
Clearly and effortlessly communicate your message and visually enhance your app with the simple, yet effective icon graphics.

Visual Adjustments for Icons

You can visually enhance the font and SVG icons by:


You can scale icons by setting the size configuration option.

The default size of all Telerik and Kendo UI icons is 16 px (font-size: 16 px; width: 16 px; height: 16 px). However, Kendo UI provides several predefined sizes that are described in the table below. To set each of these sizes, use the respective CSS class.

You can also apply any size to the font icons by using the CSS font-size property. Similarly, to adjust the size of the SVG icons, use the width and height CSS property.

Predefined SizeFont SizeWidthHeightCSS Class
xsmall12 px12 px12 pxk-icon-xs
small14 px14 px14 pxk-icon-sm
medium16 px16 px16 pxk-icon-md
large20 px20 px20 pxk-icon-lg
xlarge24 px24 px24 pxk-icon-xl
xxlarge32 px32 px32 pxk-icon-xxl
xxxlarge48 px48 px48 pxk-icon-xxxl


The Telerik and Kendo UI theme provides predefined colors listed in the table below. To set each of these colors, use the respective CSS class.

ColorCSS ClassDescription
primaryk-color-primaryApplies coloring based on the primary theme color.
secondaryk-color-secondaryApplies coloring based on the secondary theme color.
tertiaryk-color-tertiaryApplies coloring based on the tertiary theme color.
infok-color-infoApplies coloring based on the info theme color.
successk-color-successApplies coloring based on the success theme color.
warningk-color-warningApplies coloring based on the warning theme color.
errork-color-errorApplies coloring based on the error theme color.
darkk-color-darkApplies coloring based on the dark theme color.
lightk-color-lightApplies coloring based on the light theme color.
inversek-color-inverseApplies coloring based on the inverse theme color.

Flipping and Rotating

To better accommodate the icons in your application, you can flip and rotate them with the help of predefined CSS classes:

CSS ClassDescription
k-flip-hFlips an icon horizontally.
k-flip-vFlips an icon vertically.
k-flip-h k-flip-vFlips an icon both horizontally and vertically.
k-rotate-0Rotates an icon 0°.
k-rotate-45Rotates an icon 45°.
k-rotate-90Rotates an icon 90°.
k-rotate-135Rotates an icon 135°.
k-rotate-180Rotates an icon 180°.
k-rotate-225Rotates an icon 225°.
k-rotate-270Rotates an icon 270°.
k-rotate-315Rotates an icon 315°.