
The Chat component allows end users to communicate and exchange multimedia with other users or chatbots.

Sass Variables

The Telerik and Kendo UI Chat is a composite UI component. To configure and customize its appearance, use not only its dedicated Sass variables but also the Sass variables provided by the TextBox, Button, and Avatar components.

VariableDefault ValueComputed ValueValue
kendo-chat-padding-x16px16pxDefault: 16pxComputed: 16px
Description: The horizontal padding of the Chat.
kendo-chat-padding-y16px16pxDefault: 16pxComputed: 16px
Description: The vertical padding of the Chat.
kendo-chat-width500px500pxDefault: 500pxComputed: 500px
Description: The width of the Chat.
kendo-chat-height600px600pxDefault: 600pxComputed: 600px
Description: The height of the Chat.
kendo-chat-border-width1px1pxDefault: 1pxComputed: 1px
Description: The border width of the Chat.
kendo-chat-font-family$kendo-font-familyinheritDefault: $kendo-font-familyComputed: inherit
Description: The font family of the Chat.
kendo-chat-font-size$kendo-font-size-md14pxDefault: $kendo-font-size-mdComputed: 14px
Description: The font size of the Chat.
kendo-chat-line-height$kendo-line-height-md1.4285714286Default: $kendo-line-height-mdComputed: 1.4285714286
Description: The line height of the Chat.
kendo-chat-item-spacing-x8px8pxDefault: 8pxComputed: 8px
Description: The horizontal spacing between the items of the Chat.
kendo-chat-item-spacing-y16px16pxDefault: 16pxComputed: 16px
Description: The vertical spacing between the items of the Chat.
kendo-chat-message-list-padding-x$kendo-chat-padding-x16pxDefault: $kendo-chat-padding-xComputed: 16px
Description: The horizontal padding of the Chat message list.
kendo-chat-message-list-padding-y$kendo-chat-padding-y16pxDefault: $kendo-chat-padding-yComputed: 16px
Description: The vertical padding of the Chat message list.
kendo-chat-message-list-spacing$kendo-chat-item-spacing-y16pxDefault: $kendo-chat-item-spacing-yComputed: 16px
Description: The spacing of the Chat message list.
kendo-chat-timestamp-font-sizesmallersmallerDefault: smallerComputed: smaller
Description: The font size of the Chat timestamp.
kendo-chat-timestamp-line-heightnullnullDefault: nullComputed: null
Description: The line height of the Chat timestamp.
kendo-chat-timestamp-transformuppercaseuppercaseDefault: uppercaseComputed: uppercase
Description: The text transform of the Chat timestamp.
kendo-chat-timestamp-text$kendo-subtle-text #666666Default: $kendo-subtle-textComputed: #666666
Description: The text color of the Chat timestamp.
kendo-chat-timestamp-bgnullnullDefault: nullComputed: null
Description: The background color of the Chat timestamp.
kendo-chat-bubble-padding-x12px12pxDefault: 12pxComputed: 12px
Description: The horizontal padding of the Chat bubble message.
kendo-chat-bubble-padding-y8px8pxDefault: 8pxComputed: 8px
Description: The vertical padding of the Chat bubble message.
kendo-chat-bubble-spacing2px2pxDefault: 2pxComputed: 2px
Description: The spacing of the Chat bubble message.
kendo-chat-bubble-line-height18px18pxDefault: 18pxComputed: 18px
Description: The line height of the Chat bubble message.
kendo-chat-bubble-border-radius12px12pxDefault: 12pxComputed: 12px
Description: The border radius of the Chat bubble message.
kendo-chat-bubble-border-radius-sm2px2pxDefault: 2pxComputed: 2px
Description: The border radius of the Chat small bubble message
kendo-chat-avatar-size32px32pxDefault: 32pxComputed: 32px
Description: The size of the Chat Avatar.
kendo-chat-avatar-spacing$kendo-chat-item-spacing-x8pxDefault: $kendo-chat-item-spacing-xComputed: 8px
Description: The spacing of the Chat Avatar.
kendo-chat-toolbar-padding-x$kendo-toolbar-md-padding-x8pxDefault: $kendo-toolbar-md-padding-xComputed: 8px
Description: The horizontal padding of the Chat Toolbar.
kendo-chat-toolbar-padding-y$kendo-toolbar-md-padding-y8pxDefault: $kendo-toolbar-md-padding-yComputed: 8px
Description: The vertical padding of the Chat Toolbar.
kendo-chat-toolbar-spacing$kendo-toolbar-md-spacing8pxDefault: $kendo-toolbar-md-spacingComputed: 8px
Description: The spacing of the Chat Toolbar.
kendo-chat-toolbar-bg$kendo-toolbar-bg #fafafaDefault: $kendo-toolbar-bgComputed: #fafafa
Description: The background color of the Chat Toolbar.
kendo-chat-toolbar-text$kendo-toolbar-text #424242Default: $kendo-toolbar-textComputed: #424242
Description: The text color of the Chat Toolbar.
kendo-chat-toolbar-borderinheritinheritDefault: inheritComputed: inherit
Description: The border color of the Chat Toolbar.
kendo-chat-quick-reply-padding-x12px12pxDefault: 12pxComputed: 12px
Description: The horizontal padding of the Chat quick reply.
kendo-chat-quick-reply-padding-y8px8pxDefault: 8pxComputed: 8px
Description: The vertical padding of the Chat quick reply.
kendo-chat-quick-reply-spacing8px8pxDefault: 8pxComputed: 8px
Description: The spacing of the Chat quick reply.
kendo-chat-quick-reply-line-height$kendo-chat-bubble-line-height18pxDefault: $kendo-chat-bubble-line-heightComputed: 18px
Description: The line height of the Chat quick reply.
kendo-chat-bg$kendo-app-bg #fafafaDefault: $kendo-app-bgComputed: #fafafa
