Telerik Forums
UI for ASP.NET MVC Forum
3 answers
We need your feedback, because we are considering changes in the release approach for Telerik UI for ASP.NET MVC. Please provide your feedback in the comments section below:

1. Is it hard to understand the version numbers of our releases? If yes, what makes them hard to understand them?

2. Would semantic versioning (SemVer) of our releases make it easier to understand our version numbers and what's behind them?

3. If we go with SemVer, we might need to start with version 3000.0.0 as we currently use 2022.x.x. Please share your thoughts about this approach and ideas for what number versioning would work best for you.

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 answered on 11 Nov 2024
1 answer

I'm looking to implement a check when a user has scrolled to the bottom of the pdfviewer using dotnet mvc/jquery.

Iv found the following articles


and iv managed to hook into the scroll functionality through a private scroller field like so

still figuring out the calculation...

      function onPdfViewerComplete(e){
        try {
                const scroller = e.sender._scroller;
                const scrollPosition = scroller.scrollTop;
                const maxScrollPosition = scroller.scrollHeight - scroller.clientHeight;

            scroller.bind('scroll', ()=> {
                if (scrollPosition >= maxScrollPosition) {
                    alert("Scrolled to the bottom of the PDF");
        } catch(e) {
            console.error("error", e);

Is there any better way to handle this? the documentation seems sparse around this.
Telerik team
 answered on 13 Feb 2025
1 answer

am using Kendo UI with Razor as the frontend and .NET Framework 4.8.1 as the backend.
I have the following code, but it does not initially display "Switzerland".
It is present in the list, but I do not want to select it manually.
I want it to be preselected from the start. Could you please help me?

@model int?

    var initialItems = new List<SelectListItem>()
        new SelectListItem{ Text = "Schweiz", Value = "1" }

<div class="k-floating-label-container mb-3">
    @(Html.Kendo().DropDownListFor(x => x)
        .Events(e => e.Open("onDropDownOpen"))
    @Html.LabelFor(x => x, new { @class = "k-label k-input-label" })
    @Html.ValidationMessageFor(x => x)

<script>function onDropDownOpen(e) {
    var dropdown = $("#Store_DefaultLanguageId").data("kendoDropDownList");

    if ( === 1) { 
            transport: {
                read: {
                    url: "/Language/LanguageList",
                    dataType: "json",
            serverFiltering: true

Anton Mironov
Telerik team
 answered on 07 Feb 2025
1 answer

I'm using the Kendo for ASP.Net MVC Upload control. I'm on version 2019, and upgrading right now is not an option unfortunately. When the user chooses a file (multi-select is off), I have a Submit button separate from the control that the user clicks to begin the upload. While the upload is taking place, I want the Choose File button to be disabled. I need the pause and cancel buttons enabled, so it won't work to disable the entire control. I have a place to put some javascript to disable the button, but everything I've tried so far doesn't accomplish disabling the button. 

Here is the declaration of the control:

                        <div id="uploadControlContainer" class="upload-input col-sm-12">
                                .Async(a => a
                                    .Save("UploadLargeFileChunk", "DocumentUpload")
                                    //.Remove("Remove", "DocumentUpload") not implemented
                                .Events(e => e.Select("onSelectFile"))
                                .Events(e => e.Upload("onUploadChunk"))
                                .Events(e => e.Cancel("onCancelUpload"))
                                .Events(e => e.Success("onUploadSuccess"))
                                .Events(e => e.Error("onUploadError"))
                                .Messages(m => m.Select("Choose File"))


Telerik team
 answered on 06 Feb 2025
1 answer


I have a Kendo Grid and its first column is a Datetime and Its a Kendo DatePicker.

When the user click on Add new record button then the 1st cell which is a date picker should be auto focus.

Note: When the user click on Add new record button then we are sorting the grid in ascending order so that the new row should appear on the top, which is working fine but the 1st cell of the newly created row a Kendo Date picker in not in focus.

But when the user click on the first cell of the newly created row, then it opens the datepicker to allow user to select a date.

