo-chip-lg-line-height | $kendo-chip-line-height | 1 | Default: $kendo-chip-line-height Computed: 1 |
Description: The large Chip's line height that is related to the $kendo-font-size. | |||
kendo-chip-calc-size | calc( #{$kendo-chip-line-height * 1em} + calc( #{$kendo-chip-padding-y} * 2 ) + #{$kendo-chip-border-width * 2} ) | calc(1em + var(--kendo-spacing-1, 0.25rem) * 2 + 2px) | Default: calc( #{$kendo-chip-line-height * 1em} + calc( #{$kendo-chip-padding-y} * 2 ) + #{$kendo-chip-border-width * 2} ) Computed: calc(1em + var(--kendo-spacing-1, 0.25rem) * 2 + 2px) |
Description: The calculated height of the Chip. | |||
kendo-chip-sizes | (
sm: (
padding-x: $kendo-chip-sm-padding-x,
padding-y: $kendo-chip-sm-padding-y,
font-size: $kendo-chip-sm-font-size,
line-height: $kendo-chip-sm-line-height
md: (
padding-x: $kendo-chip-md-padding-x,
padding-y: $kendo-chip-md-padding-y,
font-size: $kendo-chip-md-font-size,
line-height: $kendo-chip-md-line-height
lg: (
padding-x: $kendo-chip-lg-padding-x,
padding-y: $kendo-chip-lg-padding-y,
font-size: $kendo-chip-lg-font-size,
line-height: $kendo-chip-lg-line-height
) | (sm: (padding-x: var(--kendo-spacing-1, 0.25rem), padding-y: var(--kendo-spacing-0\.5, 0.125rem), font-size: var(--kendo-font-size, inherit), line-height: 1), md: (padding-x: var(--kendo-spacing-1, 0.25rem), padding-y: var(--kendo-spacing-1, 0.25rem), font-size: var(--kendo-font-size, inherit), line-height: 1), lg: (padding-x: var(--kendo-spacing-1, 0.25rem), padding-y: var(--kendo-spacing-1\.5, 0.375rem), font-size: var(--kendo-font-size, inherit), line-height: 1)) | Default: (
sm: (
padding-x: $kendo-chip-sm-padding-x,
padding-y: $kendo-chip-sm-padding-y,
font-size: $kendo-chip-sm-font-size,
line-height: $kendo-chip-sm-line-height
md: (
padding-x: $kendo-chip-md-padding-x,
padding-y: $kendo-chip-md-padding-y,
font-size: $kendo-chip-md-font-size,
line-height: $kendo-chip-md-line-height
lg: (
padding-x: $kendo-chip-lg-padding-x,
padding-y: $kendo-chip-lg-padding-y,
font-size: $kendo-chip-lg-font-size,
line-height: $kendo-chip-lg-line-height
) Computed: (sm: (padding-x: var(--kendo-spacing-1, 0.25rem), padding-y: var(--kendo-spacing-0\.5, 0.125rem), font-size: var(--kendo-font-size, inherit), line-height: 1), md: (padding-x: var(--kendo-spacing-1, 0.25rem), padding-y: var(--kendo-spacing-1, 0.25rem), font-size: var(--kendo-font-size, inherit), line-height: 1), lg: (padding-x: var(--kendo-spacing-1, 0.25rem), padding-y: var(--kendo-spacing-1\.5, 0.375rem), font-size: var(--kendo-font-size, inherit), line-height: 1)) |
Description: The map with the sizes of the Chip. | |||
kendo-chip-base-bg | if($kendo-enable-color-system, k-color( base-subtle ), $kendo-button-bg) | var(--kendo-color-base-subtle, #ebebeb) | Default: if($kendo-enable-color-system, k-color( base-subtle ), $kendo-button-bg) Computed: var(--kendo-color-base-subtle, #ebebeb) |
Description: The base background of the Chip. | |||
kendo-chip-theme-colors | (
"base": $kendo-chip-base-bg,
"error": map.get($kendo-theme-colors, "error"),
"info": map.get($kendo-theme-colors, "info"),
"warning": map.get($kendo-theme-colors, "warning"),
"success": map.get($kendo-theme-colors, "success")
) | ("base": var(--kendo-color-base-subtle, #ebebeb), "error": var(--kendo-color-error, #f31700), "info": var(--kendo-color-info, #0058e9), "warning": var(--kendo-color-warning, #ffc000), "success": var(--kendo-color-success, #37b400)) | Default: (
