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Customizing Color System


The following table lists the available variables for customization.

NameTypeDefault valueComputed value
$kendo-colorsMap$_default-colors(app-surface: #ffffff, on-app-surface: #212529, subtle: #606970, surface: #f8f9fa, surface-alt: #ffffff, border: #dee2e6, border-alt: #ced4da, base-subtle: #e9ecef, base-subtle-hover: #dee2e6, base-subtle-active: #ced4da, base: #dee2e6, base-hover: #ced4da, base-active: #bdc4cb, base-emphasis: #adb5bd, base-on-subtle: #212529, on-base: #212529, base-on-surface: #212529, primary-subtle: #cfe2ff, primary-subtle-hover: #b6d4fe, primary-subtle-active: #9ec5fe, primary: #0d6efd, primary-hover: #0b5ed7, primary-active: #0a58ca, primary-emphasis: #6ea8fe, primary-on-subtle: #052c65, on-primary: #ffffff, primary-on-surface: #0d6efd, secondary-subtle: #dee2e6, secondary-subtle-hover: #ced4da, secondary-subtle-active: #bdc4cb, secondary: #6c757d, secondary-hover: #606970, secondary-active: #555c64, secondary-emphasis: #8d959d, secondary-on-subtle: #212529, on-secondary: #ffffff, secondary-on-surface: #212529, tertiary-subtle: #e2d9f3, tertiary-subtle-hover: #d3c5ec, tertiary-subtle-active: #c5b3e6, tertiary: #6f42c1, tertiary-hover: #59359a, tertiary-active: #4e2f89, tertiary-emphasis: #a98eda, tertiary-on-subtle: #21143b, on-tertiary: #ffffff, tertiary-on-surface: #6f42c1, info-subtle: #cff4fc, info-subtle-hover: #aaecfa, info-subtle-active: #86e5f8, info: #0dcaf0, info-hover: #0aa2c0, info-active: #098da8, info-emphasis: #3dd5f3, info-on-subtle: #04414d, on-info: #ffffff, info-on-surface: #0dcaf0, success-subtle: #d1e7dd, success-subtle-hover: #badbcc, success-subtle-active: #8cc3aa, success: #146c43, success-hover: #125f3b, success-active: #0f5132, success-emphasis: #479f76, success-on-subtle: #08291a, on-success: #ffffff, success-on-surface: #0f5132, warning-subtle: #ffecb5, warning-subtle-hover: #ffe69c, warning-subtle-active: #ffe083, warning: #ffc107, warning-hover: #cc9a06, warning-active: #b38705, warning-emphasis: #ffcd39, warning-on-subtle: #523e02, on-warning: #000000, warning-on-surface: #ffc107, error-subtle: #f8d7da, error-subtle-hover: #f5c2c7, error-subtle-active: #f1aeb5, error: #dc3545, error-hover: #b02a37, error-active: #9a2530, error-emphasis: #e35d6a, error-on-subtle: #421015, on-error: #ffffff, error-on-surface: #dc3545, light-subtle: #f8f9fa, light-subtle-hover: #e9ecef, light-subtle-active: #dee2e6, light: #f8f9fa, light-hover: #e9ecef, light-active: #dee2e6, light-emphasis: #bdc4cb, light-on-subtle: #343a40, on-light: #000000, light-on-surface: #ced4da, dark-subtle: #6c757d, dark-subtle-hover: #606970, dark-subtle-active: #555c64, dark: #212529, dark-hover: #2c3035, dark-active: #343a40, dark-emphasis: #343a40, dark-on-subtle: #ffffff, on-dark: #ffffff, dark-on-surface: #121417, inverse-subtle: #6c757d, inverse-subtle-hover: #606970, inverse-subtle-active: #555c64, inverse: #212529, inverse-hover: #2c3035, inverse-active: #343a40, inverse-emphasis: #343a40, inverse-on-subtle: #ffffff, on-inverse: #ffffff, inverse-on-surface: #121417, series-a: #0d6efd, series-a-bold: #0a53be, series-a-bolder: #052c65, series-a-subtle: #86b6fe, series-a-subtler: #4992fd, series-b: #6f42c1, series-b-bold: #4e2f89, series-b-bolder: #36215f, series-b-subtle: #b9a3e1, series-b-subtler: #8c68cd, series-c: #20c997, series-c-bold: #178c69, series-c-bolder: #10654c, series-c-subtle: #a6e9d5, series-c-subtler: #4dd4ac, series-d: #198754, series-d-bold: #125f3b, series-d-bolder: #0d442a, series-d-subtle: #8cc3aa, series-d-subtler: #479f76, series-e: #dc3545, series-e-bold: #9a2530, series-e-bolder: #6e1b23, series-e-subtle: #f1aeb5, series-e-subtler: #e35d6a, series-f: #ffc107, series-f-bold: #b38705, series-f-bolder: #806104, series-f-subtle: #ffe083, series-f-subtler: #ffcd39)
The global default Colors map.
The color that focuses the user attention.
Used for primary buttons and for elements of primary importance across the theme.
$kendo-color-primary-contrastColork-contrast-color( $kendo-color-primary )white
The color used along with the primary color denoted by $kendo-color-primary.
Used to provide contrast between the background and foreground colors.
The secondary color of the theme.
$kendo-color-secondary-contrastColork-contrast-color( $kendo-color-secondary )white
The color used along with the secondary color denoted by $kendo-color-secondary.
Used to provide contrast between the background and foreground colors.
The tertiary color of the theme.
$kendo-color-tertiary-contrastColork-contrast-color( $kendo-color-tertiary )white
The color used along with the tertiary color denoted by $kendo-color-tertiary.
Used to provide contrast between the background and foreground colors.
The color for informational messages and states.
The color for success messages and states.
The color for warning messages and states.
The color for error messages and states.
The dark color of the theme.
The light color of the theme.
$kendo-color-inverseColorif( $kendo-is-dark-theme, $kendo-color-light, $kendo-color-dark )#212529
Inverse color of the theme. Depending on the theme luminance dark or light, it will be light or dark

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