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UI for .NET MAUI Forum
0 answers

The old server is obsolete since November 2024. If you use it the following error occurs: 

Failed to retrieve information about 'Telerik.UI.for.Maui' from remote source ''Telerik.UI.for.Maui'&semVerLevel=2.0.0'.

As a solution use the v3 server. To redirect your feed to the NuGet v3 protocol, all you have to do is to change your NuGet package source URL to The new v3 API is faster, lighter, and reduces the number of requests from NuGet clients. The new v3 protocol offers faster package searches and restores, improved security, and more reliable infrastructure.  For more details about the Telerik NuGet Server review the Telerik MAUI NuGet Server documentation.

Telerik team
 updated question on 27 Nov 2024
0 answers

We recently discovered that our .NET MAUI APP (8.0.92) throws a Java.Lang.RuntimeException with Font asset not found /data/user/0/

Here's the full exception detail:

   at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw (System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e)
   at Java.Interop.JniEnvironment+StaticMethods.CallStaticObjectMethod (Java.Interop, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065)
   at Java.Interop.JniPeerMembers+JniStaticMethods.InvokeObjectMethod (Java.Interop, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065)
   at Android.Graphics.Typeface.CreateFromAsset (Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065)
   at Microsoft.Maui.FontManager.LoadTypefaceFromAsset (Microsoft.Maui, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null)


We do have a "Font" folder in our Application, but in our understanding this shouldn't be a problem anymore.

We register those fonts, which are in the Fonts folder:

.ConfigureFonts(fonts =>
	fonts.AddFont("OpenSans-Regular.ttf", "OpenSansRegular");
	fonts.AddFont("OpenSans-Semibold.ttf", "OpenSansSemibold");
	fonts.AddFont("FontAwesomePro-Light-300.otf", "FontAwesomeLight");
	fonts.AddFont("FontAwesomePro-Regular-400.otf", "FontAwesomeRegular");
	fonts.AddFont("FontAwesomePro-Solid-900.otf", "FontAwesomeSolid");

In addition to that, we have a custom CustomFontsProvider for the fonts we use in the RadPdfProcessing lib for .NET MAUI. Those fonts are however in the RAW.

public class CustomFontsProvider : Telerik.Windows.Documents.Extensibility.FontsProviderBase

{ public override byte[] GetFontData(Telerik.Windows.Documents.Core.Fonts.FontProperties fontProperties) { string fontFileName = fontProperties.FontFamilyName + ".ttf"; if (fontProperties.FontFamilyName == "Verdana") { if (fontProperties.FontStyle == FontStyles.Normal && fontProperties.FontWeight == FontWeights.Normal) { fontFileName = $"Verdana.ttf"; } elseif (fontProperties.FontWeight == FontWeights.Bold) { fontFileName = $"Verdana-Bold.ttf"; } } var fileStream = FileSystem.Current.OpenAppPackageFileAsync(fontFileName).GetAwaiter().GetResult(); var memoryStream = new MemoryStream(); fileStream.CopyTo(memoryStream); return memoryStream.ToArray(); } }


How can we resolve this issue? Any support is appreciated.


Top achievements
Rank 1
 asked on 06 Dec 2024
0 answers


After upgradingTelerik to 8.0.0 and MAUI to 9.0, RadTabView doesnt change to another Tab when i click on it. 

Do you have the same issue ? 

Top achievements
Rank 1
 updated question on 04 Dec 2024
0 answers

I am using TabView with few Input lines (used for settings) on each tab.  I use RadNumericalInput (have also tried RadEntry) as the Input Control.

When I focus an entry on the first tab, the On Screen Keyboard shows up and the screen moves up so that the Input Control is visible while I type in the value.

When I do the same on the second, or the third tab, the screen does not move, and the Input Control is hidden behind the keyboard.

Is this a bug, or is there a way to correct this.

Hal Einarsson.

Top achievements
Rank 1
 asked on 02 Dec 2024
1 answer


Are you able to provide the default control templates for the RadListPicker so that I can tweak them?

On Android the underline border is too far below the text and does not give a consistent look and feel compared to native controls.



Telerik team
 answered on 02 Dec 2024
1 answer

What im basically looking for is a solution for another gesture in addition to regular tap. (on an appointment).

Its split into 2 different options:
1.  (Bug)

Using existing AppointmentDoubleTap event 

I tried this but appearantly when using both events (regular and double tap) - the regular tap will immedietly be executed and so the doubleTap is never accessible.


2. (Request - preferably)

To add an option for a long press event on an appointment...
This is what i had in Xamarin and this is what i would ideally want here as well.



