
The RangeSlider allows users to select a range within a predefined set of adjustable values.

Accessibility Support

Out of the box, the Telerik and Kendo UI RangeSlider provides extensive accessibility support and enables users with disabilities to acquire complete control over its features.

The RangeSlider is compliant with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.2 standards and Section 508 requirements, follows the Web Accessibility Initiative - Accessible Rich Internet Applications (WAI-ARIA) best practices for implementing the keyboard navigation for its component role, provides options for managing its focus and is tested against the most popular screen readers.


This section lists the selectors, attributes, and behavior patterns supported by the component and its composite elements, if any.

The two focusable elements of the RangeSlider must implement the specification for the Slider component. Here is just one clarification for the use of aria-valuetext attribute:

.k-draghandlearia-valuetextSpecifies the text that would be announced based on the currently selected values in both handle elements (e.g. aria-valuetext="10 - 50").

Managing the Focus

Both slider handles are focusable through Tab Key, and the below shortcuts are applicable to them.

Keyboard Shortcuts

Arrow Down or Arrow LeftDecreases value by small step.
Arrow Up or Arrow RightIncreases value by small step.
HomeSets value to the Min value.
EndSets value to the Max value.
Page upIncreases value by large step.
Page downDecreases value by large step.


The RangeSlider has been extensively tested automatically with axe-core and manually with the most popular screen readers.

Screen Readers

The RangeSlider has been tested with the following screen readers and browsers combinations:

Microsoft EdgeJAWS

