
Buttons are UI elements for initializing actions upon user interaction.

Usage Guidelines

The Telerik and Kendo UI Button requires you to follow some basic principles when using the component.

Fill Modes

The Button supports the solid, outline, and flat fill modes, which put different emphasis on the indicated actions.

Two Telerik and Kendo UI Buttons with different fill modes in a dialog.
Use different fill modes to differentiate the importance of actions.
Two Telerik and Kendo UI Buttons with the same fill mode in a dialog.
Avoid using buttons with the same fill mode when they indicate a decision users must make or an action users must perform.

Label Text

The label of the Button must be clear, straightforward, and leaving no room for misinterpretations.

A Telerik and Kendo UI Button displaying with a clear action.
Use active verbs or phrases that clearly indicate the Button action.
A Telerik and Kendo UI Button showing ambiguous action to an unclear result.
Avoid using vague and generic labels which make the user read the dialog before taking action.

Label Width

Whether the Button renders an icon, icon and text, or text only, it must convey a clear message, be compact, concise, and tight-fitting.

A Telerik and Kendo UI Button with a single word inside.
Keep the length of the Button label as short as possible.
A Telerik and Kendo UI Button showing a four-word sentence inside ending with a period.
Avoid using too much text for the Button label.


Depending on the purpose of the Telerik and Kendo UI Button, you can apply any of its supported sizing options to smoothly fit it into the UI. However, sizing needs extra attention when you combine two or more sizing variations in a single component.

Two Telerik and Kendo UI Buttons using consistent sizing relative to the dialog container that holds them.
Use Buttons of different sizes in the context of the UI.
Two Telerik and Kendo UI Buttons using different sizing in a dialog container that holds them.
Avoid combining Buttons of different sizes inside a single component.