
the class that describes the command of the AI Prompt.

The class that describes the event arguments of the OnCommandExecute event of the AIPrompt component.

The class that describes the output of the AI Prompt.

The class that describes the event arguments of the AIPromptOutputRatingEventArgs event of the AIPrompt component.

Specifies the rating type of the AI prompt output.

The class that describes the event arguments of the OnRequest event of the AIPrompt component.

Telerik UI ArcGaugeGaugeArea.

Telerik UI ArcGaugeGaugeAreaBorder.

Telerik UI ArcGaugeGaugeAreaMargin.

Telerik UI ArcGaugePointers.

Telerik UI ArcGaugeScaleLabels.

Telerik UI ArcGaugeScaleLabelsBorder.

Telerik UI ArcGaugeScaleLabelsMargin.

Telerik UI ArcGaugeScaleLabelsPadding.

Telerik UI ArcGaugeScaleMajorTicks.

Telerik UI ArcGaugeScaleMinorTicks.

Telerik UI ArcGaugeScales.

The class that describes the event arguments of the OnClose event of the AutoComplete.

The class that describes the event arguments to the AutoComplete item render event.

The class that describes the event arguments of the OnOpen event of the AutoComplete.

The class that describes the event arguments of the OnRead event of the autocomplete.

Telerik UI BarcodeBorder.

Telerik UI BarcodePadding.

Telerik UI BarcodeText.

Telerik UI BarcodeTextMargin.

The class that describes the event arguments of the OnClick event of the Breadcrumb.

The class for the ButtonGroupToggleButton component.

The class that describes the event arguments to the calendar cell render event.

Base class for card building blocks.

The legend item click event arguments.

Telerik UI ChartCategoryAxes.

Telerik UI ChartCategoryAxisAutoBaseUnitSteps.

Telerik UI ChartCategoryAxisLabels.

Telerik UI ChartCategoryAxisLabelsBorder.

Telerik UI ChartCategoryAxisLabelsMargin.

Telerik UI ChartCategoryAxisLabelsPadding.

Telerik UI ChartCategoryAxisLabelsRotation.

Telerik UI ChartCategoryAxisMajorGridLines.

Telerik UI ChartCategoryAxisMajorTicks.

Telerik UI ChartCategoryAxisMinorGridLines.

Telerik UI ChartCategoryAxisMinorTicks.

Telerik UI ChartCategoryAxisPlotBandLabel.

Telerik UI ChartCategoryAxisPlotBandLabelBorder.

Telerik UI ChartCategoryAxisPlotBandLabelMargin.

Telerik UI ChartCategoryAxisPlotBandLabelPadding.

Telerik UI ChartCategoryAxisPlotBands.

Telerik UI ChartCategoryAxisTitle.

Telerik UI ChartCategoryAxisTitleBorder.

Telerik UI ChartCategoryAxisTitleMargin.

Telerik UI ChartCategoryAxisTitlePadding.

Telerik UI ChartChartArea.

The tooltip template context.

The drilldown event args.

Telerik UI ChartLegend.

Telerik UI ChartLegendBorder.

Telerik UI ChartLegendItem.

Telerik UI ChartLegendItemArea.

The legend item click event arguments.

Telerik UI ChartLegendItemHighlight.

Telerik UI ChartLegendItemHighlightMarkers.

Telerik UI ChartLegendItemHighlightMarkersBorder.

Telerik UI ChartLegendItemLine.

Telerik UI ChartLegendItemMarkers.

Telerik UI ChartLegendItemMarkersBorder.

Telerik UI ChartLegendLabels.

Telerik UI ChartLegendLabelsMargin.

Telerik UI ChartLegendLabelsPadding.

Telerik UI ChartLegendMargin.

Telerik UI ChartLegendPadding.

Telerik UI ChartLegendTitle.

Telerik UI ChartLegendTitleBorder.

Telerik UI ChartLegendTitleMargin.

Telerik UI ChartLegendTitlePadding.

Telerik UI ChartPannable.

Telerik UI ChartPlotArea.

Telerik UI ChartPlotAreaBorder.

Telerik UI ChartPlotAreaMargin.

Telerik UI ChartPlotAreaPadding.

Telerik UI ChartSeriesBorder.

The series click event arguments.

Specifies a chart series descriptor.

Telerik UI ChartSeriesItems.

Telerik UI ChartSeriesLabels.

Telerik UI ChartSeriesLabelsBorder.

Telerik UI ChartSeriesLabelsFrom.

Telerik UI ChartSeriesLabelsFromBorder.

