
Avatars are user interface (UI) elements that display textual or visual content to represent a user’s identity.

Sass Variables

The Telerik and Kendo UI Avatar enables you to configure and customize its appearance through the available Sass variables.

VariableDefault ValueComputed ValueValue
kendo-avatar-border-width1px1pxDefault: 1pxComputed: 1px
Description: The border width of the Avatar.
kendo-avatar-font-family$kendo-font-familyinheritDefault: $kendo-font-familyComputed: inherit
Description: The font family of the Avatar.
kendo-avatar-font-size$kendo-font-size-md14pxDefault: $kendo-font-size-mdComputed: 14px
Description: The font size of the Avatar.
kendo-avatar-line-height$kendo-line-height-md1.4285714286Default: $kendo-line-height-mdComputed: 1.4285714286
Description: The line height of the Avatar.
kendo-avatar-sizes( sm: k-map-get( $kendo-spacing, 4 ), md: k-map-get( $kendo-spacing, 8 ), lg: k-map-get( $kendo-spacing, 16 ) )(sm: 16px, md: 32px, lg: 64px)Default: ( sm: k-map-get( $kendo-spacing, 4 ), md: k-map-get( $kendo-spacing, 8 ), lg: k-map-get( $kendo-spacing, 16 ) )Computed: (sm: 16px, md: 32px, lg: 64px)
Description: The sizes map of the Avatar.
kendo-avatar-theme-colors$kendo-theme-colors("primary": #ff6358, "secondary": #666666, "tertiary": #03a9f4, "info": #0058e9, "success": #37b400, "warning": #ffc000, "error": #f31700, "dark": #424242, "light": #ebebeb, "inverse": #424242)Default: $kendo-theme-colorsComputed: ("primary": #ff6358, "secondary": #666666, "tertiary": #03a9f4, "info": #0058e9, "success": #37b400, "warning": #ffc000, "error": #f31700, "dark": #424242, "light": #ebebeb, "inverse": #424242)
Description: The theme colors map of the Avatar.