Before suggesting - I did try to use CommunityToolkit behaviors for longPress but when its added to my appointment DataTemplate in the Xaml - the appointments do not appear, probably some conflict with Teleriks...

Telerik team
 answered on 02 Dec 2024
0 answers

Hi Team,

I am using Raddatepicker where the dropdown icon is visiblefor the control. how to remove that.


Mohammed Rameez Raza (Rameez) 

Mohammed Rameez
Top achievements
Rank 1
 updated question on 27 Nov 2024
1 answer
When im trying to load information to a list view in my page sometimes this crashes and this is the error that i gave, trying with the native listview the error doesn't happen


{ObjCRuntime.ObjCException: Objective-C exception thrown.  Name: NSInternalInconsistencyException Reason: Invalid batch updates detected: the number of sections and/or items returned by the data source before and after performing the batch updates are inconsistent with the updates.

Data source before updates = { 3 sections with item counts: [30, 6, 2] }

Data source after updates = { 3 sections with item counts: [30, 6, 2] }

Updates = [

Insert item (0 - 15),

Insert item (0 - 16),

Insert item (0 - 17),

Insert item (0 - 18),

Insert item (0 - 19),

Insert item (0 - 20),

Insert item (0 - 21),

Insert item (0 - 22),

Insert item (0 - 23),

Insert item (0 - 24),

Insert item (0 - 25),

Insert item (0 - 26),

Insert item (0 - 27),

Insert item (0 - 28),

Insert item (0 - 29),

Insert item (1 - 3),

Insert item (1 - 4),

Insert item (1 - 5),

Insert item (2 - 1)


Collection view: <TKCollectionView: 0x1237b3200; baseClass = UICollectionView; frame = (0 0; 350 400); clipsToBounds = YES; autoresize = W+H; gestureRecognizers = <NSArray: 0x600000d933c0>; backgroundColor = UIExtendedGrayColorSpace 0 0; layer = <CALayer: 0x60000435c160>; contentOffset: {0, 0}; contentSize: {350, 1365.6666666666667}; adjustedContentInset: {0, 0, 0, 0}; layout: <TKListViewLinearLayout: 0x1329186b0>; dataSource: <Telerik_Maui_Controls_Compatibility_DataControlsRenderer_iOS_TKExtendedListView: 0x123e59480; frame = (0 0; 350 400); hidden = YES; backgroundColor = UIExtendedSRGBColorSpace 1 1 1 1; layer = <CALayer: 0x60000435c420>>>

Native stack trace:

0   CoreFoundation                      0x00000001804b70ec __exceptionPreprocess + 172

1   libobjc.A.dylib                     0x000000018008ede8 objc_exception_throw + 72

2   Foundation                          0x0000000180e73aa8 _userInfoForFileAndLine + 0

3   UIKitCore                           0x00000001851c27a8 -[UICollectionView _Bug_Detected_In_Client_Of_UICollectionView_Invalid_Batch_Updates:] + 92

4   UIKitCore                           0x00000001851c2118 -[UICollectionView _endItemAnimationsWithInvalidationContext:tentativelyForReordering:animator:collectionViewAnimator:] + 10296

5   UIKitCore                           0x00000001851beb18 -[UICollectionView _updateRowsAtIndexPaths:updateAction:updates:] + 448

6   UIKitCore                           0x00000001851bec74 -[UICollectionView insertItemsAtIndexPaths:] + 52

7   InbrosApp                           0x000000010432733c -[TKCollectionView insertItemsAtIndexPaths:] + 124

8   InbrosApp                           0x0000000104318dcc __38-[TKListView insertItemsAtIndexPaths:]_block_invoke + 68

9   UIKitCore                           0x0000000186012478 +[UIView(UIViewAnimationWithBlocks) _setupAnimationWithDuration:delay:view:options:factory:animations:start:animationStateGenerator:completion:] + 496

10  UIKitCore                           0x0000000186012a70 +[UIView(UIViewAnimationWithBlocks) animateWithDuration:animations:] + 48

11  InbrosApp                           0x0000000104318d14 -[TKListView insertItemsAtIndexPaths:] + 308

12  libxamarin-dotnet-debug.dylib       0x00000001053f4c9c xamarin_dyn_objc_msgSendSuper + 164

13  libmonosgen-2.0.dylib               0x0000000105bf4abc do_icall + 200

14  libmonosgen-2.0.dylib               0x0000000105bf33d0 do_icall_wrapper + 356

15  libmonosgen-2.0.dylib               0x0000000105be7e20 mono_interp_exec_method + 2836