Telerik UI ChartSeriesLabelsFromMargin.

Telerik UI ChartSeriesLabelsFromPadding.

Telerik UI ChartSeriesLabelsMargin.

Telerik UI ChartSeriesLabelsPadding.

Telerik UI ChartSeriesLabelsTo.

Telerik UI ChartSeriesLabelsToBorder.

Telerik UI ChartSeriesLabelsToMargin.

Telerik UI ChartSeriesLabelsToPadding.

Telerik UI ChartSeriesLegendItem.

Telerik UI ChartSeriesLegendItemHighlight.

Telerik UI ChartSeriesLegendItemHighlightMarkers.

Telerik UI ChartSeriesLegendItemHighlightMarkersBorder.

Telerik UI ChartSeriesLegendItemMarkers.

Telerik UI ChartSeriesLegendItemMarkersBorder.

Telerik UI ChartSeriesLine.

Telerik UI ChartSeriesMarkers.

Telerik UI ChartSeriesMarkersBorder.

Telerik UI ChartSeriesNegativeValues.

Telerik UI ChartSeriesOverlay.

Telerik UI ChartSeriesStack.

Telerik UI ChartSeriesTooltip.

The shared template context for the chart tooltip.

The tooltip template context.

The tooltip template point.

Telerik UI ChartSeriesTrendline.

Telerik UI ChartSeriesTrendlineForecast.

Telerik UI ChartSubtitle.

Telerik UI ChartSubtitleBorder.

Telerik UI ChartSubtitleMargin.

Telerik UI ChartSubtitlePadding.

Telerik UI ChartTitle.

Telerik UI ChartTitleBorder.

Telerik UI ChartTitleMargin.

Telerik UI ChartTitlePadding.

Telerik UI ChartTooltip.

Telerik UI ChartValueAxes.

Telerik UI ChartValueAxisLabels.

Telerik UI ChartValueAxisLabelsBorder.

Telerik UI ChartValueAxisLabelsMargin.

Telerik UI ChartValueAxisLabelsPadding.

Telerik UI ChartValueAxisLabelsRotation.

Telerik UI ChartValueAxisMajorGridLines.

Telerik UI ChartValueAxisMajorTicks.

Telerik UI ChartValueAxisMinorGridLines.

Telerik UI ChartValueAxisMinorTicks.

Telerik UI ChartValueAxisPlotBandLabel.

Telerik UI ChartValueAxisPlotBandLabelBorder.

Telerik UI ChartValueAxisPlotBandLabelMargin.

Telerik UI ChartValueAxisPlotBandLabelPadding.

Telerik UI ChartValueAxisPlotBands.

Telerik UI ChartValueAxisTitle.

Telerik UI ChartValueAxisTitleBorder.

Telerik UI ChartValueAxisTitleMargin.

Telerik UI ChartValueAxisTitlePadding.

Telerik UI ChartXAxes.

Telerik UI ChartXAxisLabels.

Telerik UI ChartXAxisLabelsBorder.

Telerik UI ChartXAxisLabelsMargin.

Telerik UI ChartXAxisLabelsPadding.

Telerik UI ChartXAxisLabelsRotation.

Telerik UI ChartXAxisLine.

Telerik UI ChartXAxisMajorGridLines.

Telerik UI ChartXAxisMajorTicks.

Telerik UI ChartXAxisMinorGridLines.

Telerik UI ChartXAxisMinorTicks.

Telerik UI ChartXAxisPlotBandLabel.

Telerik UI ChartXAxisPlotBandLabelBorder.

Telerik UI ChartXAxisPlotBandLabelMargin.

Telerik UI ChartXAxisPlotBandLabelPadding.

Telerik UI ChartXAxisPlotBands.

Telerik UI ChartXAxisTitle.

Telerik UI ChartXAxisTitleBorder.

Telerik UI ChartXAxisTitleMargin.

Telerik UI ChartXAxisTitlePadding.

Telerik UI ChartYAxes.

Telerik UI ChartYAxisLabels.

Telerik UI ChartYAxisLabelsBorder.

Telerik UI ChartYAxisLabelsMargin.

Telerik UI ChartYAxisLabelsPadding.

Telerik UI ChartYAxisLabelsRotation.

Telerik UI ChartYAxisLine.

Telerik UI ChartYAxisMajorGridLines.

Telerik UI ChartYAxisMajorTicks.

Telerik UI ChartYAxisMinorGridLines.

Telerik UI ChartYAxisMinorTicks.

Telerik UI ChartYAxisPlotBandLabel.

Telerik UI ChartYAxisPlotBandLabelBorder.

