
The ExternalDropZone component allows users to drag and drop files onto a designated drop zone within the page.

Usage Guidelines

The Telerik and Kendo UI ExternalDropZone requires you to follow some basic principles when using the component.

Hint and Note Texts

Clear hint and note texts within the ExternalDropZone component significantly contribute to a streamlined user experience, offering guidance and ensuring smooth file management. Their thoughtful use minimizes potential confusion and reinforces efficient interaction with the component.

A Telerik and Kendo UI ExternalDropZone with informative label and note texts
Use descriptive and clear hint and note texts in the ExternalDropZone component to inform users about the drag-and-drop functionality, accepted file types, or any specific instructions.
A Telerik and Kendo UI ExternalDropZone without label and note texts
Avoid omitting or using vague hint and note texts in the ExternalDropZone as this can lead to confusion and frustration.