16  libmonosgen-2.0.dylib               0x0000000105be5088 interp_entry_from_trampoline + 548

17  InbrosApp                           0x0000000104345a18 native_to_interp_trampoline + 104

18  libdispatch.dylib                   0x0000000180178de0 _dispatch_client_callout + 16

19  libdispatch.dylib                   0x0000000180187c60 _dispatch_main_queue_drain + 1272

20  libdispatch.dylib                   0x0000000180187758 _dispatch_main_queue_callback_4CF + 40

21  CoreFoundation                      0x000000018041ae3c __CFRUNLOOP_IS_SERVICING_THE_MAIN_DISPATCH_QUEUE__ + 12

22  CoreFoundation                      0x0000000180415534 __CFRunLoopRun + 1944

23  CoreFoundation                      0x0000000180414960 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 536

24  GraphicsServices                    0x0000000190183b10 GSEventRunModal + 160

25  UIKitCore                           0x0000000185aa2b40 -[UIApplication _run] + 796

26  UIKitCore                           0x0000000185aa6d38 UIApplicationMain + 124

27  libxamarin-dotnet-debug.dylib       0x00000001053aff00 xamarin_UIApplicationMain + 60

28  libmonosgen-2.0.dylib               0x0000000105bf4b30 do_icall + 316

29  libmonosgen-2.0.dylib               0x0000000105bf33d0 do_icall_wrapper + 356

30  libmonosgen-2.0.dylib               0x0000000105be7e20 mono_interp_exec_method + 2836

31  libmonosgen-2.0.dylib               0x0000000105be59c0 interp_runtime_invoke + 244

32  libmonosgen-2.0.dylib               0x0000000105afec64 mono_jit_runtime_invoke + 1116

33  libmonosgen-2.0.dylib               0x0000000105cb9d10 mono_runtime_invoke_checked + 148

34  libmonosgen-2.0.dylib               0x0000000105cc12f0 mono_runtime_exec_main_checked + 116

35  libmonosgen-2.0.dylib               0x0000000105b52eec mono_jit_exec + 364

36  libxamarin-dotnet-debug.dylib       0x00000001053f3b00 xamarin_main + 2320

37  InbrosApp                           0x000000010435d0c0 main + 72

38  dyld                                0x0000000104771410 start_sim + 20

39  ???                                 0x00000001044b2274 0x0 + 4367000180


   at TelerikUI.TKListView.InsertItems(NSIndexPath[] indexPaths)

   at Telerik.Maui.Controls.Compatibility.DataControlsRenderer.iOS.ListViewBatchUpdates.ApplyChanges()

   at Telerik.Maui.Controls.Compatibility.DataControlsRenderer.iOS.TKExtendedListView.<ScheduleBatchUpdates>b__44_0()

   at Microsoft.Maui.Dispatching.Dispatcher.<>c__DisplayClass10_0.<DispatchDelayedImplementation>b__0()

   at CoreFoundation.DispatchQueue.static_dispatcher_to_managed(IntPtr context) in /Users/builder/azdo/_work/1/s/xamarin-macios/src/CoreFoundation/Dispatch.cs:line 379

   at UIKit.UIApplication.UIApplicationMain(Int32 , String[] , IntPtr , IntPtr ) in /Users/builder/azdo/_work/1/s/xamarin-macios/src/UIKit/UIApplication.cs:line 58

   at UIKit.UIApplication.Main(String[] , Type , Type ) in /Users/builder/azdo/_work/1/s/xamarin-macios/src/UIKit/UIApplication.cs:line 94

   at InbrosApp.Program.Main(String[] args) in /Users/carminamoreno/Documents/GitHub/Inbros/InbrosApp/Platforms/iOS/Program.cs:line 13

Native stack trace:

0   CoreFoundation                      0x00000001804b70ec __exceptionPreprocess + 172

1   libobjc.A.dylib                     0x000000018008ede8 objc_exception_throw + 72

2   Foundation                          0x0000000180e73aa8 _userInfoForFileAndLine + 0

3   UIKitCore                           0x00000001851c27a8 -[UICollectionView _Bug_Detected_In_Client_Of_UICollectionView_Invalid_Batch_Updates:] + 92

4   UIKitCore                           0x00000001851c2118 -[UICollectionView _endItemAnimationsWithInvalidationContext:tentativelyForReordering:animator:collectionViewAnimator:] + 10296

5   UIKitCore                           0x00000001851beb18 -[UICollectionView _updateRowsAtIndexPaths:updateAction:updates:] + 448