"base": $kendo-chip-base-bg,
"error": map.get($kendo-theme-colors, "error"),
"info": map.get($kendo-theme-colors, "info"),
"warning": map.get($kendo-theme-colors, "warning"),
"success": map.get($kendo-theme-colors, "success")
) Computed: ("base": var(--kendo-color-base-subtle, #ebebeb), "error": var(--kendo-color-error, #f31700), "info": var(--kendo-color-info, #0058e9), "warning": var(--kendo-color-warning, #ffc000), "success": var(--kendo-color-success, #37b400)) |
Description: The theme colors map for the Chip. | |||
kendo-chip-solid-bg | $kendo-chip-base-bg | var(--kendo-color-base-subtle, #ebebeb) | Default: $kendo-chip-base-bg Computed: var(--kendo-color-base-subtle, #ebebeb) |
Description: The base background color of the solid Chip. | |||
kendo-chip-solid-text | $kendo-button-text | var(--kendo-color-on-base, #3d3d3d) | Default: $kendo-button-text Computed: var(--kendo-color-on-base, #3d3d3d) |
Description: The base text color of the solid Chip. | |||
kendo-chip-solid-border | $kendo-button-border | var(--kendo-color-border, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.08)) | Default: $kendo-button-border Computed: var(--kendo-color-border, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.08)) |
Description: The base border color of the solid Chip. | |||
kendo-chip-solid-shadow | 0 0 0 2px if($kendo-enable-color-system, color-mix(in srgb, k-color( on-app-surface ) 8%, transparent), if( $kendo-is-dark-theme, rgba( $kendo-color-white, .16 ), rgba( $kendo-color-black, .08 ) )) | (0 0 0 2px color-mix(in srgb, var(--kendo-color-on-app-surface, #3d3d3d) 8%, transparent)) | Default: 0 0 0 2px if($kendo-enable-color-system, color-mix(in srgb, k-color( on-app-surface ) 8%, transparent), if( $kendo-is-dark-theme, rgba( $kendo-color-white, .16 ), rgba( $kendo-color-black, .08 ) )) Computed: (0 0 0 2px color-mix(in srgb, var(--kendo-color-on-app-surface, #3d3d3d) 8%, transparent)) |
Description: The base shadow of the solid Chip. | |||
kendo-chip-solid-gradient | $kendo-button-gradient | null | Default: $kendo-button-gradient Computed: null |
Description: The base gradient of the solid Chip. | |||
kendo-chip-solid-focus-bg | null | null | Default: null Computed: null |
Description: The base background color of the focused solid Chip. | |||
kendo-chip-solid-focus-text | null | null | Default: null Computed: null |
Description: The base text color of the focused solid Chip. | |||
kendo-chip-solid-hover-bg | if($kendo-enable-color-system, k-color( base-subtle-hover ), $kendo-button-hover-bg) | var(--kendo-color-base-subtle-hover, #e0e0e0) | Default: if($kendo-enable-color-system, k-color( base-subtle-hover ), $kendo-button-hover-bg) Computed: var(--kendo-color-base-subtle-hover, #e0e0e0) |
Description: The base background color of the hovered solid Chip. | |||
kendo-chip-solid-hover-text | null | null | Default: null Computed: null |
Description: The base text color of the hovered solid Chip. | |||
kendo-chip-solid-selected-bg | $kendo-button-active-bg | var(--kendo-color-base-active, #d6d6d6) | Default: $kendo-button-active-bg Computed: var(--kendo-color-base-active, #d6d6d6) |
Description: The base background color of the selected solid Chip. | |||
