
UI for WPF

WPF MaskedInput

  • The Telerik MaskedInput allows controlled data input in WPF applications. Enhances the functionality of a TextBox by adding input validation and masks, such as date, IP Address, SSN, phone number, digits, currency and decimals.
  • Part of the Telerik UI for WPF library along with 160+ professionally-designed UI controls.
  • Includes support, documentation, demos, virtual classrooms, Visual Studio Extensions and more!
Telerik UI for WPF MaskedInput
  • Four Input Controls

    Enter text, numbers and dates that conform to a given mask. The four MaskedInput components accept numeric, currency, date-time and text input in various customizable formats and provide cross-culture support.

    WPF MaskedEditBox control showcasing input controls
  • Validation Support

    Apply business logic to ensure accurate values—even after the input passes the control mask—thanks to the built-in validation support.

    WPF MaskedEditBox control showing Validation Support
  • Regex Validation Support

    With the support for Regex validation to the MaskedInput control you will have endless possibilities for input validation in the control. We’ve also included some of the most common options such as: IP and Email.

    WPF MaskedInput displaying Regex Support
  • Built-In Watermark Support

    Built-in support for watermarks enables you to provide example texts for users before they enter a value.

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