
The TextBox is a UI element that allows users to enter short text into an application.

Usage Guidelines

The Telerik and Kendo UI TextBox requires you to follow some basic principles when using the component.

Text Label

Usually, the TextBox is used as a part of a form along with other fields and components. When used in a form, labeling becomes essential as it clarifies the meaning of the TextBox and communicates its context to the user. The label of the TextBox can be set as part of the Telerik and Kendo UI Form component.

A Telerik and Kendo UI TextBox with a clear and straightforward label.
Use a clear and concise text label to clarify the meaning of the TextBox.
A Telerik and Kendo UI TextBox showing no label.
Avoid skipping the text label unless the TextBox is part of a complex scenario and its context is already set.


When using a TextBox, always consider the type of information that the user will enter in the component. This will help you to choose the correct maximal length for the TextBox. Using the wrong length can mislead the user.

A Telerik and Kendo UI TextBox with suitable input fields.
Set the length of the TextBox according to the required data.
A Telerik and Kendo UI TextBox with too long input fields can mislead the user.
Avoid making the TextBox unnecessarily large as this confuses the user.