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Customizing Color System


The following table lists the available variables for customization.

NameTypeDefault valueComputed value
$kendo-colorsMap$_default-colors(app-surface: #ffffff, on-app-surface: #212121, subtle: #757575, surface: #f5f5f5, surface-alt: #ffffff, border: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12), border-alt: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15), base-subtle: #ebebeb, base-subtle-hover: #d6d6d6, base-subtle-active: #c2c2c2, base: #ffffff, base-hover: #ebebeb, base-active: #d6d6d6, base-emphasis: #adadad, base-on-subtle: #212121, on-base: #212121, base-on-surface: #212121, primary-subtle: #d1d5ee, primary-subtle-hover: #c5cae8, primary-subtle-active: #b5bde3, primary: #3f51b5, primary-hover: #3a4ba7, primary-active: #354498, primary-emphasis: #97a0d7, primary-on-subtle: #161c3f, on-primary: #ffffff, primary-on-surface: #3f51b5, secondary-subtle: #fbcdd9, secondary-subtle-hover: #f9afc3, secondary-subtle-active: #f79bb3, secondary: #e51a5f, secondary-hover: #d31857, secondary-active: #c01650, secondary-emphasis: #f58da9, secondary-on-subtle: #500c22, on-secondary: #ffffff, secondary-on-surface: #ae1549, tertiary-subtle: #c9dbd8, tertiary-subtle-hover: #a9c6c1, tertiary-subtle-active: #92b8b1, tertiary: #00695c, tertiary-hover: #006155, tertiary-active: #00584d, tertiary-emphasis: #84aea7, tertiary-on-subtle: #002520, on-tertiary: #ffffff, tertiary-on-surface: #054f46, info-subtle: #c8d7fb, info-subtle-hover: #a7c0f7, info-subtle-active: #8fb0f6, info: #0058e9, info-hover: #0251d6, info-active: #034ac3, info-emphasis: #80a5f4, info-on-subtle: #071f51, on-info: #ffffff, info-on-surface: #0443b0, success-subtle: #d7f0cc, success-subtle-hover: #bae2ad, success-subtle-active: #a7db97, success: #37b400, success-hover: #33a600, success-active: #2e9704, success-emphasis: #93d775, success-on-subtle: #163f09, on-success: #ffffff, success-on-surface: #2b8906, warning-subtle: #fff0ce, warning-subtle-hover: #ffe7b0, warning-subtle-active: #ffe19c, warning: #ffc000, warning-hover: #ebb201, warning-active: #d6a202, warning-emphasis: #ffdd8f, warning-on-subtle: #59430a, on-warning: #000000, warning-on-surface: #ffc000, error-subtle: #fcc7c2, error-subtle-hover: #feafa8, error-subtle-active: #fe9a91, error: #f31700, error-hover: #e01701, error-active: #cc1505, error-emphasis: #fc8d83, error-on-subtle: #550c07, on-error: #ffffff, error-on-surface: #b91406, light-subtle: #fafafa, light-subtle-hover: #f5f5f5, light-subtle-active: #eeeeee, light: #f5f5f5, light-hover: #ebebeb, light-active: #d6d6d6, light-emphasis: #e0e0e0, light-on-subtle: #212121, on-light: #000000, light-on-surface: #ebebeb, dark-subtle: #c7c7c7, dark-subtle-hover: #c2c2c2, dark-subtle-active: #bdbdbd, dark: #424242, dark-hover: #212121, dark-active: #000000, dark-emphasis: #9e9e9e, dark-on-subtle: #212121, on-dark: #ffffff, dark-on-surface: #616161, inverse-subtle: #c7c7c7, inverse-subtle-hover: #c2c2c2, inverse-subtle-active: #bdbdbd, inverse: #424242, inverse-hover: #212121, inverse-active: #000000, inverse-emphasis: #9e9e9e, inverse-on-subtle: #212121, on-inverse: #ffffff, inverse-on-surface: #616161, series-a: #9c27b0, series-a-bold: #751d84, series-a-bolder: #4e1458, series-a-subtle: #b55dc4, series-a-subtler: #cd93d7, series-b: #2196f3, series-b-bold: #1971b6, series-b-bolder: #114b7a, series-b-subtle: #59b0f6, series-b-subtler: #90cbf9, series-c: #009688, series-c-bold: #007166, series-c-bolder: #004b44, series-c-subtle: #40b0a6, series-c-subtler: #80cbc4, series-d: #ffeb3b, series-d-bold: #bfb02c, series-d-bolder: #80761e, series-d-subtle: #fff06c, series-d-subtler: #fff59d, series-e: #f44336, series-e-bold: #b73229, series-e-bolder: #7a221b, series-e-subtle: #f77268, series-e-subtler: #faa19b, series-f: #4caf50, series-f-bold: #39833c, series-f-bolder: #265828, series-f-subtle: #79c37c, series-f-subtler: #a6d7a8)
