

.NET MAUI SideDrawer

  • Telerik UI for .NET MAUI SideDrawer control enables users to visualize a hidden view in their applications.
  • Part of the Telerik UI for .NET MAUI library along with 60+ professionally-designed UI controls.
  • Includes support, documentation, demos, learning resources and more!
NET MAUI SideDrawer component
  • Navigate Easily with .NET MAUI SideDrawer

    Telerik UI for .NET MAUI SideDrawer control extends the famous slide-out design pattern that is commonly associated with navigation purposes. It enables developers to visualize a hidden view in their applications that can host navigation UI, common settings or any other UI. The sliding panel can be shown using a flick gesture on mobile or a custom UI for desktop.

    Telerik NET MAUI SideDrawer Overview
  • Effects and Transitions

    The control is highly customizable and slides from all four sides of the screen. You can also modify the length of the drawer content, attach commands that will be executed when certain actions occur and enjoy the various effects and transition modes that come out of the box.

    The transition animations are applied to the opening and closing view. The predefined options include Push (the default one), Fade, Reveal, ReverseSlideOut, ScaleUp, SlideAlong, SlideInOnTop and Custom.

    MAUI Sidedrawer Default Push Transition

All UI for .NET MAUI Components

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