Telerik UI ChartYAxisPlotBandLabelMargin.

Telerik UI ChartYAxisPlotBandLabelPadding.

Telerik UI ChartYAxisPlotBands.

Telerik UI ChartYAxisTitle.

Telerik UI ChartYAxisTitleBorder.

Telerik UI ChartYAxisTitleMargin.

Telerik UI ChartYAxisTitlePadding.

Telerik UI ChartZoomable.

Telerik UI ChartZoomableMousewheel.

Telerik UI ChartZoomableSelection.

The class that describes the event arguments of the OnClick event of the Chip.

The class that describes the event arguments of the OnChipRemove event of the ChipList.

The class that describes the event arguments of the OnRemove event of the Chip.

Telerik UI CircularGaugeGaugeArea.

Telerik UI CircularGaugeGaugeAreaBorder.

Telerik UI CircularGaugeGaugeAreaMargin.

Telerik UI CircularGaugePointers.

Telerik UI CircularGaugeScaleLabels.

Telerik UI CircularGaugeScaleLabelsBorder.

Telerik UI CircularGaugeScaleLabelsMargin.

Telerik UI CircularGaugeScaleLabelsPadding.

Telerik UI CircularGaugeScaleMajorTicks.

Telerik UI CircularGaugeScaleMinorTicks.

Telerik UI CircularGaugeScales.

The class that describes the event arguments of the OnClose event of the ColorPicker.

The class that describes the event arguments of the OnOpen event of the ColorPicker.

The context for the template of the column menu chooser.

The class that describes the event arguments of the OnClose event of the ComboBox.

The class that describes the event arguments to the ComboBox item render event.

The class that describes the event arguments of the OnOpen event of the ComboBox.

The class that describes the event arguments of the OnRead event of the combobox.

Defines the popup settings for the component.

The class that describes the event arguments of the OnClose event of the DatePicker.

The class that describes the event arguments of the OnOpen event of the DatePicker.

Describes the event arguments of the OnChange event of the DateRangePicker component.

Describes the event arguments of the OnClose event of the DateRangePicker component.

Describes the event arguments of the OnOpen event of the DateRangePicker component.

The class that describes the event arguments of the OnClose event of the DateTimePicker.

The class that describes the event arguments of the OnOpen event of the DateTimePicker.

Describes the way the Drawer component interacts with the content.

Describes the position of the drawer in relation to the screen and the content.

The class for the dropdown button item.

The class that describes the event arguments of the OnClose event of the DropDownList.

The class that describes the event arguments to the DropDownList item render event.

The class that describes the event arguments of the OnOpen event of the DropDownList.

The class that describes the event arguments of the OnRead event of the dropdownlist.

The class for the paste settings of the Editor component.

The event arguments for the OnCreate event.

The event arguments for the OnDelete event.

The event arguments for the OnDownload event.

The event arguments for the OnEdit event.

The class that describes the event arguments of the "OnRead" event.

The event arguments for the OnUpdate event.

The component that configures the upload settings.

Arguments for the select event.

The context for the template of the filter row cell.

Defines a filter field for the Filter component.

The context for the filter field template.

The context for the template of the filter menu popup.

The aggregate context object of the column available in the Footer template. Contains properties for the result of all possible aggregate functions, namely Count, Sum, Average, Min and Max, along with a list of all AggregateResult.

Defines the FormAutoGeneratedItems component.

Defines the FormItem component.

The event arguments for the OnAdd event.

The event arguments for the OnCancel event.

The class that describes the event arguments of the OnCollapse event of the Gantt.

The class for data columns in the gantt that can show all types of data.

The component that configures the column menu chooser.

The component that configures the column menu chooser group.

The component that configures the column menu chooser item.

The component that configures the column menu.

Describes a column in the State.

The class for the command button in a Gantt.

The class for the command column of the gantt where you can put buttons for built-in commands like Edit, Save, Delete, Cancel; as well as buttons for custom commands whose OnClick you can handle.

The event arguments for the OnCreate event.

The event arguments for the OnDelete event.

The event arguments for the OnCreate event.

The event arguments for the OnCreate event.

Describes a dependency within the Gantt component.

The event arguments for the OnEdit event.

The class that describes the event arguments of the OnExpand event of the Gantt.

Defines the context for the templates of the Gantt popup edit dialog.

The class that contains the state of the Telerik Gantt Component.

The class that describes the event arguments of the OnStateInit and OnStateChanged events of the Gantt. Used to track changes made by user interaction such as sorting, filtering, column resizing, etc.

