UI for WinForms
RadPageView provides a set of views for presenting a collection of pages. Each page is a stand-alone panel where controls may be added through Visual Studio’s Designer. As such, RadPageView consists of pages and items where each item is associated with a page and it can be used to display that page. A specific layout strategy arranges the pages and the items so that the final look-and-feel is achieved:
This simple architectural approach is based on a very flexible and extensible platform that is fully compatible with the Telerik Presentation Framework. It allows for implementing different layout scenarios (tabstrip, panelbar, navpane, etc) quicker than ever before and is greatly optimized for memory consumption, user interaction times, and unbeatable performance with many pages.
This architecture also provides for extensibility, scalability and ease of use. With the semantic that lies behind RadPageView, it is very easy to create custom views over a collection of pages.
You can nest any Control and custom element within Telerik UI for WinForms PageView. This feature gives you enormous flexibility in building paging navigation into applications and allows you to create complex custom user interfaces featuring text boxes, combo boxes, or other custom elements within the page area. If you nest another PageView, you get hierarchal appearance.
RadPageView supports six different navigation modes, which can be chosen through a single property. Each mode implements a different layout strategy, making the presentation unique:
OutlookView mode offers a professional and flexible Outlook 2007/2010©-style navigation menu where items are stacked vertically and their content is displayed on top of the stack. An overflow strip lies below the items, which displays the collapsed items and provides an overflow drop-down menu from which the user can modify the item's visibility:
The StripView encapsulates the TabControl view, which supplies the basis for building tabbed interfaces with rich formatting and behavior. It offers a myriad of settings which allow for deep customization of the items’ strip and content area, such as:
A variety of ways to fit the page items (tabs) in the tabs area, including None, Shrink, Fill, ShrinkAndFill, FillHeight, Muiltiline
Support for pinning tabs and preview tab, as in Visual Studio 2012+, so users can see their most important pages
Support for preview tabs, as in Visual Studio 2012+, so some temporary information can be displayed to users, enabling them to choose whether to keep the tab (promote it) or discard it
Telerik Windows Forms PageView provides rich design-time support functionality making customizations and configurations very easy. Some of the key capabilities are:
The control is shipped with a rich set of themes that allow you to easily build slick interfaces with the look-and-feel of some of the latest Windows and Office versions. The themes can be easily switched using a single property.
Our framework also features support for custom themes, which can be built from scratch to fit your exact visual demands by using the Visual Style Builder productivity tool.
Telerik TabStrip is also capable of displaying images, text, multiline text, and rich text by using standard HTML tags, such as <i>, <b>, and <u>.