Kendo UI for jQuery
The jQuery Wizard breaks the tedium of long processes (i.e., loan applications) into guided steps for an improved user experience. Each Wizard step has its own content (form or other HTML), has validation built-in and a progress indicator displaying the number of steps left towards completing the process.
Rather than requiring you to build your own forms, the jQuery Wizard integrates with the Kendo UI for jQuery Form component for a super simple development experience.
The jQuery Wizard embeds seamlessly into your page’s layout by giving you three choices for placing content relative to the stepper:
· Horizontally above the content (the most typical case)
· Vertically to the left of the content
· Vertically to the right of the content
See the jQuery Wizard Content Position demoImprove accessibility and productivity with keyboard-only navigation. This component supports keyboard navigation to help navigate and interact with items.