The event arguments for the OnUpdate event.

The tooltip template context.

The gauge pointer object that is exposed in a template context.

The event arguments for the event that is triggered after CSV export.

The event arguments for the event that is triggered after Excel export.

The class for the Auto Generated Column of the TelerikGrid<TItem> component.

The event arguments for the event that is triggered before CSV export.

The event arguments for the event that is triggered before Excel export.

The class that describes the event arguments to the grid cell render event.

Defines a data bound column in the grid that can show all types of data.

The component that configures the column menu chooser.

The component that configures the column menu chooser group.

The component that configures the column menu chooser item.

The component that configures the column menu.

Describes a column in the grid State.

The class for the command button in a grid command column.

Defines a command column in the grid where you can put buttons for built-in commands like Edit, Save, Delete, Cancel; as well as buttons for custom commands whose OnClick you can handle.

The class describes the event arguments of the Grid events that are triggered by command buttons and CUD operations.

The component that configures the CSV export.

The component that configures the excel export.

The group aggregate context object of the column available in the Group Header and Footer templates. Contains properties for the result of all possible aggregate functions, namely Count, Sum, Average, Min and Max.

The group aggregate context object of the column available in the Group Header and Footer templates. Contains properties for the result of all possible aggregate functions, namely Count, Sum, Average, Min and Max.

The component that configures the groupable options.

The class for the Telerik GridLayoutItem Component.

The component that configures the Grid pager settings.

Defines the EventArgs for the templates of the Grid popup window.

The class that describes the event arguments of the OnRead event of the grid. Used to implement custom data source read operations - fetching data, paging, filtering, sorting and so on.

The class that describes the event arguments to the grid events.

The class that describes the event arguments to the grid events.

The class that describes the event arguments to the grid row drop event.

The class that describes the event arguments to the grid events.

The class that describes the event arguments to the grid row render event.

The class for the SearchBox you can add in the Grid ToolBar.

The component that configures the Grid selection settings.

The class that contains the state of the Telerik Grid Component.

The class that describes the event arguments of the OnStateChanged event of the grid. Used to track changes made by user interaction such as grouping, sorting, filtering, column resizing, etc.


Describes an Editor tool that invokes a command.


Basic interface for editor tools.


Telerik UI LinearGaugeGaugeArea.

Telerik UI LinearGaugeGaugeAreaBorder.

Telerik UI LinearGaugeGaugeAreaMargin.

Telerik UI LinearGaugePointerBorder.

Telerik UI LinearGaugePointerTrack.

Telerik UI LinearGaugePointerTrackBorder.

Telerik UI LinearGaugePointers.

Telerik UI LinearGaugeScaleLabels.

Telerik UI LinearGaugeScaleLabelsBorder.

Telerik UI LinearGaugeScaleLabelsMargin.

Telerik UI LinearGaugeScaleLabelsPadding.

Telerik UI LinearGaugeScaleLine.

Telerik UI LinearGaugeScaleMajorTicks.

Telerik UI LinearGaugeScaleMinorTicks.

Telerik UI LinearGaugeScaleRanges.

Telerik UI LinearGaugeScales.

The class describes the event arguments of the OnDrop event.

The class describes the event arguments of the TelerikListBox<TItem> events that are triggered by the various built-in tools.

The class describes the event arguments of the OnRemove event.

The class describes the event arguments of the OnReorder event.

The class describes the event arguments of the OnTransfer event.

The class for the command button in a ListView.

The class that describes the event arguments to the ListView events.

The component that configures the ListView pager settings.

The class that describes the event arguments of the OnRead event of the ListView.

The loader position against the text in the loader container.

The type (animation) of the Loader indicator.

The click event arguments.

Telerik UI MapControls.

Telerik UI MapControlsAttribution.

Telerik UI MapControlsNavigator.

Telerik UI MapControlsZoom.

Telerik UI MapLayerBubbleSettings.

Telerik UI MapLayerBubbleSettingsStyle.

Telerik UI MapLayerBubbleSettingsStyleFill.

Telerik UI MapLayerBubbleSettingsStyleStroke.

Telerik UI MapLayerMarkerSettings.

Telerik UI MapLayerMarkerSettingsTooltip.

Telerik UI MapLayerShapeSettings.

Telerik UI MapLayerShapeSettingsStyle.

Telerik UI MapLayerShapeSettingsStyleFill.

Telerik UI MapLayerShapeSettingsStyleStroke.

Telerik UI MapLayers.

The marker click event arguments.

The tooltip template context.

The pan end event arguments.

The shape click event arguments.

The zoom end event arguments.

