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Telerik UI for Xamarin

The best quality Xamarin UI controls for fast development and superior performance.

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Xamarin UI components are part of the DevCraft bundles. Learn more.


Planning a migration to .NET MAUI: Learn more.

Telerik UI for Xamarin Dark Wave

Xamarin.Forms Controls Key Features

Telerik UI for Xamarin offers high quality Xamarin Forms UI components and Visual Studio item templates to enable every developer, regardless of their experience, to build professional-looking modern mobile applications for iOS, Android and UWP.

Native Xamarin Controls & Advanced UI Virtualization

Build your next Xamarin.Forms application with a complete business-ready suite of feature-rich native UI controls that integrate seamlessly into your project and come with advanced UI virtualization, fast loading, flexible customization capabilities, MVVM support and countless other features.

Save Months in UI Development with One Suite for Any Scenario

Telerik UI for Xamarin offers all the controls you will ever need for building modern-looking and high-performance Xamarin.Forms applications. Optimized for phones, tablets and desktop, the toolset enables you to cut development time in half and focus on your application's business logic.

Stay Ahead of the Xamarin Innovation Curve

From Blazor Bindings or .NET MAUI to the latest Android and iOS support libraries, the Telerik team is always one step ahead of the curve. Working closely with the team at Microsoft ensures the Telerik UI for Xamarin suite is always compatible with the latest cutting-edge technology and best programming practices.

Dark Mode Support

Dark mode is more than a trend, it is a necessity. All Telerik UI for Xamarin components are professionally optimized to support the Android Dark Theme and iOS Dark Mode, giving users the choice to switch between light and dark themes for optimal visual comfort.

Localization and Globalization

Ship applications anywhere—in any country and language. All Telerik UI for Xamarin controls are fully localizable and able to detect the device culture in order to apply the appropriate text, number and date formats.

Document Processing Libraries

With Telerik Document Processing Libraries built for .NET Standard, you can easily import, export, create, manipulate and convert the most common document file formats such as XSLX, DOCX, PDF in your Xamarin.Forms application, without the need to use Microsoft Office Interop.


Greatness—it’s one thing to say you have it, but it means more when others recognize it. Telerik is proud to hold the following industry awards. 

All Essential Xamarin UI Components You Will Need

Telerik UI for Xamarin Waves Image

Take Telerik UI for Xamarin for a Test Drive

Check out and play with our Demo apps

  • Enterprise resource management
  • Customer relations management
  • Task management
  • AI-powered content database
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Telerik UI for Xamarin Demo Apps Screenshots

Xamarin.Forms Controls Showcases

Canberra Trip Planner

by VisitCanberra
When it comes to Canberra, it’s one good thing after another – so plan your trip with the world’s first video itinerary planner. Choose from over 100 mini moments to create a personalized movie trailer of your perfect visit.

BidMagic Tech Calendar

By BidMagic Corp
BidMagic Tech Calendar manages the schedule and tasks of field techs. Create work orders, service tickets and quick tasks for iPhones. Techs can view their schedule, maps and directions to jobsites, open detailed work orders and service tickets, mark tasks complete and clock in and out of the appointments from iPhones.


By retcoil
Need to find something on the move? Buying and selling is now at your fingertips with the new ad app. ad is the advanced classifieds app to buy a house, sell a car or find second hand products. No hassle, no headaches, simple, and its absolutely free.

Buy as Part of DevCraft Bundle

You can buy Telerik UI for Xamarin as part of a DevCraft bundle only. Telerik DevCraft offers the most value for money—and the most power—by covering all .NET and JavaScript technologies, reporting, mocking and testing solutions.

Telerik UI for Xamarin Ninja and Kendoka

Buy DevCraft Bundle

Get the complete bundle of .NET controls, JavaScript components, reporting, automated testing and productivity tools.

See Pricing

Starting at $1,499

What's New with Telerik UI for Xamarin

Xamarin DataGrid Empty Template Highlight

Xamarin DataGrid Improvement: Empty Template

PDF Processing highlight

New PDFProcessing Improvements: Multiple Images-Related Enhancements

Spread Stream Processing highlight

New SpreadStreamProcessing Improvements: Support for Importing Rich Text as Plain Text

Xamarin.Forms Controls Support and Learning

Telerik UI for Xamarin Banner
Telerik UI for Xamarin Ninja

Telerik Tagit

Source code and coding-walkthrough for a full-featured Xamarin app. It's all yours and it's free.

Telerik Tagit is a slick cross-platform native mobile Xamarin app designed to turn the photo collection on your phone into a database that you can search and sort by the content contained in the individual images. It uses Progress Telerik UI for Xamarin controls for the front end, offering a stunning, high-performant UI and Microsoft Azure's Computer Vision API (part of the Cognitive Services suite) on the backend to caption images and tag them with search keywords. The app is available for Andriod, iOS, and UWP.

Learn more
Telerik UI for Xamarin Press

4 Steps To Jumpstart Your Xamarin App Development

Consumer-facing apps can bolster audience engagement and the customer experience, while internal apps can significantly improve productivity and operations.

Telerik UI for Xamarin eBook Graphic

The Ultimate Guide to Xamarin.Forms Mobile Development with Real World Sample Applications

In this eBook, we will walk you through three real-world Xamarin.Forms application examples, their backend architecture and data access, UI layer and source code.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is Telerik UI for Xamarin used for?
  • What are the benefits of using Telerik UI for Xamarin?
  • How easy is it to get started with the Telerik Xamarin.Forms controls?
  • Where can I find Telerik Xamarin.Forms sample apps and demos?
  • How does Telerik UI for Xamarin support iOS, Android and UWP platforms?

Industry-Leading Support

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Get answers to your questions directly from the developers who build this UI suite, even during your trial period.

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If you are not a developer or don't have time to evaluate our product, send us your project requirements. We will evaluate your required features and let you know how our products fit your needs.

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Check out the offers. Purchase an individual suite, or treat yourself to one of our bundles.

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A trial includes dedicated technical support.