
Chips present information about people, places, or subjects in a compact form and can trigger actions.

Sass Variables

The Telerik and Kendo UI Chip enables you to configure and customize its appearance through the available Sass variables.

VariableDefault ValueComputed ValueValue
kendo-chip-border-width1px1pxDefault: 1pxComputed: 1px
Description: The width of the border around the Chip.
kendo-chip-spacingk-map-get( $kendo-spacing, 1 )4pxDefault: k-map-get( $kendo-spacing, 1 )Computed: 4px
Description: The spacing between the text and the icons of the Chip.
kendo-chip-padding-xk-map-get( $kendo-spacing, 1 )4pxDefault: k-map-get( $kendo-spacing, 1 )Computed: 4px
Description: The horizontal padding of the Chip.
kendo-chip-sm-padding-xk-map-get( $kendo-spacing, 1 )4pxDefault: k-map-get( $kendo-spacing, 1 )Computed: 4px
Description: The horizontal padding of the small Chip.
kendo-chip-md-padding-x$kendo-chip-padding-x4pxDefault: $kendo-chip-padding-xComputed: 4px
Description: The horizontal padding of the medium Chip.
kendo-chip-lg-padding-xk-map-get( $kendo-spacing, 1 )4pxDefault: k-map-get( $kendo-spacing, 1 )Computed: 4px
Description: The horizontal padding of the large Chip.
kendo-chip-padding-yk-map-get( $kendo-spacing, 1 )4pxDefault: k-map-get( $kendo-spacing, 1 )Computed: 4px
Description: The vertical padding of the Chip.
kendo-chip-sm-padding-yk-map-get( $kendo-spacing, 0.5 )2pxDefault: k-map-get( $kendo-spacing, 0.5 )Computed: 2px
Description: The vertical padding of the small Chip.
kendo-chip-md-padding-y$kendo-chip-padding-y4pxDefault: $kendo-chip-padding-yComputed: 4px
Description: The vertical padding of the medium Chip.
kendo-chip-lg-padding-yk-map-get( $kendo-spacing, 1.5 )6pxDefault: k-map-get( $kendo-spacing, 1.5 )Computed: 6px
Description: The vertical padding of the large Chip.
kendo-chip-font-size$kendo-font-size-md14pxDefault: $kendo-font-size-mdComputed: 14px
Description: The font size of the Chip.
kendo-chip-sm-font-size$kendo-font-size-md14pxDefault: $kendo-font-size-mdComputed: 14px
Description: The font size of the small Chip.
kendo-chip-md-font-size$kendo-chip-font-size14pxDefault: $kendo-chip-font-sizeComputed: 14px
Description: The font size of the medium Chip.
kendo-chip-lg-font-size$kendo-font-size-md14pxDefault: $kendo-font-size-mdComputed: 14px
Description: The font size of the large Chip.
kendo-chip-line-height11Default: 1Computed: 1
Description: The Chip's line height that is related to the $kendo-font-size.
kendo-chip-sm-line-height$kendo-chip-line-height1Default: $kendo-chip-line-heightComputed: 1
Description: The small Chip's line height that is related to the $kendo-font-size.
kendo-chip-md-line-height$kendo-chip-line-height1Default: $kendo-chip-line-heightComputed: 1
Description: The medium Chip's line height that is related to the $kendo-font-size.
kendo-chip-lg-line-height$kendo-chip-line-height1Default: $kendo-chip-line-heightComputed: 1
Description: The large Chip's line height that is related to the $kendo-font-size.
kendo-chip-calc-sizecalc( #{$kendo-chip-line-height * 1em} + #{$kendo-chip-padding-y * 2} + #{$kendo-chip-border-width * 2} )calc(1em + 8px + 2px)Default: calc( #{$kendo-chip-line-height * 1em} + #{$kendo-chip-padding-y * 2} + #{$kendo-chip-border-width * 2} )Computed: calc(1em + 8px + 2px)
Description: The calculated height of the Chip.