Defines the popup settings for the component.

The class that describes the event arguments of the OnClose event of the MultiColumnComboBox.

Defines a column for the MultiColumnComboBox component.

The class that describes the event arguments of the OnOpen event of the MultiColumnComboBox.

The class that describes the event arguments of the OnRead event of the multicolumn combobox.

The class that describes the event arguments of the OnClose event of the MultiSelect.

The class that describes the event arguments to the MultiSelect item render event.

The class that describes the event arguments of the OnOpen event of the MultiSelect.

The class that describes the event arguments of the OnRead event of the multiselect.

The class that describes the event arguments of the OnCollapse event of the PanelBar.

The class that describes the event arguments of the OnExpand event of the PanelBar.

Defines the expanded mode of a panel bar component.

The class that describes the event arguments of the OnItemClick event of the PanelBar.

The class that describes the event arguments of the OnItemRender event of the PanelBar.

Arguments for the open event.

Arguments for the error event.

Arguments for the open event.

Specifies a column.

Specifies the template context.

Specifies the template context.

Specifies a field configuration.

Specifies a measure.

Specifies a row.

Specifies the template context.

Specifies a column.

Specifies settings.

The possible layouts for the popover action buttons applied via flexbox rules.

The possible behaviors of the popover when it is about to be displayed outside of the viewport.

The possible positions of the popover.

The event that will trigger the popover to show.

The class that describes the event arguments of the OnBeforeHide event of the Popup.

The class that describes the event arguments of the OnBeforeShow event of the Popup.

The context class for the template of the progress bar label.

Telerik UI QRCodeBorder.

Telerik UI QRCodeOverlay.

Telerik UI RadialGaugeGaugeArea.

Telerik UI RadialGaugeGaugeAreaBorder.

Telerik UI RadialGaugeGaugeAreaMargin.

Telerik UI RadialGaugePointerCap.

Telerik UI RadialGaugePointers.

Telerik UI RadialGaugeScaleLabels.

Telerik UI RadialGaugeScaleLabelsBorder.

Telerik UI RadialGaugeScaleLabelsMargin.

Telerik UI RadialGaugeScaleLabelsPadding.

Telerik UI RadialGaugeScaleMajorTicks.

Telerik UI RadialGaugeScaleMinorTicks.

Telerik UI RadialGaugeScaleRanges.

Telerik UI RadialGaugeScales.

Represents the context of the Rating item template.

Represents the precision mode for the Rating.

Represents the selection mode for the Rating.

The class that describes the event arguments of the OnRead event of a Telerik component. Used to implement custom data source read operations - fetching data, paging, filtering, sorting and so on.


Telerik UI SankeyData.

Telerik UI SankeyDataLinkHighlight.

Telerik UI SankeyDataLinks.

Telerik UI SankeyDataNodeLabel.

Telerik UI SankeyDataNodeLabelBorder.

Telerik UI SankeyDataNodeLabelMargin.

Telerik UI SankeyDataNodeLabelOffset.

Telerik UI SankeyDataNodeLabelPadding.

Telerik UI SankeyDataNodeLabelStroke.

Telerik UI SankeyDataNodeOffset.

Telerik UI SankeyDataNodes.

Telerik UI SankeyLabels.

Telerik UI SankeyLabelsBorder.

Telerik UI SankeyLabelsMargin.

Telerik UI SankeyLabelsOffset.

Telerik UI SankeyLabelsPadding.

Telerik UI SankeyLabelsStroke.

Telerik UI SankeyLegend.

Telerik UI SankeyLegendBorder.

Telerik UI SankeyLegendItem.

Telerik UI SankeyLegendLabels.

Telerik UI SankeyLegendLabelsMargin.

Telerik UI SankeyLegendLabelsPadding.

Telerik UI SankeyLegendMargin.

Telerik UI SankeyLegendPadding.

Telerik UI SankeyLegendTitle.

Telerik UI SankeyLegendTitleBorder.

Telerik UI SankeyLegendTitleMargin.

Telerik UI SankeyLegendTitlePadding.

Specifies the event arguments of the event.

Specifies the event arguments of the event.

Specifies the event arguments of the event.

The template context for the tooltip of the link.

Telerik UI SankeyLinks.

Telerik UI SankeyLinksHighlight.

Specifies the event arguments of the event.

Specifies the event arguments of the event.

Specifies the event arguments of the event.

The template context for the tooltip of the node.

Telerik UI SankeyNodes.

Telerik UI SankeyNodesOffset.

Telerik UI SankeyTitle.