The global default Colors map.
$kendo-color-primaryColormaterial-color( $primary-palette, main )var(--kendo-color-primary, #3f51b5)
The color that focuses the user attention.
Used for primary buttons and for elements of primary importance across the theme.
$kendo-color-primary-contrastColormaterial-color( $primary-palette, main-contrast )var(--kendo-color-on-primary, #ffffff)
The color used along with the primary color denoted by $kendo-color-primary.
Used to provide contrast between the background and foreground colors.
$kendo-color-secondaryColormaterial-color( $secondary-palette, main )var(--kendo-color-secondary, #e51a5f)
The secondary color of the theme.
$kendo-color-secondary-contrastColormaterial-color( $secondary-palette, main-contrast )var(--kendo-color-on-secondary, #ffffff)
The color used along with the secondary color denoted by $kendo-color-secondary.
Used to provide contrast between the background and foreground colors.
$kendo-color-tertiaryColormaterial-color($tertiary-palette, main)var(--kendo-color-tertiary, #00695c)
The tertiary color of the theme.
$kendo-color-tertiary-contrastColormaterial-color($tertiary-palette, main-contrast)white
The color used along with the tertiary color denoted by $kendo-color-tertiary.
Used to provide contrast between the background and foreground colors.
$kendo-color-infoColor#0058e9var(--kendo-color-info, #0058e9)
The color for informational messages and states.
$kendo-color-successColor#37b400var(--kendo-color-success, #37b400)
The color for success messages and states.
$kendo-color-warningColor#ffc000var(--kendo-color-warning, #ffc000)
The color for warning messages and states.
$kendo-color-errorColor#f31700var(--kendo-color-error, #f31700)
The color for error messages and states.
$kendo-color-darkColorget-base-hue( gray, 800 )var(--kendo-color-dark, #424242)
The dark color of the theme.
$kendo-color-lightColorget-base-hue( gray, 100 )var(--kendo-color-light, #f5f5f5)
The light color of the theme.
$kendo-color-inverseStringif( $kendo-is-dark-theme, $kendo-color-light, $kendo-color-dark )var(--kendo-color-dark, #424242)
Inverse color of the theme. Depending on the theme luminance dark or light, it will be light or dark
The color white.
Note: you cannot change this value.
The color black.
Note: you cannot change this value.
$kendo-color-rgba-transparentColorrgba(0, 0, 0, 0)rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)
The color transparent.
Note: you cannot change this value.
$kendo-gradient-transparent-to-blackGradientrgba(black, 0), blackrgba(0, 0, 0, 0), black
A gradient that goes from transparent to black.
Note: you cannot change this value.
$kendo-gradient-transparent-to-whiteGradientrgba(white, 0), whitergba(255, 255, 255, 0), white
A gradient that goes from transparent to white.
Note: you cannot change this value.
$kendo-gradient-black-to-transparentGradientblack, rgba(black, 0)black, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)
A gradient that goes from black to transparent.
Note: you cannot change this value.
$kendo-gradient-white-to-transparentGradientwhite, rgba(white, 0)white, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)
A gradient that goes from white to transparent.
Note: you cannot change this value.
$kendo-gradient-rainbowGradient#ff0000, #ffff00, #00ff00, #00ffff, #0000ff, #ff00ff, #ff0000#ff0000, #ffff00, #00ff00, #00ffff, #0000ff, #ff00ff, #ff0000
A gradient that cycles through the colors of the rainbow.
Note: you cannot change this value.

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