Description: The background color of the Chat.
kendo-chat-text$kendo-app-text #424242Default: $kendo-app-textComputed: #424242
Description: The text color of the Chat.
kendo-chat-border$kendo-app-border rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.08)Default: $kendo-app-borderComputed: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.08)
Description: The border color of the Chat.
kendo-chat-bubble-bg$kendo-component-bg #ffffffDefault: $kendo-component-bgComputed: #ffffff
Description: The background color of the Chat bubble.
kendo-chat-bubble-text$kendo-component-text #424242Default: $kendo-component-textComputed: #424242
Description: The text color of the Chat bubble.
kendo-chat-bubble-border$kendo-chat-bubble-bg #ffffffDefault: $kendo-chat-bubble-bgComputed: #ffffff
Description: The border color of the Chat bubble.
kendo-chat-bubble-shadowk-elevation(1)var(--kendo-elevation-1, 0 2px 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.04), 0 4px 16px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12))Default: k-elevation(1)Computed: var(--kendo-elevation-1, 0 2px 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.04), 0 4px 16px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12))
Description: The box shadow of the Chat bubble.
kendo-chat-bubble-hover-shadowk-elevation(2)var(--kendo-elevation-2, 0 4px 6px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.06), 0 4px 16px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12))Default: k-elevation(2)Computed: var(--kendo-elevation-2, 0 4px 6px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.06), 0 4px 16px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12))
Description: The shadow of the hovered Chat bubble.
kendo-chat-bubble-selected-shadowk-elevation(3)var(--kendo-elevation-3, 0 6px 8px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.08), 0 4px 16px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12))Default: k-elevation(3)Computed: var(--kendo-elevation-3, 0 6px 8px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.08), 0 4px 16px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12))
Description: The shadow of the selected Chat bubble.
kendo-chat-alt-bubble-bg$kendo-color-primary #ff6358Default: $kendo-color-primaryComputed: #ff6358
Description: The background color of the Chat alt bubble.
kendo-chat-alt-bubble-textif($kendo-enable-color-system, k-color( on-primary ), k-contrast-legacy( $kendo-chat-alt-bubble-bg )) whiteDefault: if($kendo-enable-color-system, k-color( on-primary ), k-contrast-legacy( $kendo-chat-alt-bubble-bg ))Computed: white
Description: The text color of the Chat alt bubble.
kendo-chat-alt-bubble-border$kendo-chat-alt-bubble-bg #ff6358Default: $kendo-chat-alt-bubble-bgComputed: #ff6358
Description: The border color of the Chat alt bubble.
kendo-chat-alt-bubble-shadowk-elevation(1)var(--kendo-elevation-1, 0 2px 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.04), 0 4px 16px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12))Default: k-elevation(1)Computed: var(--kendo-elevation-1, 0 2px 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.04), 0 4px 16px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12))
Description: The shadow of the Chat alt bubble.
kendo-chat-alt-bubble-hover-shadowk-elevation(2)var(--kendo-elevation-2, 0 4px 6px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.06), 0 4px 16px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12))Default: k-elevation(2)Computed: var(--kendo-elevation-2, 0 4px 6px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.06), 0 4px 16px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12))
Description: The shadow of the hovered Chat alt bubble.
kendo-chat-alt-bubble-selected-shadowk-elevation(3)var(--kendo-elevation-3, 0 6px 8px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.08), 0 4px 16px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12))Default: k-elevation(3)Computed: var(--kendo-elevation-3, 0 6px 8px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.08), 0 4px 16px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12))
Description: The shadow of the selected Chat alt bubble.
kendo-chat-quick-reply-bgtransparent transparentDefault: transparentComputed: transparent
Description: The background color of the Chat quick reply.
kendo-chat-quick-reply-text$kendo-color-primary #ff6358Default: $kendo-color-primaryComputed: #ff6358
Description: The text color of the Chat quick reply.
kendo-chat-quick-reply-border$kendo-color-primary #ff6358Default: $kendo-color-primaryComputed: #ff6358
Description: The border color of the Chat quick reply.
kendo-chat-quick-reply-hover-bg$kendo-color-primary #ff6358Default: $kendo-color-primaryComputed: #ff6358
Description: The background color of the hovered Chat quick reply.
kendo-chat-quick-reply-hover-text$kendo-color-primary-contrast whiteDefault: $kendo-color-primary-contrastComputed: white
Description: The text color of the hovered Chat quick reply.
kendo-chat-quick-reply-hover-border$kendo-color-primary #ff6358Default: $kendo-color-primaryComputed: #ff6358
Description: The border color of the hovered Chat quick reply.