
Kendo UI for jQuery

jQuery TextArea

  • Easily add a text area to your jQuery application that automatically applies your design theme.
  • Part of the Kendo UI for jQuery library along with 100+ professionally-designed components.
  • Includes support, documentation, demos, virtual classrooms, learning resources and more!
  • Overview

    The Kendo UI for jQuery TextArea component applies Kendo UI theme styling to the HTML text area element to provide a consistent look and feel across your jQuery applications.

    See the jQuery TextArea demo

    Textarea overview
  • Floating Labels

    As an input component, the jQuery TextArea can have labels attached to it. The label can be positioned before the input or as a floating label.

    See the jQuery TextArea Floating demo

    ТextАrea floating label
  • Prefix and Suffix Adornments

    Elevate user interactivity leveraging the option for adding prefix and suffix adornments. These are custom items, usually an icon or button, inside the field before or after the input area. Typical prefix adornments are currency symbols or unit indicators, while suffix adornments are often used for password visibility toggles, formatting or clearing the input. 

    See the jQuery TextArea Prefix and Suffix demo

    TextArea Adornments
  • Appearance

    The jQuery TextArea component supports several styling options enabling you to customize the size, border radius, fill mode, overflow, and resize orientation. You can also easily switch between the available themes and swatches. 

    See the jQuery TextArea Appearance demo



    Text Area Appearance

All Kendo UI for jQuery Components

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