kendo-chip-solid-selected-text | null | null | Default: null Computed: null |
Description: The base text color of the selected solid Chip. | |||
kendo-chip-outline-bg | $kendo-component-bg | var(--kendo-color-surface-alt, #ffffff) | Default: $kendo-component-bg Computed: var(--kendo-color-surface-alt, #ffffff) |
Description: The base background color of the outline Chip. | |||
kendo-chip-outline-text | if($kendo-enable-color-system, k-color( base-on-surface ), $kendo-chip-solid-text) | var(--kendo-color-base-on-surface, #3d3d3d) | Default: if($kendo-enable-color-system, k-color( base-on-surface ), $kendo-chip-solid-text) Computed: var(--kendo-color-base-on-surface, #3d3d3d) |
Description: The base text color of the outline Chip. | |||
kendo-chip-outline-border | $kendo-chip-outline-text | var(--kendo-color-base-on-surface, #3d3d3d) | Default: $kendo-chip-outline-text Computed: var(--kendo-color-base-on-surface, #3d3d3d) |
Description: The base border color of the outline Chip. | |||
kendo-chip-outline-shadow | 0 0 0 2px if($kendo-enable-color-system, color-mix(in srgb, k-color( on-app-surface ) 8%, transparent), if( $kendo-is-dark-theme, rgba( $kendo-color-white, .16 ), rgba( $kendo-color-black, .08 ) )) | (0 0 0 2px color-mix(in srgb, var(--kendo-color-on-app-surface, #3d3d3d) 8%, transparent)) | Default: 0 0 0 2px if($kendo-enable-color-system, color-mix(in srgb, k-color( on-app-surface ) 8%, transparent), if( $kendo-is-dark-theme, rgba( $kendo-color-white, .16 ), rgba( $kendo-color-black, .08 ) )) Computed: (0 0 0 2px color-mix(in srgb, var(--kendo-color-on-app-surface, #3d3d3d) 8%, transparent)) |
Description: The base shadow of the outline Chip. | |||
kendo-chip-outline-hover-bg | $kendo-chip-outline-text | var(--kendo-color-base-on-surface, #3d3d3d) | Default: $kendo-chip-outline-text Computed: var(--kendo-color-base-on-surface, #3d3d3d) |
Description: The base background color of the hovered outline Chip. | |||
kendo-chip-outline-hover-text | if($kendo-enable-color-system, k-color( base ), k-contrast-legacy( $kendo-chip-outline-hover-bg )) | var(--kendo-color-base, #f5f5f5) | Default: if($kendo-enable-color-system, k-color( base ), k-contrast-legacy( $kendo-chip-outline-hover-bg )) Computed: var(--kendo-color-base, #f5f5f5) |
Description: The base text color of the hovered outline Chip. | |||
kendo-chip-outline-selected-bg | $kendo-chip-outline-hover-bg | var(--kendo-color-base-on-surface, #3d3d3d) | Default: $kendo-chip-outline-hover-bg Computed: var(--kendo-color-base-on-surface, #3d3d3d) |
Description: The base background color of the selected outline Chip. | |||
kendo-chip-outline-selected-text | $kendo-chip-outline-hover-text | var(--kendo-color-base, #f5f5f5) | Default: $kendo-chip-outline-hover-text Computed: var(--kendo-color-base, #f5f5f5) |
Description: The base text color of the selected outline Chip. | |||
kendo-chip-list-sizes | (
sm: k-spacing(1),
md: k-spacing(1),
lg: k-spacing(1)
) | (sm: var(--kendo-spacing-1, 0.25rem), md: var(--kendo-spacing-1, 0.25rem), lg: var(--kendo-spacing-1, 0.25rem)) | Default: (
sm: k-spacing(1),
md: k-spacing(1),
lg: k-spacing(1)
) Computed: (sm: var(--kendo-spacing-1, 0.25rem), md: var(--kendo-spacing-1, 0.25rem), lg: var(--kendo-spacing-1, 0.25rem)) |
Description: The sizes of the Chip list. |