
Spacing is using empty space to enhance clarity, readability, and element relationships in design.

Usage Guidelines

Industry-wise, spacing implementation follows some basic principles and established standards.


Telerik and Kendo UI components are built on the principle of symmetry. In this context, symmetry means that the vertical paddings inside a component, just like the horizontal ones, always have equal values. The symmetry principle does not relate to borders as some components may have a single border element.

Recommendations for applying the symmetry principle in the Telerik and Kendo UI context.
Follow the established principle of symmetry in vertical and horizontal spacing inside the Kendo components.
What to avoid when applying the symmetry principle in the Telerik and Kendo UI context
Avoid setting unequal vertical or horizontal paddings inside a single component.


Spacing implies the relations between the components and their elements by applying the basic design principle of proximity where equal spacing suggests equal importance or grouping, while less spacing conveys closer relation.

Recommendations for applying the proximity principle in the Telerik and Kendo UI context
Have in mind that spacing defines the relations between the components.
What to avoid when applying the proximity principle in the Telerik and Kendo UI context
Avoid using different spacing for elements of equal importance in the Telerik and Kendo UI context.


Spacing is substantial when building Telerik and Kendo UI components as, along with typography, it defines their size. That is why the spacing scale consists of multiple steps which allow better flexibility inside smaller-sized components.

Recommendations for applying spacing values when defining the size of Telerik and Kendo UI components
Use different spacing values to build component sizes.
What to avoid when applying spacing values when defining the size of Telerik and Kendo UI components
Avoid relying only on typography to define the size of the components.