
The Error component visually indicates validation issues or errors in the associated components and provides information on how to correct them.

Usage Guidelines

The Telerik and Kendo UI Error requires you to follow some basic principles when using the component.

Clear Errors

Clear error messages provide specific and actionable information about the encountered problem and guide users toward resolving it. By using clear error components, users can easily understand what went wrong, why it happened, and what corrective actions they need to take.

Use clear error messages that accurately communicate the issue.
Avoid using ambiguous or confusing error messages that may lead to misunderstanding.

Concise Errors

Concise error messages provide the necessary information about the encountered issue in a clear and succinct manner, enabling users to quickly understand what went wrong. By keeping the error messages concise, users can easily grasp the problem and take appropriate corrective actions.

Use short and concise error messages that facilitate user understanding and form completion.
Avoid using excessively long error messages that are difficult to read and comprehend.