kendo-chip-sizes( sm: ( padding-x: $kendo-chip-sm-padding-x, padding-y: $kendo-chip-sm-padding-y, font-size: $kendo-chip-sm-font-size, line-height: $kendo-chip-sm-line-height ), md: ( padding-x: $kendo-chip-md-padding-x, padding-y: $kendo-chip-md-padding-y, font-size: $kendo-chip-md-font-size, line-height: $kendo-chip-md-line-height ), lg: ( padding-x: $kendo-chip-lg-padding-x, padding-y: $kendo-chip-lg-padding-y, font-size: $kendo-chip-lg-font-size, line-height: $kendo-chip-lg-line-height ) )(sm: (padding-x: 4px, padding-y: 2px, font-size: 14px, line-height: 1), md: (padding-x: 4px, padding-y: 4px, font-size: 14px, line-height: 1), lg: (padding-x: 4px, padding-y: 6px, font-size: 14px, line-height: 1))Default: ( sm: ( padding-x: $kendo-chip-sm-padding-x, padding-y: $kendo-chip-sm-padding-y, font-size: $kendo-chip-sm-font-size, line-height: $kendo-chip-sm-line-height ), md: ( padding-x: $kendo-chip-md-padding-x, padding-y: $kendo-chip-md-padding-y, font-size: $kendo-chip-md-font-size, line-height: $kendo-chip-md-line-height ), lg: ( padding-x: $kendo-chip-lg-padding-x, padding-y: $kendo-chip-lg-padding-y, font-size: $kendo-chip-lg-font-size, line-height: $kendo-chip-lg-line-height ) )Computed: (sm: (padding-x: 4px, padding-y: 2px, font-size: 14px, line-height: 1), md: (padding-x: 4px, padding-y: 4px, font-size: 14px, line-height: 1), lg: (padding-x: 4px, padding-y: 6px, font-size: 14px, line-height: 1))
Description: The map with the sizes of the Chip.
kendo-chip-base-bgif($kendo-enable-color-system, k-color( base-subtle ), $kendo-button-bg) #f5f5f5Default: if($kendo-enable-color-system, k-color( base-subtle ), $kendo-button-bg)Computed: #f5f5f5
Description: The base background of the Chip.
kendo-chip-theme-colors( "base": $kendo-chip-base-bg, "error": k-map-get($kendo-theme-colors, "error"), "info": k-map-get($kendo-theme-colors, "info"), "warning": k-map-get($kendo-theme-colors, "warning"), "success": k-map-get($kendo-theme-colors, "success") )("base": #f5f5f5, "error": #f31700, "info": #0058e9, "warning": #ffc000, "success": #37b400)Default: ( "base": $kendo-chip-base-bg, "error": k-map-get($kendo-theme-colors, "error"), "info": k-map-get($kendo-theme-colors, "info"), "warning": k-map-get($kendo-theme-colors, "warning"), "success": k-map-get($kendo-theme-colors, "success") )Computed: ("base": #f5f5f5, "error": #f31700, "info": #0058e9, "warning": #ffc000, "success": #37b400)
Description: The theme colors map for the Chip.
kendo-chip-solid-bg$kendo-chip-base-bg #f5f5f5Default: $kendo-chip-base-bgComputed: #f5f5f5
Description: The base background color of the solid Chip.
kendo-chip-solid-text$kendo-button-text #424242Default: $kendo-button-textComputed: #424242
Description: The base text color of the solid Chip.
kendo-chip-solid-border$kendo-button-border rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.08)Default: $kendo-button-borderComputed: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.08)
Description: The base border color of the solid Chip.
kendo-chip-solid-shadow0 0 0 2px if($kendo-enable-color-system, rgba( k-color( on-app-surface, true ), .08 ), if( $kendo-is-dark-theme, rgba( $kendo-color-white, .16 ), rgba( $kendo-color-black, .08 ) ))0 0 0 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.08)Default: 0 0 0 2px if($kendo-enable-color-system, rgba( k-color( on-app-surface, true ), .08 ), if( $kendo-is-dark-theme, rgba( $kendo-color-white, .16 ), rgba( $kendo-color-black, .08 ) ))Computed: 0 0 0 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.08)
Description: The base shadow of the solid Chip.
