
The OrgChart component offers an intuitive way to visualize and interact with organizational structures.

Usage Guidelines

The Telerik and Kendo UI OrgChart requires you to follow some basic principles when using the component.

Color Indicator

Incorporating color indicators into OrgChart nodes significantly enhances the visual hierarchy of organizational structures. These color cues serve as valuable markers, aiding users in swiftly identifying and understanding the different levels within the chart. This feature not only contributes to an aesthetically pleasing design but also plays a crucial role in improving user comprehension and navigation through complex organizational hierarchies.

Use color indicators in OrgChart cards as an additional visual cue to effectively distinguish between different levels in organizational structures.
Avoid omitting the color indicators, as this can make it challenging to recognize the different levels within the OrgChart.


The grouping feature in the OrgChart component serves as a tool for creating a visually organized representation of complex organizational structures. By strategically grouping related units, such as departments or teams, it provides a clear and efficient overview of the organization.

Use the grouping feature in the OrgChart component to emphasize and focus on specific departments or teams within the organizational structure.
Avoid displaying redundant information in OrgChart cards if it can be externalized using the grouping feature, which allows for a clear and efficient presentation of complex organizational structures.