
The RadioGroup component presents a list of radio buttons that allows users to make a single selection from a predefined set of mutually exclusive options.

Usage Guidelines

The Telerik and Kendo UI RadioGroup requires you to follow some basic principles when using the component.


The RadioGroup component is typically used when you have a set of mutually exclusive options and users must select one of the available options.

Use the RadioGroup to imply that only one option can be selected.
Do not enable multiple selections in the RadioGroup.


The label of the RadioGroup is of primary importance as it conveys the meaning of the options that the user can select. Therefore, the text label must be clear, straightforward, and as short as possible.

Keep the label clear and concise.
Avoid setting larger and vague labels.

Default Selection

To prevent confusion among users when using a RadioGroup, don't select all alternatives by default. Instead, provide a single default or pre-selected option as a clear starting point.

Provide a default or preselected option in the RadioGroup to set a clear starting point for users.
Avoid leaving all Telerik and Kendo UI RadioGroup options unselected as this can confuse the user.

Binary Selection

When designing a user interface with a RadioGroup, consider the best approach for binary selection scenarios. By using a single checkbox instead of two RadioButtons, you can create a more efficient and simpler interface. Using two radio buttons for binary selection within a RadioGroup can lead to unnecessary complexity and confusion for users.

Use a single checkbox for binary selection as it provides a more intuitive and streamlined interface.
Avoid using two radio buttons for binary selection within a RadioGroup as this complicates the user interface and introduces confusion.