The Telerik UI for .NET MAUI Slider component displays a value in a predefined min-max range allowing end users to change it by dragging a thumb along a range track.
The Slider brings an engaging and interactive navigation experience into your .NET MAUI application thanks to a set of built-in features such as value thumb, range track, backtrack, ticks, labels, tooltip, templates and flexible styling API.
You can change the selected value by dragging the value thumb along the backtrack or touching anywhere on the slider (the thumb, the range track, or the backtrack) depending on the drag mode.
The .NET MAUI Slider component can display a tooltip to indicate the currently selected value. The tooltip is displayed as soon as the user starts dragging the thumb.
You can customize the look of the .NET MAUI Slider component in a variety of ways. All of the following control elements are customizable: thumb, track, ticks and labels.