My requirement is when i am clicking the Add new record button then 
1. It should sort in ascending order (Which is working now)

2. The 1st cell of the Kendo Datepicker should auto focus like the above screenshot.

.ToolBar(toolbar =>
    toolbar.Create().HtmlAttributes(new { onclick = "SortGridAscending();" });


function SortGridAscending(){
       var grid = $("#TLPCurveAllocationsGrid").data("kendoGrid");
    //sort Grid's dataSource
    grid.dataSource.sort({field: "AllocationDate", dir: "asc"});


Anton Mironov
Telerik team
 answered on 05 Feb 2025
1 answer


I have have a requirement, where I need to upload an excel file. After uploading the excel file when the user clicks Import button then all the excel data should add to the Kendo grid.

I am using .Net 8 with MVC Razor page to achieve this. Is there any library I have to use to read the excel data to kendo grid or the kendo grid 

have some API(s) which can read the excel file and update the grid.

This is my excel records. 

This is my application, when the user upload this above excel and click on import from Excel, then the above excel records should fill in the

kendo grid.



Telerik team
 answered on 23 Jan 2025
0 answers

I am using autoFitColumn function on a Telerik UI for MVC grid to show the content of all cells as per the below article.

This works if the grid's display is not none. However, there are three tabs on the page, each containing a grid. Only the opened grid has correct column widths. Other grids have minimum column widths. This is unless the user manually opens each tab quickly during data load.

I tried using Telerik's TabStrip at first, but the grid always has minimum column widths when using autoFitColumns, even on the first tab. The goal was to put a Grid inside each tab of the TabStrip. Currently, I am using custom built tabs. 

My current solution to this problem is to set the "hidden" style of each grid to:

position: absolute;
top: -9999px;
left: -9999px;

Is there a better solution?

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 asked on 10 Jan 2025
1 answer

I am using a Kendo.Filter object like the following to filter results in a Kendo Grid:

@(Html.Kendo().Filter<CustomPersonClass>() .Name("personFilter") .DataSource("peopleDS") .ApplyButton(false) .Fields(f => {

f.Add(p => p.LastName).Label("Last Name");
         f.Add(p => p.FirstName).Label("First Name");
         f.Add(p => p.MiddleName).Label("Middle Name");

f.Add(p => p.StartDate).Label("Start Date").Operators(o => o.Date(d => d.Eq("Is equal to").Gte("Greater than equal").Lte("Less than equal"))); }) )

 I have helper code to handle the toolbar in my Kendo Grid like the following, :

@helper ToolbarTemplate()
    <button class="k-button k-button-solid k-button-solid-base" id="applyFilter"><span class="k-icon k-i-filter"></span>Apply Filter</button>
    <button class="k-button k-button-solid k-button-solid-base" id="clearFilter">Reset</button>
    <button class="k-button k-grid-excel k-button-solid k-button-solid-base"><span class="k-icon k-i-excel"></span>Export to Excel</button>

I also have some JavaScript in a function to apply the filter when the Apply Filter button is clicked, as seen here:

$("#applyFilter").click(function (e) {
    var myFilter = $("#personFilter").getKendoFilter();
    localStorage["kendo-person-filter-options"] = kendo.stringify(myFilter.getOptions().expression);


The problem I am having is if I enter an invalid Leap Year date (e.g. 2/29/2003, since 2023 didn't have a February 29th), I get no data back; however, if I enter a valid Leap Year (e.g. 2/29/2004), my Kendo Grid will show data.  Is there a way to validate the date that is being entered manually into a DatePicker field used for filtering?  That is, if I use the DatePicker, it will not show me 2/29/2003 as an option, but if I type in 2/29/2003 and click Apply Filter, it doesn't throw any kind of error about 2/29/2003 being invalid.

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Rank 1
 answered on 08 Jan 2025
1 answer


we upgraded a project of ours from 2022.2.510 to 2024.4.1112, and expectedly our icons aren't working anymore, for example:

<i class="k-icon k-i-user"></i>


The following articles suggest, that it is possible to continue using font icons instead of svg icons:

But we weren't able to get it to work. Is this still supported, and do we need to do sth. else?

(Besides upgrading the project through NuGet, we also installed the packages for SVGIcons and FontIcons from Telerik...)


Kind regards.

Telerik team
 answered on 21 Dec 2024
1 answer

I upgraded my application to 2024.4.1112 and now my fonts are small and some of my buttons are left justified instead of right justified.

I am including before and after pictures.

Can someone assist with this issue?


Telerik team
 answered on 20 Dec 2024
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