
The Wizard component simplifies complex processes into manageable steps and guides users with clear, step-by-step navigation.

Sass Variables

The Telerik and Kendo UI Wizard is a composite UI component. To configure and customize its appearance, use not only its dedicated Sass variables but also the Sass variables provided by the Button and Stepper components.

VariableDefault ValueComputed ValueValue
kendo-wizard-padding-x$kendo-padding-md-x * 2.520pxDefault: $kendo-padding-md-x * 2.5Computed: 20px
Description: The horizontal padding of the Wizard.
kendo-wizard-padding-y$kendo-wizard-padding-x20pxDefault: $kendo-wizard-padding-xComputed: 20px
Description: The vertical padding of the Wizard.
kendo-wizard-content-padding-x$kendo-padding-md-x * 432pxDefault: $kendo-padding-md-x * 4Computed: 32px
Description: The horizontal padding of the Wizard content.
kendo-wizard-content-padding-y$kendo-padding-md-y * 832pxDefault: $kendo-padding-md-y * 8Computed: 32px
Description: The vertical padding of the Wizard content.
kendo-wizard-buttons-margin-x10px10pxDefault: 10pxComputed: 10px
Description: The horizontal margin of the Wizard's Button container.
kendo-wizard-border-width0px0pxDefault: 0pxComputed: 0px
Description: The border width of the Wizard.
kendo-wizard-font-size$kendo-font-size-md14pxDefault: $kendo-font-size-mdComputed: 14px
Description: The font size of the Wizard.
kendo-wizard-line-height$kendo-line-height-md1.4285714286Default: $kendo-line-height-mdComputed: 1.4285714286
Description: The line height of the Wizard.
kendo-wizard-font-family$kendo-font-familyinheritDefault: $kendo-font-familyComputed: inherit
Description: The font family of the Wizard.
kendo-wizard-step-focus-border #656565 #656565Default: #656565Computed: #656565
Description: The outline of the focused Wizard step.