
Kendo UI for jQuery

jQuery AI Prompt

  • Empower users to execute tasks leveraging intuitive AI commands with the Kendo UI for jQuery AI Prompt component.
  • Part of the Kendo UI for jQuery library along with 100+ professionally-designed components.
  • Includes support, documentation, demos, virtual classrooms, learning resources and more!
  • Overview

    Kendo UI for jQuery AI Prompt offers a range of functionalities, from generating responses to writing prompts and interacting with AI outputs, to executing a set of predefined commands. The components provides users with a modern interface to interact with AI services, while enhancing usability for developers by offering smooth customization.

    See the jQuery AI Prompt overview demo  

    AI prompt overview
  • Templates

    The component enables you to easily customize the appearance of the prompt suggestions. Moreover, you have the option to add a custom view by utilizing the available templates.  

    See the jQuery AI Prompt Templates demo   

  • Events

    To ensure smooth interaction, the Kendo UI for jQuery AI Prompt emits a number of events which enable you to control its behavior upon user interaction.  

    See the jQuery AI Prompt Events Demo 

  • Keyboard Navigation

    The AI Prompt component provides keyboard navigation out-of-the-box. This helps users navigate through, manipulate, and interact with any element by using their keyboard. 

    See the jQuery AI Prompt Keyboard Navigation demo  

    keyboard navigation
  • RTL Support

    The component supports both left-to-right and right-to-left language inputs, enabling to properly render a variety of languages, including Hebrew, Chinese, and Arabic, thus making your jQuery app truly global.  

    See the jQuery AI Prompt RTL Support demo  

    RTL support

All Kendo UI for jQuery Components

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