6   UIKitCore                           0x00000001851bec74 -[UICollectionView insertItemsAtIndexPaths:] + 52

7   InbrosApp                           0x000000010432733c -[TKCollectionView insertItemsAtIndexPaths:] + 124

8   InbrosApp                           0x0000000104318dcc __38-[TKListView insertItemsAtIndexPaths:]_block_invoke + 68

9   UIKitCore                           0x0000000186012478 +[UIView(UIViewAnimationWithBlocks) _setupAnimationWithDuration:delay:view:options:factory:animations:start:animationStateGenerator:completion:] + 496

10  UIKitCore                           0x0000000186012a70 +[UIView(UIViewAnimationWithBlocks) animateWithDuration:animations:] + 48

11  InbrosApp                           0x0000000104318d14 -[TKListView insertItemsAtIndexPaths:] + 308

12  libxamarin-dotnet-debug.dylib       0x00000001053f4c9c xamarin_dyn_objc_msgSendSuper + 164

13  libmonosgen-2.0.dylib               0x0000000105bf4abc do_icall + 200

14  libmonosgen-2.0.dylib               0x0000000105bf33d0 do_icall_wrapper + 356

15  libmonosgen-2.0.dylib               0x0000000105be7e20 mono_interp_exec_method + 2836

16  libmonosgen-2.0.dylib               0x0000000105be5088 interp_entry_from_trampoline + 548

17  InbrosApp                           0x0000000104345a18 native_to_interp_trampoline + 104

18  libdispatch.dylib                   0x0000000180178de0 _dispatch_client_callout + 16

19  libdispatch.dylib                   0x0000000180187c60 _dispatch_main_queue_drain + 1272

20  libdispatch.dylib                   0x0000000180187758 _dispatch_main_queue_callback_4CF + 40

21  CoreFoundation                      0x000000018041ae3c __CFRUNLOOP_IS_SERVICING_THE_MAIN_DISPATCH_QUEUE__ + 12

22  CoreFoundation                      0x0000000180415534 __CFRunLoopRun + 1944

23  CoreFoundation                      0x0000000180414960 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 536

24  GraphicsServices                    0x0000000190183b10 GSEventRunModal + 160

25  UIKitCore                           0x0000000185aa2b40 -[UIApplication _run] + 796

26  UIKitCore                           0x0000000185aa6d38 UIApplicationMain + 124

27  libxamarin-dotnet-debug.dylib       0x00000001053aff00 xamarin_UIApplicationMain + 60

28  libmonosgen-2.0.dylib               0x0000000105bf4b30 do_icall + 316

29  libmonosgen-2.0.dylib               0x0000000105bf33d0 do_icall_wrapper + 356

30  libmonosgen-2.0.dylib               0x0000000105be7e20 mono_interp_exec_method + 2836

31  libmonosgen-2.0.dylib               0x0000000105be59c0 interp_runtime_invoke + 244

32  libmonosgen-2.0.dylib               0x0000000105afec64 mono_jit_runtime_invoke + 1116

33  libmonosgen-2.0.dylib               0x0000000105cb9d10 mono_runtime_invoke_checked + 148

34  libmonosgen-2.0.dylib               0x0000000105cc12f0 mono_runtime_exec_main_checked + 116

35  libmonosgen-2.0.dylib               0x0000000105b52eec mono_jit_exec + 364

36  libxamarin-dotnet-debug.dylib       0x00000001053f3b00 xamarin_main + 2320

37  InbrosApp                           0x000000010435d0c0 main + 72

38  dyld                                0x0000000104771410 start_sim + 20

39  ???                                 0x00000001044b2274 0x0 + 4367000180


Telerik team
 answered on 26 Nov 2024
2 answers

Hi Team,

There is an issue we are facing only in IOS, where when trying select any value from RadComboBox dropdown it don't get selected.

This issue only occurs when we have the below code added in AppDeligate, which is for hiding the keyboard when clicked anywhere outside of the UI:


NOTE: the gesture code we need in our app.

Attaching the sample project as well.


Thanks & Best Regards,

Mohammed Rameez Raza.

Telerik team
 answered on 25 Nov 2024
1 answer

RadSlider has some paddings, is it possible to remove it?

I would like to have it from edge to edge


     StringConverter="{x:Static converters:PetDistanceStringConverter.I}"
     Value="{Binding Distance, Mode=TwoWay, Converter={x:Static converters:IntToDoubleConverter.I}}"
     Margin="0,14,0,0" />


Telerik team
 answered on 22 Nov 2024
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