Telerik UI SankeyTitleBorder.

Telerik UI SankeyTitleMargin.

Telerik UI SankeyTitlePadding.

Telerik UI SankeyTooltip.

The Scheduler's AllDay slot template context.

The event arguments for the OnCancel event.

The class that describes the event arguments to the scheduler cell render event.

The event arguments for the OnCreate event.

The event arguments for the OnDelete event.

The event arguments for the OnEdit event.

The event arguments for the OnItemClick event.

The event arguments for the OnItemContextMenu event.

The event arguments for the OnItemDoubleClick event.

The class that describes the event arguments to the scheduler item render event.

The Scheduler's resource group header template context.

The Scheduler's slot template context.

The event arguments for the OnUpdate event.

The class that describes the selected cell.

The class for the split button item.

The event args for the collapse event.

The event args for the expand event.

The class for splitter pane.

Stores the state of a splitter pane.

The event args for the resize event.

Stores the state of a splitter component.

Arguments for the open event.

Arguments for the open event.

The class for the stepper step component.

Telerik UI StockChartCategoryAxes.

Telerik UI StockChartCategoryAxisAutoBaseUnitSteps.

Telerik UI StockChartCategoryAxisCrosshair.

Telerik UI StockChartCategoryAxisCrosshairTooltip.

Telerik UI StockChartCategoryAxisLabels.

Telerik UI StockChartCategoryAxisLabelsBorder.

Telerik UI StockChartCategoryAxisLabelsRotation.

Telerik UI StockChartCategoryAxisLine.

Telerik UI StockChartCategoryAxisMajorGridLines.

Telerik UI StockChartCategoryAxisMajorTicks.

Telerik UI StockChartCategoryAxisMinorGridLines.

Telerik UI StockChartCategoryAxisMinorTicks.

Telerik UI StockChartCategoryAxisPlotBandLabel.

Telerik UI StockChartCategoryAxisPlotBandLabelBorder.

Telerik UI StockChartCategoryAxisPlotBandLabelMargin.

Telerik UI StockChartCategoryAxisPlotBandLabelPadding.

Telerik UI StockChartCategoryAxisPlotBands.

Telerik UI StockChartCategoryAxisTitle.

Telerik UI StockChartCategoryAxisTitleBorder.

Telerik UI StockChartChartArea.

Telerik UI StockChartLegend.

Telerik UI StockChartLegendBorder.

Telerik UI StockChartLegendItem.

Telerik UI StockChartLegendItemArea.

Telerik UI StockChartLegendItemHighlight.

Telerik UI StockChartLegendItemHighlightMarkers.

Telerik UI StockChartLegendItemHighlightMarkersBorder.

Telerik UI StockChartLegendItemLine.

Telerik UI StockChartLegendItemMarkers.

Telerik UI StockChartLegendItemMarkersBorder.

Telerik UI StockChartLegendLabels.

Telerik UI StockChartLegendTitle.

Telerik UI StockChartLegendTitleBorder.

Telerik UI StockChartLegendTitleMargin.

Telerik UI StockChartLegendTitlePadding.

Telerik UI StockChartNavigator.

Telerik UI StockChartNavigatorCategoryAxis.

Telerik UI StockChartNavigatorCategoryAxisAutoBaseUnitSteps.

Telerik UI StockChartNavigatorCategoryAxisLabels.

Telerik UI StockChartNavigatorCategoryAxisLabelsBorder.

Telerik UI StockChartNavigatorCategoryAxisLabelsMargin.

Telerik UI StockChartNavigatorCategoryAxisLabelsPadding.

Telerik UI StockChartNavigatorCategoryAxisLabelsRotation.

Telerik UI StockChartNavigatorCategoryAxisLine.

Telerik UI StockChartNavigatorCategoryAxisMajorGridLines.

Telerik UI StockChartNavigatorCategoryAxisMajorTicks.

Telerik UI StockChartNavigatorCategoryAxisMinorGridLines.

Telerik UI StockChartNavigatorCategoryAxisMinorTicks.

Telerik UI StockChartNavigatorCategoryAxisTitle.

Telerik UI StockChartNavigatorCategoryAxisTitleBorder.

Telerik UI StockChartNavigatorCategoryAxisTitleMargin.

Telerik UI StockChartNavigatorHint.

Telerik UI StockChartNavigatorSelect.

Telerik UI StockChartNavigatorSelectMousewheel.

Telerik UI StockChartNavigatorSeriesItems.

Telerik UI StockChartNavigatorSeriesLabels.

Telerik UI StockChartNavigatorSeriesLabelsBorder.

