
The Timeline UI component is a visual representation of events or activities arranged in chronological order.

Usage Guidelines

The Telerik and Kendo UI Timeline requires you to follow some basic principles when using the component.

Collapsible Card

The Timeline component uses the Card component as a nested element to facilitate the presentation of content in a clean and visually pleasing manner. The collapsible version of the Card can be applied to optimize the presentation of big pieces of content.

A Telerik and Kendo UI Timeline using collapsible Cards to show additional information about an event on demand.
Use the collapsible version of the Card when the content requires more space. When collapsed back to its original size, the card will free space for more timeline events to display.
A Telerik and Kendo UI Timeline showing fixed-size Cards.
Avoid using the non-collapsible version of the Card, as the fixed content height might take up too much space and take subsequent timeline events out of sight.