kendo-chip-solid-gradient$kendo-button-gradientrgba(0, 0, 0, 0), rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.02)Default: $kendo-button-gradientComputed: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0), rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.02)
Description: The base gradient of the solid Chip.
kendo-chip-solid-focus-bgnullnullDefault: nullComputed: null
Description: The base background color of the focused solid Chip.
kendo-chip-solid-focus-textnullnullDefault: nullComputed: null
Description: The base text color of the focused solid Chip.
kendo-chip-solid-hover-bgif($kendo-enable-color-system, k-color( base-subtle-hover ), $kendo-button-hover-bg) #ebebebDefault: if($kendo-enable-color-system, k-color( base-subtle-hover ), $kendo-button-hover-bg)Computed: #ebebeb
Description: The base background color of the hovered solid Chip.
kendo-chip-solid-hover-textnullnullDefault: nullComputed: null
Description: The base text color of the hovered solid Chip.
kendo-chip-solid-selected-bg$kendo-button-active-bg #d8d8d8Default: $kendo-button-active-bgComputed: #d8d8d8
Description: The base background color of the selected solid Chip.
kendo-chip-solid-selected-textnullnullDefault: nullComputed: null
Description: The base text color of the selected solid Chip.
kendo-chip-outline-bg$kendo-component-bg #ffffffDefault: $kendo-component-bgComputed: #ffffff
Description: The base background color of the outline Chip.
kendo-chip-outline-text$kendo-chip-solid-text #424242Default: $kendo-chip-solid-textComputed: #424242
Description: The base text color of the outline Chip.
kendo-chip-outline-border$kendo-chip-outline-text #424242Default: $kendo-chip-outline-textComputed: #424242
Description: The base border color of the outline Chip.
kendo-chip-outline-shadow0 0 0 2px if($kendo-enable-color-system, rgba( k-color( on-app-surface, true ), .08 ), if( $kendo-is-dark-theme, rgba( $kendo-color-white, .16 ), rgba( $kendo-color-black, .08 ) ))0 0 0 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.08)Default: 0 0 0 2px if($kendo-enable-color-system, rgba( k-color( on-app-surface, true ), .08 ), if( $kendo-is-dark-theme, rgba( $kendo-color-white, .16 ), rgba( $kendo-color-black, .08 ) ))Computed: 0 0 0 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.08)
Description: The base shadow of the outline Chip.
kendo-chip-outline-hover-bg$kendo-chip-outline-text #424242Default: $kendo-chip-outline-textComputed: #424242
Description: The base background color of the hovered outline Chip.
kendo-chip-outline-hover-textif($kendo-enable-color-system, k-color( base ), k-contrast-legacy( $kendo-chip-outline-hover-bg )) whiteDefault: if($kendo-enable-color-system, k-color( base ), k-contrast-legacy( $kendo-chip-outline-hover-bg ))Computed: white
Description: The base text color of the hovered outline Chip.
kendo-chip-outline-selected-bg$kendo-chip-outline-hover-bg #424242Default: $kendo-chip-outline-hover-bgComputed: #424242
Description: The base background color of the selected outline Chip.
kendo-chip-outline-selected-text$kendo-chip-outline-hover-text whiteDefault: $kendo-chip-outline-hover-textComputed: white
Description: The base text color of the selected outline Chip.
kendo-chip-list-sizes( sm: k-map-get( $kendo-spacing, 1 ), md: k-map-get( $kendo-spacing, 1 ), lg: k-map-get( $kendo-spacing, 1 ) )(sm: 4px, md: 4px, lg: 4px)Default: ( sm: k-map-get( $kendo-spacing, 1 ), md: k-map-get( $kendo-spacing, 1 ), lg: k-map-get( $kendo-spacing, 1 ) )Computed: (sm: 4px, md: 4px, lg: 4px)
Description: The sizes of the Chip list.