Telerik UI StockChartNavigatorSeriesLine.

Telerik UI StockChartNavigatorSeriesMarkers.

Telerik UI StockChartNavigatorSeriesMarkersBorder.

Telerik UI StockChartNavigatorSeriesOverlay.

Telerik UI StockChartPlotArea.

Telerik UI StockChartPlotAreaBorder.

Telerik UI StockChartPlotAreaMargin.

Telerik UI StockChartPlotAreaPadding.

Telerik UI StockChartSeriesBorder.

Telerik UI StockChartSeriesItems.

Telerik UI StockChartSeriesLegendItem.

Telerik UI StockChartSeriesLegendItemHighlight.

Telerik UI StockChartSeriesLegendItemHighlightMarkers.

Telerik UI StockChartSeriesLegendItemHighlightMarkersBorder.

Telerik UI StockChartSeriesLegendItemMarkers.

Telerik UI StockChartSeriesLegendItemMarkersBorder.

Telerik UI StockChartSeriesOverlay.

Telerik UI StockChartSeriesTooltip.

Telerik UI StockChartSubtitle.

Telerik UI StockChartSubtitleBorder.

Telerik UI StockChartSubtitleMargin.

Telerik UI StockChartSubtitlePadding.

Telerik UI StockChartTitle.

Telerik UI StockChartTitleBorder.

Telerik UI StockChartTooltip.

Telerik UI StockChartValueAxes.

Telerik UI StockChartValueAxisCrosshair.

Telerik UI StockChartValueAxisCrosshairTooltip.

Telerik UI StockChartValueAxisLabels.

Telerik UI StockChartValueAxisLabelsBorder.

Telerik UI StockChartValueAxisLabelsRotation.

Telerik UI StockChartValueAxisLine.

Telerik UI StockChartValueAxisMajorGridLines.

Telerik UI StockChartValueAxisMajorTicks.

Telerik UI StockChartValueAxisMinorGridLines.

Telerik UI StockChartValueAxisMinorTicks.

Telerik UI StockChartValueAxisPlotBandLabel.

Telerik UI StockChartValueAxisPlotBandLabelBorder.

Telerik UI StockChartValueAxisPlotBandLabelMargin.

Telerik UI StockChartValueAxisPlotBandLabelPadding.

Telerik UI StockChartValueAxisPlotBands.

Telerik UI StockChartValueAxisTitle.

Telerik UI StockChartValueAxisTitleBorder.

The base component that configures the column menu chooser group.

The base component that configures the column menu chooser item.

A container that can be positioned and sized as desired, and shows with an animation.

Telerik UI ArcGauge component.

The class for the Telerik AutoComplete component.

Telerik UI Barcode component.

The class for the Telerik Breadcrumb Component.

The class for the Telerik Button component.

The class for the Telerik ButtonGroup component.

The Calendar component class.

The class for the Telerik Card component. Predefined child card components are CardHeader, CardTitle, CardSubTitle, CardBody, CardImage, CardSeparator, CardActions, CardFooter.

The class for the TelerikCarousel component.

Telerik UI Chart component.

The class for the Telerik Chart Breadcrumb Component.

The class for the Telerik Checkbox component.

The class for the Telerik ChunkProgressBar component.

Telerik UI CircularGauge component.

The class for the Telerik ColorGradient Component.

The class for the Telerik ColorPalette component.

The class for the Telerik ColorPicker component.

The class for the Telerik ComboBox component.

The class for the Telerik Context Menu component.

The class for the DateInput component.

The class for the DatePicker component.

The class for the DateRangePicker component.

The class for the DateTimePicker component.

The class for the TelerikDialog component.

The class for the Telerik Drawer component.

The class for the DropDownList component.

The class for the Telerik DropZone component.

The class for the Telerik Editor component.

The class for the Telerik FileManager component.

The class for the Telerik FileSelect component.

The class for the Telerik Filter Component.

The class for the Telerik FlatColorPicker Component.

The Telerik Floating Label component.

The class for the Telerik Font Icon component.

The class for the Telerik Form Component.

Defines the TelerikFormGroupRenderer component.

Defines the TelerikFormItemRenderer component.

The class for the Telerik Gantt component.

The class for the Telerik Grid component.

The class for the Telerik GridLayout Component.

Telerik UI LinearGauge component.

The class for the Telerik ListBox component.

The class for the TelerikListView component.

The class for the Telerik Loader component.

The class for the Telerik Loader Container component.

Telerik UI Map component.

The Telerik Masked TextBox class.

The class for the MediaQuery component.

