

ASP.NET MVC DockManager

  • Kickstart your desktop to web migration projects with Telerik UI for ASP.NET MVC DockManager.
  • Part of the Telerik UI for ASP.NET MVC library along with 110+ professionally designed UI components.
  • Includes support, documentation, demos, virtual classrooms and more!
DockManager Header
  • Smoothly Migrate Desktop Apps to Web

    Recreate a desktop-like experience in your web applications. Telerik UI for ASP.NET MVC DockManager component replicates docks, along with their behaviors, ensuring smooth desktop to web migration. The DockManager gives you the ability to have control over the layout of your application through panes, which allows end users to alter the existing layout by pinning, resizing and moving panes.  

    See the Telerik UI for ASP.NET MVC DockManager demo 

    Telerik UI for ASP.NET MVC DockManager-Overview
  • Dock Types

    Dock panes globally or within other panes with Telerik UI for ASP.NET MVC DockManager. It supports two dock types: 

    • Global docking: Upon dragging a pane a global docking navigator is always shown. The user has the option to dock the dragged pane to one of the component's edges, thus the dragged pane will become one of the root panes. 
    • Inner docking: Upon dragging a pane and hovering over another pane a dock navigator is shown. The user can choose to drop a pane on any of the parent's outer edges splitting the parent pane or drop it in the middle of the navigator as a tab of the parent pane. 

    See the Telerik UI for ASP.NET MVC DockManager dock types documentation

    Telerik UI for ASP.NET MVC DockManager-UI-Basic-usage
  • Pane Types

    Telerik UI for ASP.NET MVC DockManager allows you to configure different pane tabs. 

    • Tab panes refer to group panes allocated in a tab strip way, like the TabStrip component. Users can navigate through panes via tabs in the header. 
    • Split panes allow you to group panes in a Splitter-like way by splitting the container pane horizontally or vertically. 
    • Content panes enable you to explicitly specify arbitrary content that will be rendered for a given pane as per your requirements. 

    See the Telerik UI for ASP.NET MVC DockManager pane types documentation 

    Telerik UI for ASP.NET MVC DockManager-UI-Toggle-and-remove-panes
  • DockManager Events

    To ensure smooth interactions, the UI for ASP.NET MVC DockManager component includes the following set of events: 

    • Dock which is triggered when a pane is docked. 
    • Pin which is fired when a pane is pinned. 
    • Unpin that is triggered when a pane is unpinned. 
    • InnerDock which is triggered when a pane is docked inside the current pane. 
    • Resize that is fired when a pane is resized. 
    • Drag which is triggered when a pane is dragged. 
    • DragStart that is fired when item drag starts. 
    • DragEnd that is fired when item drag ends. 
    • Close which is triggered when a pane is closed. 

    See the Telerik UI for ASP.NET MVC DockManager events demo 

All ASP.NET MVC Components

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