
Kendo UI for jQuery

jQuery Notification

  • Implement standard notifications (info, success, warning, error) or create your own for a great jQuery application experience.
  • Part of the Kendo UI for jQuery library along with 100+ professionally-designed components.
  • Includes support, documentation, demos, virtual classrooms, learning resources and more!
  • Overview

    The jQuery Notification component (also known as jQuery toast) displays a brief message to inform users about the status of a particular process, such as a successful update of data or an error message. It comes with logic for handling multiple notifications at once, controlling the position of the notification container, and with several predefined styles for common notification scenarios.

    See the jQuery Notification demo

  • Types

    The jQuery Notification component provides built-in notification types to cover common scenarios. These include "info", "success", "warning", and "error". They will adapt to your theme and are styled to match what users are accustomed to seeing. You can also create your own using templates.

    Read the jQuery Notification Types documentation

  • Position and Stacking

    The position of the jQuery Notification is by default automatically handled by the component, but you can configure the notification to align to the browser's viewport or position the component to a specific container. You can also configure the stacking behavior for cases when multiple notifications need to be shown.

    See the jQuery Notification Position and Stacking demo

  • Templates

    Like most other Kendo UI for jQuery components, you can create custom templates to style your own notifications.

    See the jQuery Notification Templates demo

  • Globalization

    The jQuery Notification component supports any globalization or localization scenarios. You can also enable RTL mode to display the control’s text and UI elements from left to right.

    See the jQuery Notification RTL demo


All Kendo UI for jQuery Components

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