The class for the Telerik Menu Component.

The class for the Telerik MultiColumnComboBox component.

The class for the Telerik MultiSelect component.

The class for the Telerik Notification component.

The class for the Numeric Textbox component.

The class for the Telerik Pager component.

The class for the Telerik PanelBar component.

The class for the Telerik PDF Viewer.

The class for the Telerik PivotGrid component.

The class for the Telerik PivotGrid Configurator component.

The class for the Telerik PivotGrid Configurator Button component.

The class for the Telerik PivotGrid Container component.

Represents the Telerik UI Popover component.

Represents the Telerik UI Popup component.

The class for the Telerik ProgressBar component.

Telerik UI QRCode component.

Telerik UI RadialGauge component.

The class for the Telerik RadioGroup Component.

The class for the Telerik RangeSlider component.

The base class for the TelerikRootComponent that needs to be at the root of the main layout of the application.

Telerik UI Sankey component.

The class for the Telerik Scheduler component.

Telerik UI Signature component.

The class for the Telerik Skeleton component.

The class for the Telerik Slider component.

The class for the Telerik SplitButton component.

The class for the Telerik Splitter component.

The class for the Telerik StackLayout component.

The class for the Telerik Stepper component.

Telerik UI StockChart component.

The class for the Telerik SVG Icon component.

The class for the Telerik Switch component.

The class for the Telerik Tab Strip component.

The Telerik TextArea component.

The Telerik TextBox class.

The class for the Telerik TileLayout component.

The class for the DatePicker component.

The class for the Telerik Toggle Button component.

The class for the Telerik ToolBar component.

The class for the Tooltip component.

The class for the Telerik TreeList component.

The class for the Telerik TreeView component.

The class for the Telerik Upload component.

The class for the Telerik Validation Message component.

The class for the Telerik Validation Summary component.

The class for the Telerik Validation Tooltip component.

The class for the Telerik Window component.

The class for the wizard component.

The class for TileLayout items.

Describes the user-changeable state of an individual TileLayout tile so you can store it and apply it to the component through its parent TileLayoutState object.

The ReorderEventArgs for the TileLayout item.

The ResizeEventargs for the TileLayout item.

Describes the state of the TileLayout so you can store it and apply it to the component.

The class that describes the event arguments of the OnClose event of the TimePicker.

The class that describes the event arguments of the OnOpen event of the TimePicker.

The class for the Toolbar ToggleButton component.

The type of the context of the Tooltip component Template.

The component for the Auto Generated Column of the TelerikTreeList<TItem> component.

The class that describes the event arguments to the treelist cell render event.

The class that describes the event arguments of the OnCollapse event of the TreeList.

The class for data columns in the treelist that can show all types of data.

The component that configures the column menu chooser.

The component that configures the column menu chooser group.

The component that configures the column menu chooser item.

The component that configures the column menu.

Describes a column in the TreeList State.

The class for the command button in a TreeList.

The class for the command column of the treelist where you can put buttons for built-in commands like Edit, Save, Delete, Cancel; as well as buttons for custom commands whose OnClick you can handle.

The class that describes the event arguments to the TreeList events.

The class that describes the event arguments of the OnExpand event of the TreeList.

The component that configures the TreeList pager settings.

Defines the context for the templates of the TreeList popup window.

The class that describes the event arguments to the treelist events.

The class that describes the event arguments to the treelist row drop event.

The class that describes the event arguments to the treelist row render event.

The class for the SearchBox you can add in the TreeList ToolBar.

The component that configures the TreeList selection settings.

The class that contains the state of the Telerik TreeList Component.

The class that describes the event arguments of the OnStateInit and OnStateChanged events of the TreeList. Used to track changes made by user interaction such as sorting, filtering, column resizing, etc.

The checkbox selection mode of the TreeView component.

The event arguments of the drop event of the TreeView.

The class that describes the event arguments of the OnItemChange event of the TreeView.

The class that describes the event arguments of the OnItemClick event of the TreeView.

The class that describes the event arguments of the OnItemContextMenu event of the TreeView.

The class that describes the event arguments of the OnItemDoubleClick event of the TreeView.

The class that describes the event arguments of the OnItemRender event of the TreeView.

The selection mode of the TreeView component.

Arguments for the cancel event.

Arguments for the upload/remove event.

Arguments for the clear event.

Arguments for the error event.

Arguments for the upload/remove event.

Arguments for the progress event.

Arguments for the select event.

Arguments for the success event.

The class for the wizard step component.

The event arguments of step change event of the Wizard.

The class for the wizard stepper settings component.

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