UI for WPF
Organize and search data easily. Get a better understanding of data spanning across multiple rows and columns and quickly analyze data with the sorting functionality.
The filtering functionality enables you to add flexibility to your data. Display and focus on the data that you need at any given moment, without breaking its initial structure and content.
Manipulate, create and represent data in a variety of formats using any of the options for displaying numbers that RadSpreadsheet for Silverlight provides. All the main number formats are supported, including dates, currencies, percentages, text, and others.
Conditional formatting allows users to precisely define the formatting of cells that satisfy predefined conditions, making it easier to analyze data and spot irregularities in it. The feature comes with a wide range of predefined conditions, formatting options and also supports utilizing a formula to define a condition.
This functionality of the Telerik Spreadsheet enables adding a comment to a specific cell. Users can also delete or reply to a comment. Additionally, a comment (thread) can be marked as resolved, deleted or reopened at a later stage.
The SpreadsheetRibbon control compliments Spreadsheet, with convenient ribbon exposing the variety of features the latter supports. With few lines of XAML you get all the UI expected from a standard spreadsheet editing application, including multiple ribbon tabs full of commands, styles gallery, formula and status bar. When updating from version to version, you'll automatically get UI for all the new commands we expose.
The Spreadsheet control provides convenient design-time experience – dragging Spreadsheet in the XAML designer will start code-generation wizard. You can choose a set of components, and all of the needed XAML code and assembly references are automatically added to the project.
The Spreadsheet component offers support for Charts to better visualize and summarize the data in the spreadsheet document for end users in a visually appealing and understandable way. The functionality offers the ability to not only display charts, but also add and remove chart objects in the spreadsheet itself.
The supported chart types are:
Pie & Donut
You can specify a row or a column that will be repeated on every printed page. You will find this API useful when you need to print or export PDF data spanning on multiple pages and still allow the users to see the important information on the top/left side.